
Square Enix Teams with V Jump For Original DS RPG

andriasang writes: "Square Enix publishes its own comic magazines, but it's looking outside the family for its latest gaming tie-up. The company announced today Cross Treasures, a new DS title that's being produced as a collaborative project with Weekly Shounen Jump's monthly sister publication V Jump."

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SpoonyRedMage5419d ago

So it was a DS game after all... looks like a pretty high-end one too.

It sounds like a cool idea and could be a great new franchise for Square. I hope they bring it to the west and if it's focused around multiplayer it better have Wi-fi!

The situation seems a bit like Dragon Quest as well.

MajestieBeast5419d ago

Enough with the portable games alrdy se.

magicfrog5419d ago

another DS RPG game? hell no

Arknight5418d ago


Square-Enix announces yet another game in development while still not actually releasing anything to the non-portable consoles that they have been working on for years.

In another surprising twist.....its for the DS!!!

bigjclassic5418d ago

That is one of the main reasons for its massive success.
Want great JRPGs get a DS!!


Square Enix Announcement Will Not Shock You (Probably)

Heath Hindman boils down the most likely candidates for the much talked-about Square Enix announcement looming in the future. Taking note of the origins of the rumors, he says, "(Squar Enix USA is) the guys that translate and publicize stateside versions of games made by Square Enix Japan. Generally, if you follow RPG news on the internet, you have heard of whatever game Square Enix USA is going to announce." Analysis, cautions, and educated guesses within.

knifefight5178d ago

The internet meltdown would be phenominal.

Neo6045178d ago

please square don't charge for ff14 online or I will not buy it.

Chris3995178d ago

SE have shown NO loyalty this gen whatsoever. And they've been caught stretching the truth regarding the word "exclusive" on both sides of the HD console camps (360/ PS3) with games like Star Ocean and Final Fantasy XIII, respectively.

I wouldn't be entirely shocked if VS was cancelled on the PS3 and made into an Iphone game.

I'm not holding my breath on VS being exclusive (or very good after the offal that was XIII - still haven't gotten past Ch. 6 on account of the boredom).

GrieverSoul5178d ago

I disagree! To an extent... I mean, they have been loyal to X360 by giving them an edge start but as soon as the game game flops they go and make a hasty port for the PS3. Only titles developed from their combined effort are the ones that stay exclusive. FFXIII Versus going for the X360 wouldn´t really surprise me. I mean, they "gave" FFXIII to X360 and released it at the same time on both platforms but they didn´t prevent it from being exclusive on PS3 in Japan where the X360 is trying really hard to catter. That was the catch! Original X360 "exclusives" gets a PS3 port after 6 months, and X360 gets a PS3 "exclusive" without a japanese release.

rjgbyrne5178d ago

They gimped Nintendo for Final Fantasy VII and have done this all through their span as a developer. Are people that naive, nothing has changed throughout all generations bar console sales. Everything has been on par each gen, console sales are the only thing to have impacted whether a company is successful or not, hence why Sega, with an arguably great Dreamcast console, flunked the market. Whatever Square d, it will be similar to what they have done in the past, only Nintendo has gone out and done something different with the DS and Wii and its paid off, everyone else will jump on that bandwagon as they always do. That's life, the world and globalization!

Chris3995178d ago

I agree! To an extent :)

I would add that MS likes to have these "bombshell", hype-fest, "we won E3" announcements. And they have made it a point this gen of going after all of Sony's old 3rd party IPs (but they relatively ignore the glaring oversight of developing and nurturing their OWN exclusives via 1st/ 2nd party - maybe next gen?).

If there is enough hype for VS, MS will write a cheque. Mark my words. Sure the port might suck, but all they want is the "we have it too" mentality for their machine. This is all business, and I think that the more passionate enthusiasts (like the people here on N4G - myself included) forget that.

By the same token, I think that Sony needs to do away with that "we don't pay for 3rd party development" mantra that they came into this generation with.

If Sony want to really do some damage to the competition, they should start writing cheques to EA, Bungie and Epic.

"Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected."

- Sun Tzu's Art of War

blind-reaper5178d ago

I see more probable FFXIV on 360 than VS XIII I dont know why. My bet is on XIV

dabri55178d ago

Xenogears sequel? ....A good one?

Reibooi5178d ago


I agree. We already KNOW that SE want's XIV on 360 as well. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because MS is being to greedy and won't come to a good deal with SE.

On the other hand VS is being made by Nomura who is known to be a die hard Sony loyalist. The fact that he is as big as he is inside of SE and in charge of VS makes me think that game will never see the light of day on 360.

All the indications we have seen so far point to VS looking WAY better then Final Fantasy XIII did and if that's the case a Xbox 360 port would be either more dumbed downed then XIII was or just not possible in the first place.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5178d ago
stonecold15178d ago

ps3 exclusive and will never come out on xbox nomura is like gabe but dosent go on like gabe vs will stay with ps3 and nomura would not like to go down the same route with final fantasy 13 no shops no npcs no huge world explores no space ships no towns so no vs will never be on 360 and final fantasy mmo is a ps3 exclusive as for now but unlike some xbox fans say mass effect 1,2 exclusive to there consoe its not because its on pc im a sony fan and i know final fantasy 14 mmo on pc and i didnt say its exclusive to the ps3 it may come out on xbox later on but vs is a ps3 only title and agito is for the psp only

asdr3wsfas5178d ago

It's like Faulkner is writing a ps3 fanboy.

dabri55178d ago

I'm pretty sure if Nomura's boss came to him and said, you will make this game for xyz system, he would go, "sure thing boss. When do you need it by?". His preferences mean nothing to the company as a whole.

Meryl5178d ago (Edited 5178d ago )

Valkyrie profile is a limited x360 exclusive?? It won't be versus going multiplat because he said he would quit if that happened, he want's it to be the best final fantasy created since FFX (no I'm not counting the latest edition because it was a joke of a game)

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Valay5299d ago

Blah. Pretty underwhelming lineup overall. Doesn't sound like there will be any announcements made at the show either.

Noctis Aftermath5299d ago

No announcements but they did show some FFVersus13 footage.

GameGambits5299d ago

I'm really tired right now, but earlier when I was trying to find FFvs13 footage by googling jump festa... I believe that it's Jump Festa 2010 that's going on now. They are 1 year ahead in what the event is, because it's for games and such that comes out next year.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure 2009's was last year.

Valay5299d ago

It's just a mobile version of the game, basically. Sad to say that it's not a new game or anything.

Jerk1205299d ago

I don't understand why people still have hope for you, Square.

You only bring disappointment.

Like Versus, who wants emo crap like that?

Probably PS3 fans, wanting to have someone that they could relate to.

ZombieAutopsy5299d ago

lmao DAMAGE CONTROLS...dont worry though youll get to play at least 3 more halo games this gen inculding Halo Warthog Racing.

5299d ago
sikbeta5299d ago

Just what I thought, now xboyz don't like FF13, well I can understand that...IS not teh shooterz lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5299d ago

I can't find a single working leaked video of the vs13 gameplay. Gahh!

Pyrrhus5299d ago

Exactly what im trying to find too.

Need a dose of ffv13 XP

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Handheld RPG scans 12/6/09

Atelier Lina (DS), Cross Treasures (DS), Last Ranker (PSP), Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP), Yggdra Unison (DS), Luminous Arc 3 (DS), and .hack//Link (PSP).

Redempteur5312d ago

yggdra union ds ??

so it's possible to add more weird and insane missions to this game ...

knifefight5312d ago

I think it's a spinoff/sequel.

Redempteur5312d ago

great i can't wait for such memorables missions such as ...fight 50 battles in that area that slow you down while being poisonned ...

yes i did enjoy that game very much ...

SpoonyRedMage5312d ago

Cross Treasures!.... needs to be released in the west!

hatchimatchi5312d ago

cool, the ds is by far the best gaming machine, handheld or console, for rpg's.