
Rumor: Is This the PS3 Slim in a Kmart Flyer?


"A tipster has sent us some shakey-cam photos of what looks to be a 120GB PS3 Slim listed for $299.99 in a Kmart flyer that he says will go out "in a few weeks."

ToastyMcNibbles5519d ago

hmmm now that looks like a real PS3 Slim...who knows though but if that is i definitely will consider buying a slim for 300 bones.. looks nice

prabx5519d ago

Actually believable now =|

locos855519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Wow I like the game prices in the Best Buy Ad. If True then I will pick up like 3 of them.

Also the PS3 says to have 4 usb ports and 160 gig HDD.

Ghoul5519d ago

well ill be buying one on day1 of release thats for sure. Together with the new cheaper elite 360 ^^

crazy-eyez-killah5519d ago

Someone get Greenberg some new knickers please.

Looks legit to me...

lloyd_sr15519d ago

The 360 is NOT cheaper. That's just some marketing blitz. They added more value to the already- being phased out $299.99 60GB models. Similar to when Sony phased out the 40GB and added the 80GB last year priced at the same MSRP.

I wouldn't call that a price cut.

kalel1145519d ago

Is the same picture that was used in the BB ad and that pic was created by a NeoGaf poster. Let's face it, we will not know what is real and what is fake until the 18th.

anh_duong5519d ago

universal law:

rumoured photos of the ps3 slim must all be taken by stevie wonder using a 0.1 megapixel pinhole camera..

why are these photos so damn blurry...

MTEC85519d ago

if true, I will be picking my second PS3 this year.

gaffyh5519d ago

This one, just like the Best Buy one, is using a render from Neogaf. I swear that guys should sue these companies if they use this picture in their official advertisements.

cl63AMG5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

I'm still surprised the price cut was $100. I thought it was only going to be $50. That makes the slim officially a steal. Does anyone know if the PS logo lights up? And I can't read it but are all those ps3 games on the BB flyer for $9.99 after rebate or what?

shingo5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

i know the person who created this lol. a very good fake indeed.

JoySticksFTW5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Seriously... This - if true - is what a lot of HD gen console hold-outs and XBox 360 GAMERS have been waiting for.

As soon as the slim news starts to get a little more real, MS drops their price in retaliation. I just got my 360 a month ago to become a dual console owner and it's great, so I hope more people take advantage of these price cuts.

Man, what a great time to be a gamer!! :D

SnuggleBandit5519d ago

i thought k mart was out of business. i haven't seen one in ages

Blasphemy5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Why do they keep posting fake mock ups?

The Great Melon5519d ago


I think K-mart closed most of its stores in the south when it was doing badly 5+ years ago. I sort of wish it was here now considering that Circuit City and CompUSA have been essentially killed off. Luckily I still can rely FRY's to come through with good deals.

solidt125519d ago

yeah that looks official and looks pretty good. I will be getting another one this fall. I hope it has Wi-Fi, my old 20 gig does not.

Pika-pie5519d ago

Gotta love the shakey cam pics... Always with the shakey cam hehe

DaTruth5519d ago

I will pick up a slim, just to put less wear and tear on my 60 gig. Might keep that baby in a glass case.j/k

But seriously, I want to divide the time between them 80-20 in favor of the slim. One of them cost me twice as much as the other.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5519d ago
TheHater5519d ago

now all we need is a target and walmart ad :)

Natsu X FairyTail5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Only a Few days left untill we know if Every single News related to a PS3 Price cut / Slim were actually True.

I hope they are because WE WON'T ever have to see other PS3 Slim on the way / Ps3 Price cut? Articles!!!


I'd like to see a new model for the ps3 and get a new one again.

I'd like to see the PS3 sales boost so it gets more games.

The Sales boost that will arrive will push Microsoft into getting more games to.

So in short words.

PS3 slim + Price cut = PS3 sale +++ = exclusives Games +++ = People happy X Microsoft Forced into Price cut = Microsoft getting exclusive games+++ = Me Happy and maybe a few other guys.

lh_swe5519d ago

That would be the biggest kick in the balls since the Yakuza 3 fiasco, ok.. it would be a lot bigger.

But your equation is probably a very good prediction of what is going to happen, except can MS afford another price cut, only time will tell I suppose and isnt 199 already low enough will the addition of a hard drive to the 199 model really mean that big of a change in sales?

I think the issue that MS needs to face with the 360 is assuring consumer that future 360 models wont be hampered with RRODs, cheap jet engine sounding fans, and the assurance that they wont push developers like Epic Games to realease ahead of shedule resulting in games like Gears 2 being riddled with bugs. If they get that sorted then I think its smooth sailing, likewise if the PS3 gets a price cut and a Slim.

