
OXM UK: Turtles In Time Re-Shelled Review

OXM UK writes: "We'd been wondering why it had taken so long for a sequel to the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game to go up on Live.

After all, the 1989 classic flogged more copies than a scandal-riddled celebrity biog when it topped the charts in 2007. We got the answer a few months ago when this 3D remake was announced.

There's just a slight problem - the SNES version had added levels and boss battles to bulk it up for a home release, and even then it wasn't the longest game in the world. This is a straight port of the arcade version, so it's missing fan favourite moments such as kicking seven shades out of the turtles' homicidal cousin Slash at the end of the prehistoric stage..."

ElijiaAmaya5435d ago

It really upset me that they didn't redo the console version of the game. It was way better than the arcade version. The graphics were cool, but the art style was pretty lame and don't get me started on the sound track! I'm not going to buy the game. I'm going to dust off my SNES and play the real Turtles in time. It stomps this lame attempt of a remake out of the water. I don't understand what they were thinking. If you are going to do something. Do it right! what the heck is wrong with the original Turtles theme song anyways!? It was awesome! I can't believe how lame Baxter looked. The first Metro-sexual fly!LOL


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Replica Arcade Games Coming From Quarter Arcades

"Replica arcade cabinets are popular among collectors nowadays, with three sizes commonly available: 3:4 scale, 1:4 scale, and 1:6 scale cabinets. Numskull's Quarter Arcades line is stepping up their game (and prices) with today's announcement of 1:4 scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and TMNT: Turtles in Time cabinets. Both miniature cabinets are fully playable and support 4-player local co-op," says Co-Optimus.

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anast743d ago

It's sad this comic book turned tabletop roleplaying game never got a good video game.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Vinyl Soundtrack gets release date

The release date has been revealed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Vinyl Soundtrack.

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Knightofelemia1762d ago

This game screams remaster and not that piece of crap Ubisoft put out on Xb360 and PS3

Last_Boss1762d ago

I'd kill for a Manhattan Project Vinyl

1762d ago
Orionsangel1762d ago

ow my toe! ow my toe! ow my toe!

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