
JIG Review: This is the Only Level

JiG: "Observe this failure of an elephant. Its very existence is an affront to the genuine article, the traditional lumbering, majestic, intelligent, gentle beast of the plains. This elephant is tiny. It is blue. The only verb it knows is "totter". Totter totter totter, like it's about to tip over from its sheer drunken lack of elephantine characteristics. Oh, and "jump". The elephant, the elephant, it leaps like a freaking tree frog. What a failure of an elephant."

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Rage Quit - This is the Only Level

Michael learns the difference between levels and stages in Rage Quit "This is the Only Level."

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10 Artsy-Fartsy Games for People Who Like Artsy-Fartsy Things

A not-at-all definitive list of artsy-fartsy games that are fun to play. Check 'em out!

JamesDeRosa5188d ago (Edited 5188d ago )

More people should give artsy-fartsy games a chance.

bearsfaan5188d ago

I don't like Artsy-Fartsy things, but I did enjoy a few of these games/experiences.

TheLancer5188d ago

So if I play these games, people will think I'm cool, right?

Sadie21005188d ago

You have to play these games AND talk about them in an articulate manner. Only then are you cool.

Tolkoto5188d ago

Fartsy is a funny word. Just saying.

5188d ago

The Friday Game: This Is The Only Level

Chris Donlan @ Edge: "This is the Only Level is a 2D platformer in which you have to guide a boldly unanimated elephant over a series of pits, some of which are filled with spikes, past a switch that will raise a door, and deliver him safely to the exit. And that's it. The twist is that, once you have initially completed the task, you'll find you have to do it again, guiding the elephant over the same pits and the same spikes, and past the same switch that raises the same door, the difference being that this time the game's mechanics have changed fairly dramatically. Then you'll do it again, and again, each run-through offering a twist on the controls, or an unexpected tinkering with the environment."

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