Natsu X FairyTail5519d ago

how is my logic wrong?

If the Price cut and the slim boost PS3 sales and makes Devs start to make more games on the PS3 this will force Microsoft into pushing devs into making more games for the X360 also.

Everybody Wins here.

MetalGearBear 5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

natu X failedtail is jealous of PS3 slim.
I will buy 10 PS3 slim.

Natsu X FairyTail5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

@ Deafphat

How am I jealous?

I want to Slim to be real because I'd like to own one.

You guys think Because I always curse and diss all the Ps3 fanboys on N4G mean I hate Sony?????

Hell no! I hate you guys here on n4g Not sony .

I Still got my PSP X PS2 X PSone On Deck and PS3 from time to time but I might buy one for good this time.

jealous eff outt hea

lh_swe5519d ago

And how do you deduce that? I would say quite the opposite, besides the Slim will be a good thing for Sony and gaming in general no matter how much you deny it, it wont matter.

Increased sales = More money = More games. How does this logic surpass you?


lloyd_sr15519d ago

No need to hate on Natsu. He's not coming in this article saying he's not going to buy one, or some other useless jargon.

Nineball21125519d ago

It's going to be interesting to see some of the regulars on here who have bashed the PS3 and PS3 loyalists time and time again suddenly have a "death row" conversion and start talking about getting the Slim.

Will they get a free pass for their past transgressions or will they be called out on it? ;-)

Ahh... good times not too far ahead!

Natsu X FairyTail5519d ago

Like I said in back in the days . I've owned PS3's many times in the Past. Owning a Slim Model wont change The way I will comment or act on N4G.

ukilnme5519d ago

I don't feel a free pass will be asked or given. Who would need it anyway? I have owned a PS3 for almost two years now. I have never changed my opinion of the PS3 and the PS3 loyalist. I'll sum it up again. I love my PS3 but I can't stand the PS3 loyalist. They are the worst bunch on this site.

DaTruth5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Your avatar makes it feel like you're yelling at me, no matter what you type; Lol! It probably puts people on the defensive a lot.

Not much you can do though, I don't know much about anime, but I'm guessing you'd have to change your name to change your avatar.

@Ukilnme: That is because you worship your 360, so anybody who says anything bad about your "precious", will earn your disdain. You don't care what people say about PS3 cause you just like it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5519d ago
ElementX5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

These stories are ridiculous. Enough with the slim already!

I believe the slim is coming out. I dunno about the $299 price, however we don't need pictures from every gaming site, store ad, and blog.

Chris3995519d ago

And yes, enough with the rumors already. Till I see an in-store box shot of them sitting in a retailer's inventory or hear Sony say something, this is about as credible as bigfoot. Wait, there's a moniker I saw today, somewhere: Slimfoot.

Nineball21125519d ago

Sure we do! We need as many pictures as we can find... Why? Because it's major news and LOTS of ppl are interested in the topic.

The more, the merrier.

ElementX5519d ago

I, for one, have seen enough blurry images of the "slim". This day in age cameras have auto-focus, even cell phones for crying out loud.. What's with all the blurry pictures? There's no excuse!

Nineball21125519d ago

I think you know why the images are blurry... ;-)

My theory is that it's probably done on purpose because it's bogus and they don't want ppl to see that.

DaTruth5519d ago

Hey, at least Slim news is actually "news for gamers". It's a welcome change from the usual "Fodder for Fanboys"!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5519d ago

The PS3 launched with a 60GB & 20GB models but now the Slim PS3 will be launching it and added 100GB, in other words the launch 60GB has become 160GB and the 20GB has become 120GB.

This seems like the right thing to do.

prabx5519d ago

But wasnt the Best Buy ad 160GB PS3 Slim for $299.99 too?

lloyd_sr15519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

There will be two PS3 "slim" SKUs. 120GB at $299.99, and a 250GB at $399.99. There's some evidence floating around that proves this, but still just rumors for now. No more PS3 fats.

Fencefry5519d ago (Edited 5519d ago )

Why would they both sell at the same price point? And 40GB is a tiny difference when compared to 120GB/160GB. A 60GB was 3x bigger than a 20GB, but now the increase would be .3x bigger :p

@prabx the bestbuy ad was fake, pretty sure the kmart is too
@lloyd I doubt it. Only an idiot would pay $100 more for 100GB more. You can buy your own hard drive for much cheaper.

lloyd_sr15519d ago

Yeah. Try explaining that to the some 23mil+ PS3 users...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5519d ago
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Another possible title - Slow News Day.

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force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

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A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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