
VideoGamer: GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra Review

On reflection, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra has much in common with a hamburger bought at 2am. If you're in the right mood for it (or if you're leathered on cheap cider) then there's a good chance that you may enjoy the first bite or two. It's sloppy and junky, but perhaps you feel that's what you want. And then you begin to sober up. You realise that your mouth is filled with undercooked offal, and your stomach begins to churn. It's messy, it's stale, and traces of it will linger with you for days. And the worst part of it all? You paid for this garbage.

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Shacks Arcade Corner: G.J. Joe Arcade

G.I. Joe Arcade. On this week's Arcade Corner, Shacknews takes a look at G.I. Joe Arcade, a cabinet released well after the cartoon's cancellation

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dead_pixels3164d ago

Definitely a classic. Haven't fired this gem up in a few years.


MEGamers: G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra Review

MEGamers writes: "Guns, explosions, testosterone, and bad guys – these are the only things that come to mind when I think of the cartoon "G.I.Joe". Having watched that show during my younger years, I was excited when a movie based on the franchise came to cinemas this year. Sadly, the movie turned out to be a complete waste of time and an over-the-top production of a much cherished show. So naturally when the video game was released, I wasn't expecting anything great either, and sure enough I had little joy playing this title."

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Gamez: G.I. JOE: The Rise of the Cobra Review

Gamez writes: "Yo Joe! Your mission is as follows: walking through a dozen levels in four different environments, shooting at anything loose and stuck it to the end and try to keep up. Small tip: take your finger off the trigger any time."

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