
Enclave Coming to the Wii

That Gaming Site writes: "Village1 Entertainment has announced they are working on a Wii port of Starbreeze's 2002 cult hit Enclave."

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Ziriux5526d ago

Yes yes yes!~ Oh my god yes!

Elven65526d ago

I bought Enclave on the Xbox but I never got around to playing it! :(

I hope for the Wii port they don't do something ridiculous with motion control like they've done with other such "ports".

Ziriux5525d ago

Well you bet your behind they will use the motion technology I mean that's the Wii's gimicky tool that they must show off.

mrv3215525d ago

I thought this meant Fallout coming to wii... I was disapointed.

callahan095525d ago

There should be more ports of last-gen games to the Wii. Revitalize them a bit. Why not? Some of Sega's games for the Xbox would be great, like Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, GunValkyrie, Crazy Taxi 3, what have you. Oh! Somebody should port over the Knights of the Old Republic Games! Give a really big audience the chance to play those again. I never got around to playing them, but never stopped hearing how wonderful they are. Maybe if they went to the Wii I'd pick them up.

Dick Jones5525d ago

I remember it being a pretty challenging game years ago on the xbox. I can't imagine challenging sells too well nowadays on the Wii though.


What did critics think of Enclave in 2002?

Retro specialists Ziggurat are giving the fantasy hack ‘n slasher Enclave the HD treatment this summer. What did the critics think in 2002?

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The RPG blockbuster “Enclave” is coming to the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch this Fall (2021)

"The US-based retro video game publisher Ziggurat Interactive and Germany-based video game developer TopWare Interactive, today announced with great excitement and delight that the RPG blockbuster "Enclave" is coming to the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch this Fall (2021)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

got_dam1125d ago

I remember this game. Rented it hoping it would be like morrowind. It wasn't. Didn't I've it too much of a chance.

SimpleSlave1125d ago (Edited 1125d ago )

From the dark ages before the Soulborne series changed the game. Even games that are considered not that good like Hellpoint and Immortal: Unchained are vastly superior to this game.

Enclave is just meh, might be fun for old time sake, if you don't expect much that is.

Sciurus_vulgaris1125d ago

I don’t recall Enclave being a blockbuster. However, do remember watching a friend play Enclave on OG Xbox way back in the early 2000s. I was wooed by graphics.


I played this game while taking a short break from Diablo 2 back then, it made me relapse back into Diablo 2.

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New Enclave – Shadows of Twilight Art Revealed

Following the recent announcement of an official release date for Enclave – Shadows of Twilight, TopWare Interactive has revealed some brand new artwork used in the development of the videogame. Enclave – Shadows of Twilight is set for release later this month, exclusively on Wii.

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Laxman4513d ago

This is the first im hearing of this game! This is reason enough for me to pick up another Wii, even so close to the Wii U release, I was a huge fan of Enclave the first time around, but never got to play through it.

I hope the Wii-U is backwards compatiable.