
Greatest Games You've Never Played: Stretch Panic

Binge Gamer writes: "Stretch Panic was once ranked as the "most innovative game of E3? by IGN, was called "a bizarre treasure" by Official PlayStation Magazine, and was features on the cover of GameGo! Magazine. So how does a game like that melt into relative obscurity? Why has no one I've talked to played or, in many cases, even heard of Stretch Panic?"

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Why Metal Gear Solid 3 is the Best Prequel Ever Made

With Metal Gear Solid Delta on its way, we look back to see how the original Snake Eater is the foundation on which the entire Metal Gear series is built and is without doubt the greatest prequel ever made.

just_looken18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

The fact you can kill the end by either changing your console clock or my way when he is on the dock is such a cool Easter egg.

My video/play through i time coded the part of end getting killed at the dock

The river scene with ocelot's dad will also change depending on your kill count

So many things that can change on each playthrough

Oh also the iconic ladder scene always a classic

just_looken17h ago

wait are people upset i gave out spoilers on a 20 year old ps2 game?

Like for real this was on top of alot of charts for sales with so many different versions

SimpleDad16h ago

There are many people (new) that didn't experience the game dude.

just_looken16h ago

It's 20 years old man these new "gamers" are weak

No one here ever turn on a history channel or go to school there are scary spoilers there too.

Getting hate for talking about a 20year old game on a comment section with a article that talks about the 20year old game with spoilers in the article

" original Snake, aka Big Boss, whose DNA was used to create the clones Solid, Liquid and Solidus"

Quick call 911 IGN spoiled the game

Chard15h ago

Wait til he realises there are people born years after MGS3 released who are now getting into mature gaming

just_looken13h ago


I was watching robocop before i grew chest hair are you seriously saying people only play M rated games after they turn 17?

Chard12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Im referring to the weird conclusion you jumped to, which is that anyone who hasn’t played MGS3 by now took too long and are also weak for being bothered by spoilers this long after the original release.

Plenty of people without chest hair will try this remake as their first exposure to MGS3. It’s not somebody’s fault or weakness if they were born in 2010 and had better things to do than play MGS3 prior to this remake. The world doesn’t revolve around you

Aphrodia1h ago

And no one who hasn't played this game yet will know what the hell he's referring too. sensitive, delicate, snowflake.....

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Inverno16h ago

Have an agree, if people haven't bothered playing a 20 year old game and get mad at spoilers then they should stay out of enthusiast posts.

just_looken13h ago

Right and this article has series/game spoilers

Yui_Suzumiya15h ago

I'll call the WHAMBULANCE for the down voters, lol

just_looken13h ago

Right? like wow perhaps i should post about the gta 3 story in the next article get hate there for spoiling that game.

SimpleDad14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

You really are something. Not only does a world turn around you, but you also are sensitive to 5 dislikes.
Who is weak now?
All remakes are done to bring in a new audience and make new money.
Why would you spoil a game or any kind of media for whatever reason If You experienced it?

Ohhh for your Youtube channel... there it is.

Jesus... imagine if someone commented your gameplay. Badly...

My boys will experience this remake for the first time.

just_looken13h ago

1. Its not the dislikes its many post's on this site and other's always the haters or like you mad about spoilers on old old games.

2. My youtube channel is older that most "gamers" today i lost alot of vids do too youtube bots and yourself has no proof even playing any of the games so go ahead post away on stuff you have no idea how to play.

3. My header is real i used to make a few k or more a month or more with mahcinima when bf/gta/halo/world of tanks were in there prime.Now there is just few vids here there

MeteorPanda14h ago

love it.

Just remember while this game came out years ago, theres a whole generation f gamers who would have never played it. it wasn't current for them.

So the remasters are aimed at bringing in new fans of the franchise, posting these may spoil it for some.

just_looken13h ago

The article literally has spoilers in it who the boss's kid is the eva relationship and entire series information you only get by playing the games.

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VersusDMC16h ago

Personally DMC3 is my favorite prequel. MGS3 is top 3 though next to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Kinda surprised Red Dead 2 isn't IGN's pick for best prequel.

just_looken16h ago

Its red dead revolver red dead redemption red dead redemption 2

I am still waiting for a way to turn off kingdom hearts looping music but the collection is cheap on amazon for those wanting 2 play the games.

franwex16h ago

My favorite prequel is Yoshi’s Island.

Yui_Suzumiya15h ago

Dan Salvato's favorite game to speed run

Yui_Suzumiya15h ago

Definitely not arguing that 😁

mastershredder12h ago

Ever? So much nopes to this. Also, IGN licks feat for $.


A Sonic Unleashed Remaster Is Long Overdue

Still remembered as one of the best Sonic games of all time, I believe it's time Sonic Unleashed gets its overdue remaster after Sonic x Shadow Generations.

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-Foxtrot3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford151d 22h ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

NSANiTY1d 3h ago

Minus the Werehog levels and I'm in.

Redgrave1d 21h ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin1d 11h ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release


PS Plus Premium Update Adds 3 Classic PS2 Games

The PlayStation Plus Premium library is updated to add three classic PlayStation 2 games to the lineup.

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