
Sexy Poker WiiWare Hands-On Video

Gameplay video exhibits the different features of Sexy Poker that should give one insight in to the clothing removal gameplay mechanic, and also the difficulty of the AI during Blackjack.

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Alasi304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

Boobies adds


GameStooge Awards 2009: The Worst Games of the Year

The 2009 GameStooge Awards continue with the fifth part of the Awards – the worst games of 2009, as well as the best mobile games.

Best iPhone Game: Zen Bound
Best Mobile Game: Townsmen 6: Revolution
Biggest Disappointment: The Conduit
Most Dead on Arrival: Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
Worst Digital Game: NBA Unrivaled
Worst Game: Terminator Salvation

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10 reasons to put a Wii on your Xmas list - VideoGameTV

VGTV writes: "Most of you don't like the Wii at the best of times, but there's been the most unholy level of whinging lately thanks to a certain Doug Cruetz of Cowen Group, who thinks the "Wii bubble could be deflating".

Well don't worry, brethren – VideoGameTV has a bike pump. A bike pump filled to the nozzle with killer software. To maintain the pretence of considered judgement, we've jotted down some pros and cons for each title on the list."

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dirigiblebill5318d ago

I was going to include the COD4 remake on this but it doesn't look too hot... anybody want to disagree?

SpoonyRedMage5318d ago

Decent list of games but some of the Cons are just silly.:P

Apparently Sexy Poker is absolute rubbish and COD 4:MW: Reflex(longer name than FF:CC: Crystal Bearers!) is apparently a good port of the game but if you alreayd have it not much point in getting it a again.

dirigiblebill5318d ago

You did read the bit about wanting to make lots of lame jokes, right? :p

EvilTwin5318d ago

I'd definitely disagree with not including COD:MWR. The reviewers who actually took their time to play the game (and didn't rush out a review in a day like IGN) have good things to say about the game, almost without exception. The controls are great, and it has the best online of any game on Wii.

That said, I would've put the Metroid Prime Trilogy on that list somewhere. It's the best deal on Wii (or anywhere this year, really).

dirigiblebill5318d ago

Metroid Trilogy's utterly, utterly brilliant - the nearest thing the Wii has to an Orange Box, IMO - but I was aiming for recent/upcoming games. (Excitebike is a remake, yes, but it's a recent remake).

SpoonyRedMage5318d ago

Yup, silly isn't bad and Red Steel 2 does need Lightsabers... and you're right about NWMB Wii.

I would have added Rabbids Go Home and/or A Boy and his Blob too.

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Edwin855318d ago

The Wii's a joke. Always has been, always will be...

blitz06235318d ago

yup. it's a joke that has sold millions all over the world

dirigiblebill5318d ago

Truth be told I haven't run into Boy and his Blob...

Ta for the feedback, always nice to get a conversation going.

eagle215318d ago

I will ALWAYS support the Kings: Sony AND Nintendo. :)

Close_Second5318d ago

...has some great titles but they should stick to exclusives and keep away from the multiplatform releases. Just look at how dated COD4 looks on the Wii. Graphics may not matter but once you have experienced a game like COD4 on a better system its hard to go back.

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GamesRadar: Sexy Poker Review

It's at this point the pretence of being a game falters entirely, as you can view each 'unlocked' woman in the gallery, saving you the bother of even playing it at all. However much you win at Sexy Poker, you'll only ever feel like a loser.

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Alasi295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

Thanks for sharing the link. Really appreciate it.