
Rumor: AV-centric Playstation Not Far Away

A new Playstation could be less than 18 months away according to a Sony insider. The device will include the same chipset as the current PS3 but where it will differ from the current model is in the drive bay and in the attachment area. It will also include an extensive software suite for the managing of content being streamed to a TV or Hi Fi source.

Ken Kutaragi, the retiring chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment said in an interview last week that he clearly understands how the PlayStation game consoles should evolve in the next three generations, or fifteen to twenty years from now. He also said that in future it will be possible to create fully Internet-based game consoles.

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ITR6295d ago

Well that didn't take too long.

23478ueyur_9382236295d ago

"The device will include the same chipset as the current PS3"

Sounds more like another SKU.

Whoops, that was supposed to be a general reply.

23478ueyur_9382236295d ago

I guess that's possible, though people would crap on Sony for eating their words. (If you remember back, they said something like every PS3 customer being "elite.")

QuackPot6294d ago (Edited 6294d ago )

....PS4 in 18 months...
....PS3 maybe the last console made by Sony...


To us sensible folks who have no intention of misleading:

...PS3 with improved A/V function(most likely slimline) in 18 months...
...PS3 won't be the last console from Sony with future gens(4,5,6) maximized for the net & A/V...

Clearly we enlightened folks sees things as they truly are.

By the way: Ken had to go. He made too many mistakes with the PS3(delay, pricing, underestimating the competition and developers). But the PS3 will recover in 2008 when the games library size and quality grows, net service improves & price drops.

Now if only the true open-minded gamers would be so patient as to wait instead of passing judgement already, only six months after realease. But alas, u can't teach an old dog new tricks.

DeadlyFire6294d ago

It is indeed the slim one. They always come in the 3 year mark. You can bet that this will cost at least $100 less than PS3 price tag. I do believe that a price drop may come in July-August on the PS3 though.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6294d ago
Lord Anubis6295d ago

lol, what they are talking about is the AV PS3 not a PS4

23478ueyur_9382236295d ago

Care to explain what it is exactly? (If you've any details on it.)

Blasphemy6295d ago (Edited 6295d ago )

This is bs theres is now way they are going to release a plastation 4 in 18 months. maybe a ps 3 slimline but not a ps4.

VirtualGamer6295d ago (Edited 6295d ago )

This just in from our Tokyo bureau: according to an interview conducted by Japan's Impress, Sony's Ken Kutaragi has gone on record with a "promise" for what he's calling an AV-centric PS3. In other words, audio and video capabilities first, gaming second (if at all), in a device built around the Cell-processor platform. Ken says that the device would certainly be more expensive, reflecting the prices and margins expected on high-end consumer electronic devices such as TVs, Blu-ray personal video recorders, etc. -- not the relatively cheap, but powerful gaming rigs sold at a loss under Sony's Computer Entertainment division. Impress speculates that the device could cost as much as ¥300,000 or about $2,500. The new Sony-branded living room box would, in Ken's (translated) words, "be a standard AV component sized box with a more powerful, power supply unit, anti-shake insulator, twice the main memory, and 2x HDMI to split sound and video output." More Cell-processor devices in the living room? We say bring it, Sony.


Hope this clears things up

23478ueyur_9382236295d ago

Oh, cool. So I guess that'd be for people who have things on their mind ahead of gaming.

MikeGdaGod6295d ago (Edited 6295d ago )

i remember reading this months ago. it was said to be for those that weren't that interested in gaming, just high-end electronics.

Keyser6294d ago

Yeah, I read this on Crave soon after the PS3 release (probably Dec). They said it would have that huge price tag also.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave319h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6023h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro242h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro242h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Playback: Outland

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.