Bullet Witch Screenshots

Last year, AQ Interactive introduced itself to the industry as a publisher and for its entrance it announced three new titles, all of which will be published for the Xbox 360. One of those game is Bullet Witch.

Bullet Witch is an action adventure that as the title suggests mixes two genres, third-person shooting and adventure.

Set in the year 2013, Bullet Witch tells the story of a fight for survival between humans and demons. The game mixes realistic settings with fantasy elements. You play as a witch named Alicia. The game is scheduled for release this year in Japan and it is currently at 80% in development.

AQ has released new screenshots of the game:

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omansteveo6596d ago

I wonder if it'll play like Hunter the Rekoning i mean it wasnt the best game but fun with friends

P.S. Sega make a new Dynamite Cop Seriously pointless Story but fun stuff..ha ha ha

TheMART6595d ago

So it's almost certain that NJ votes with all his 25 accounts as a Sony Fanboy. Watch the votes, then suddenly 5 hours nothing, then with a change of nicknames every couple of minutes a vote for lame... Well that's not coïncidence is it...

Username Date
OKAY 06 Jul 2006 00:12
Letgo 06 Jul 2006 00:10
U R Lame 06 Jul 2006 00:09
Right 06 Jul 2006 00:07
B55Ty 06 Jul 2006 00:05
Joe12 06 Jul 2006 00:00
FFXIII 05 Jul 2006 23:54
THEREALDEAL 05 Jul 2006 23:52
GrlGamer06 05 Jul 2006 23:49
DBZGTS4 05 Jul 2006 23:47
T1280 05 Jul 2006 23:42
Cool111 05 Jul 2006 23:40
Gamer10101 05 Jul 2006 23:37
PS3rulesforever 05 Jul 2006 23:34
NJ1307 05 Jul 2006 23:31
Monolith 05 Jul 2006 18:43
Alan 05 Jul 2006 14:29
achira 05 Jul 2006 14:17
PAUL CERULA 05 Jul 2006 13:52
aricha 05 Jul 2006 13:19

And how could Achira vote 2 times on one account? Those Freaking Fony Fanboys cheat like hell, like Fony lies all the time haha


Bullet Witch (PC) Review

Bullet Witch is an action-adventure taking place in an exceedingly bleak near-future. Civilization is on the brink of extinction after demons begin appearing on the earth, and the player wades into the fray as a witch named Alicia.

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CrimsonWing692095d ago

Y’know, I know the game isn’t good but I liked this game a lot. Shame it never got fully realized.


Bullet Witch (PC) Review - Entertainingly Bad? - GameSoulz

Is a PC port of a 11 years old game necessary? Not really, if it´s titled Bullet Witch and barely even remembered today but is there at least something behind all this?

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morganfell2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

So glad they did this. As soon as it popped on Steam I grabbed it. I actually didn't have an issue with it running. Yes there are a lot of game non-technical game related problems but its a property that they really should do something with since the potential is there.

2249d ago

5 video game sequels from the 2000s that need to be revived

Players have been crying out for certain sequels for years, but for some reason, they haven't been made.

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LTJ812275d ago

L.A. Noire for me since that original was a phenomenal game except for that terrible ending. Maybe a sequel will rectify that nonsense!

2275d ago
lifesanrpg2275d ago

LA Noire was a game I was SO excited for and then completely let down. That being said, I would like to see another stab at it, as I think it had great potential. And I loved the music/setting/time period.

Prince_TFK2274d ago

I thought LA Noire was a really great game, beside its bland open world.

mbecker732275d ago

Still wish we got a sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Aceman182275d ago

Mmaaaannnnn I loved that game, would love a sequel. Also one for lost odyssey, LA Noire, and Jade Empire.

chaosblades2274d ago

Are you aware of "Shadow of the Eternals"? Supposed to be a spiritual successor or something.
It didn't pass Kickstarter, but Denis Dyack says he is still working on it.

Gronkeykong2275d ago

All games that I’ve owned and played at some point in time and never finished. Out of them, I’d most likely go with LA Noire for a sequel

DivineAssault 2275d ago

lost odyssey was a great game for its time.. I wouldnt mind seeing it revived.. Jade empire too

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