
GoGamingGiant: Madballs Babo:Invasion Review

GoGamingGiant.com reviews Madballs Babo:Invasion.

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Darren_y25522d ago

lol quite a weird name. Interesting game though

G3Ben5522d ago

How long is the game? I mean, does it have a lot of replayability?

nomoregameblogs5522d ago

weird, never thought i'd see a game called madballs.

thegreatest78845522d ago

An interesting name choice, but it looks like fun.


Street Fighter IV, Luxor 2 and more arrive via Xbox Back Comp – Are they worth the return?

Carlos writes "It’s been a while since we last had any new Xbox One backwards compatible titles to cast our nostalgic minds back to once more, and in the few weeks since the last arrivals, releases in general have been a lot quieter than usual. But that all looks set to change with several new games hitting the store all in one go, and today seeing some fresh faces to the backwards compatible library too.

The thing is, are they worth the return or should they simply remain as nothing more than a memory forever more?"

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oKidUKo2748d ago

Looking forward to a bit of Poker Smash again!


Four More Games Added To Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Program

Microsoft has announced the latest additions to the Xbox One's backwards compatibility catalog. Arriving today are four Xbox 360 games: Street Fighter IV, Luxor 2, Madballs in Babo: Invasion, and Poker Smash.

Effects2748d ago

SFIV and SSFIV are considered different games right? Need to know whether I should be happy or not.

EnsignHiro2746d ago

Yes they are different. Sf iv is the very first iteration while super is second and has balance changes as well as new chars, aditional ultra for each character, new stages /modes and of course different arcade mode stories for each character.

TheCommentator2748d ago

Finally, Madballs in Babo: Invasion!!!

I honestly didn't even know it was a game. Hell, I still don't even know what it's about, but the idea of having to Invade Babo with Madballs popped into my head and it just doesn't sound right at all anymore...

Shadow Man2748d ago

Still waiting for silent hill HD collection ...

xMANB3ARP1G2748d ago

lol still waiting for a patch on xbox 360 for that one first so good luck. would be cool.

Lighter92748d ago

Lol. I'm going to go play Zelda and Horizon. Thanks anyway though.

2748d ago
jokerisalive2748d ago

That's why you dropped your troll comment about two games we don't really care about in an Xbox related article.....they have NOTHING to do with Xbox BC.

Lighter92748d ago

Everyone knows you all can't take jokes well.

2748d ago
DeadManMMX2748d ago

I'm playing that too but that doesn't mean I'm not happy about my favorite fighting game being playable on xbox one.

Kiwi662748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

And yet no one cares given how this is about BC on Xbox One

Nu2748d ago (Edited 2748d ago )

I have access to Zelda but please don't be instigating the console war.
I'll be downloading SFIV asap.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2748d ago
Automatic792748d ago

Nice I own Street Fighter IV glad to see this on BC.

Battlestar232748d ago

Still hoping for star trek legacy to come to BC.

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Top Ten XBLA Hidden Gems

Dealspwn rounds up ten brilliant XBLA games that you probably haven't heard of.

Dealspwn: "The Xbox Live Marketplace has gone from strength to strength over the last few years, becoming nothing less than the Xbox 360's unique selling point. It's the ultimate equaliser and a source of innovation that frequently puts retail releases to shame - but the only flaw is that it's easy for XBLA games to go unnoticed without even making a splash.

So here are ten of the games that fell through the media cracks, that languish near the bottom of the best selling lists yet provide plenty of bang for your buck."

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bacrec14809d ago

Zeno Clash is tops for me