
Microsoft didn't want Halo as flagship title

Microsoft never planned for Halo to become its flagship title, according to Microsoft VP of game publishing Ed Fries.

"We didn't know what was going be our biggest title," Fries admits. "There was a lot of negativity around Halo, actually, mostly coming from the games press. We showed it several times publicly, and we got pretty negative feedback."

Anon19745460d ago

I have to admit, the Covenant weapons are very Fisher Price, but that game rocks. I can't believe the people they showed it to at the start had issues with it. All they had to do was play it for an hour to realize there was nothing like it on consoles at the time.

Natsu X FairyTail5460d ago

Why you writting this in the Open zone?

ukilnme5460d ago

Maybe he is banned or maybe he just does not want to get caught saying anything slightly positive about an Xbox game from fear that his fellow Sony loyalists will see it. I guess we'll never know.

Anon19745460d ago (Edited 5460d ago )

You got a problem with open zone?

Alright, I'll put it in the Gamer Zone. Picky...picky.

At any rate, I'm a gamer, first and foremost. I really couldn't care less if Sony fans have a problem with me liking games like Gears, Halo, Fable...etc. I've never hidden my love for those games. They're excellent. If some Sony fans can't accept that some gamers like to play on both consoles then they're simply missing out.

ukilnme5460d ago

"At any rate, I'm a gamer, first and foremost."

Is that right? Then why so much hate for MS?

Anon19745460d ago

And it puzzles no one more than me. Where have I ever said I hate Microsoft? My gamertag's right on my profile, anyone can see I'm a 360 gamer as well as a PS3 gamer, I just happen to prefer my PS3. There's nothing wrong with having a console preference.

See, what most people confuse as my being anti-Microsoft is me just not being 100% pro-Microsoft. Just because I'm an owner and a fan of both systems doesn't mean I'm not critical of both systems. In my opinion though it seems that there's a lot of negative press directed towards the PS3 as US game sites pander to the larger 360 audience there while actual game news often falls by the wayside. I just try to add a little realism to the debate, and that more often than not finds me opposite a lot of fanatical 360 fans.

Just look at my posting history. Look at my story submissions. I say what I like and don't hesitate to criticize any company when I think they're deserving. If you think I'm only 100% pro-Sony and anti-Microsoft you're only seeing what to you want to see.

commodore645459d ago


Don't kid yourself, darkie....
You are the biggest ps3 fanboy around.
and deep down... you know it.

end of.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5459d ago
TheColbertinator5460d ago

I think Halo received some of its negative feedback from the fact that it was a console FPS and not a PC FPS.I'm sure many within Microsoft didn't want Halo to go on the Xbox because rarely did FPS fare well on the consoles apart from the Rare shooters.

Arsenic135460d ago

The title is misleading. They didnt not want it to be the flagship title. They just didnt expect it to become that.

GWAVE5460d ago

Correct. I'm sure they didn't expect the first game to be their flagship, as was apparent by their average marketing campaign for it, but once Halo 2 was announced it was obvious that they were going to use the Halo series for all it was worth, what with the advertising campaign of Halo 2 being bigger than the US Government's military budget.

STK0265460d ago

while they didn't expect it to be their flagship title, it was probably the most likely candidate.

I sure as hell they didn't expect Blinx to be the next big thing. And, when you think about it, many of the new franchises they created on the Xbox weren't exactly great, games like Brute Force and Fusion frenzy were good, but not system sellers like halo was. Also, some of the better games from MS only came late in the console's somewhat short life cycle, games like Fable.

So really, when you think about it, Halo, a game released at launch, with mass appeal (shooters are pretty popular it would seem) and great multiplayer for it'S time, had everything needed to become their flagship title.

Cherchez La Ghost5460d ago

Microsoft didn't "EXPECT" Halo as flagship title.

ps3d05460d ago

true but still its a interesting bit of info

commodore645459d ago


You are certainly right about the title.

However, I am sure MS is mighty glad that Halo DID become the flagship title.


Omega45460d ago

Well no one knows what title will become popular until its released its not something which can be forced. If its a well made game and people enjoy playing it and tell others that then it will become huge.

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Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

Some titles out there focus on introducing a bizarre turn in their narrative. Check out this list for some solid recommendations for those.

Inverno25d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno24d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop25d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya24d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex24d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

According to insider sources, a Halo Combat Evolved remaster is in development and being considered for launch on PS5.

Rynxie49d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy8549d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy8549d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂


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Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.