
Neocrisis: New Way of the Samurai 3 Plus Screens

Neocrisis: 21 new screens for Way of the Samurai 3 Plus coming to the PS3.

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OGharryjoysticks5521d ago

They should hold off the stateside release of 3 and just bring this one out later.


Dear Developers: An Inventive Replay = I Keep Your Game

Digibred talks about how having substantial and creative replay content can convince gamers to keep their games.

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Guardian Interview: Way of the Samurai 3: 'Not your typical hack and slash"

Guardian writes: "Games blog speaks to Yoshinori Terasawa, the producer of Way of the Samurai 3.

Q: What do you consider to be the audience for this game?

A: Way of the Samurai 3 is aimed at people who love samurai and chambara actions, and Kurosawa movies. Also people that like historical games with many paths and endings. In Way of the Samurai 3 there are over 20 possible endings."

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D+PAD Magazine: Way of the Samurai 3 Reviewed

D+PAD Magazine writes:

Occasionally a game will come around that makes you angry. Whether it's due to a troublesome camera leading to a few cheap and unavoidable deaths or a simple case of falling short of the hype, anyone with even a moderate background in gaming will likely have flown into a rage, cursed at the screen and sworn off a game only to go back to it a few moments later. Way of the Samurai 3 is not such a game, instead serving to frustrate with some truly awful design choices that go much further than either of the aforementioned issues.

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