
Game Podunk: Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Gets Reprint, Monstrous Deals for Monster Hunter Titles

Kyro writes: Nobody can doubt that the Monster Hunter franchise is huge. Though it may not see the same reception as it does in Japan, the franchise has developed a pretty large fanbase here in the states. Featuring simple mission-based gameplay, coupled with a deep weapons and armors system, the Monster Hunter games are great, long lasting adventure RPGs. With Monster Hunter Freedom Unite's recent release on the PSP and Monster Hunter 3 soon seeing release on the Wii, now is a great time to jump on this highly-acclaimed series.

GameQuest Direct knows that as well, and has informed Game Podunk that they have received reprints of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for the PSP and are selling them at the price of $29.99.

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skygear755447d ago

Awesome and it's great to hear Monster Hunter will be coming to Wii.

TheLiztress5446d ago

To get these good games (and PSP, since I don't have one).

LightTang5446d ago

I never played Monster Hunter myself but I know a friend who loves the game and I've watched him play a couple of times and it seems pretty cool.


Monster Hunter Series To Be Removed From The Playstation Store?

A posting on the well known hacking site Wololo has revealed that the PSP Monster Hunter games are capable of allowing PSP emulation on the Playstation Vita. This is bad news for anybody who wants to actually play the series.

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SandWitch4305d ago

Probably yes, then patched and put back to PS Store

strangelove4305d ago

I'm mostly worried about the last time a game was removed for exploits. It took them forever to put it back up. Luckily I still have my physical copy of Monster Hunter though. Of course my PSP screen is busted however...

1nsomniac4305d ago

Forever.... I seem to remember it being under 2 weeks.

strangelove4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

It was actually a bit over three weeks, which is practically the same as forever.

CaptCalvin4305d ago

It did take something like a month.

Blacksand14304d ago

With the PSPgo it was easy to port the games i brought on there to Vita.

NovusTerminus4305d ago

Hackers: They take all the good things from people who just want to play.

SpitTake4305d ago

You should read what Wololo said stupid.
He said "We expect Sony to pull the game from their stores within the next 48h, so if you are interested in homebrews, you might want to buy that game asap before it is out. For those who worry that we are sacrificing one of the best titles of the PSP in the name of homebrews, please keep in mind that so far the PSP games used in VHBL exploits have always returned to the PSN after a patch has been pushed by Sony."

TheLiztress4305d ago

There is no guarantee on that. And besides, why don't they just leave this thing alone? Do you really have to hack something like this?

Baka-akaB4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

"You should read what Wololo said stupid."

And ? how does it contradict what he says ? It basically mean that because of hackers crap , the game might not be around for people wanting it for at least a month

That click is basically as annoying as a drm in their consequences for other people

SpitTake4305d ago

I love all the dislikes for the simple reason that shows how much people are willing to take it up the azz from corporations and how much mindless fanboys are on this site because god forbid that you get to do what ever you want with your console that you paid 250-300 dollars.
There aren't even any piratable vita games on the internet, stupid, this program is mainly for home brew games

rpd1234304d ago

You can do whatever you want with your console... as long as it's legal. Once you start pirating games, it's not legal and you cannot do whatever you want. That's like saying because you paid for your blu ray player you should be able to steal blu rays. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Baka-akaB4304d ago

Your right shouldnt be interfering with the basic rights of others to just enjoy their system and stuff as is .

And right now that kind of crap is

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4304d ago
1nsomniac4305d ago

Well done on making urself look more of a tool than these hackers ever will.

Lord_Sloth4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

Let's see what hackers have done for us...Aside from the DRM and the Playstation hack...Which punished the gamers instead of anybody else...Nothing good comes to mind.

Hackers only keep us from having nice things.

Now they're robbing us of a most beloved franchises in the US!

NovusTerminus4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

So, I am a tool for just playing and paying for the games I like?

I don't mind hacking and modding at it's base level, but the endgame is always the same: Piracy. The PSP had a HUGE problem with it, and if it takes off on the Vita, it just might as well.

But I am a tool for wanting to support devs that I like, and play games I enjoy. But they are Martyrs for paving the way for piracy and possible closed dev teams.

Okay... Whatever.

Baka-akaB4305d ago

Dont bother , they'd righfully b*tch about the grievances of drms , yet basically worship someone with the same nasty after effects

PopRocks3594304d ago


This. Absolutely this. I always get the same criticism for saying how I enjoy supporting the people who make the games I enjoy.

As far as I'm concerned, piracy is theft and modding a platform can and probably eventually will lead to piracy on that platform which leads to more crappy regulations pushed on to the consumer.

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Blacksand14305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

I already D.L MHU on my Vita from the PSPgo in March when i frist got my Vita and I put VC2 on it to.

CaptCalvin4305d ago

What's the point of PSP emulation on the Vita again? Doesn't it already support many PSP games already?

MasterCornholio4305d ago

Why do some people want to hack their systems?

The answer is free games.

CaptCalvin4305d ago

but it's not like the PSP emulation that we're talking about here lets you play free games anyway right? or am i just ignorant?

Skate-AK4305d ago

They mean PSP emulation to where you can play Snes games and other platforms.

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Video Game Franchises PlayStation Vita Needs...Or Else

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Sony's PlayStation Vita is the most powerful handheld gaming system in history.

All of its bells and whistles won't mean a thing, though, without must have video games.

The launch looks stellar, with potential hits like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Wipeout 2048 speeding to shelves February 22.

Unfortunately, that lineup won't topple Nintendo. For Sony's portable to have a realistic shot at market dominance, it'll need to host these big time franchises.

MasterCornholio4553d ago

Im pretty sure that Call of Duty will push the Vita in the west and a new Final Fantasy title would be killer as well. But what i would love to have is a new GTA title that would be the bomb on the Vita.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4553d ago

Kingdom hearts will definitely be on it. If there's one thing Nomura loves it's a spin off. (And who'd have thought that a guy with such a dark demeanor could make a game like Kingdom Hearts.) But the vita would be better off with original IP's instead of portable pre-existing ones. Luckily it has a few.

xX-Jak-Xx4553d ago (Edited 4553d ago )

Kingdom Hearts,Monster Hunter,Call of duty,Final Fantasy,GTA,Metal Gear Solid,God of war

the best games

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4553d ago

Speaking of you... I think reviving the jak franchise on the vita could be a good idea.

EFFIN_Adduce-psn4553d ago

Monster Hunter for Japan and cod for west, the rest is icing on the cake


We're Not Sure We Could Cope With Two Monster Hunter Games In One Bundle

PushSquare: "Japan loves Monster Hunter. To the point where it's pretty much a defining title in the handheld space. But while Japan goes nuts over the convoluted adventure thing, we'd rather stick pins in our eyes. Needless to say Capcom's latest Monster Hunter Dual Pack -- due for release at a low, low $14.99 -- isn't particularly instilling us with much excitement."

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christheredhead4630d ago

im not sure what the article means. i guess he doesn't like monster hunter? i mean 2 monster hunter games for 15 bucks sounds awesome. i didn't even know there was a dual pack coming out, till now, which is pretty sweet. ill be picking it up for that price.

jc485734630d ago

yea, but i heard Unite is Monster Hunter 2 with more stuff. It's kinda confusing why those two were bundled.

christheredhead4630d ago

is it? truthfully, i know very little about those 2 titles as i haven't played them yet. all i saw in the article was 2 monster hunter games for 15 and i was sold haha. For the price, that's a great value seeing as how in depth and long a monster hunter game can take to complete. ill have to check them out for sure.

rezzah4630d ago

It's MHFreedom2, because MH2 came out on the PS2 in Japan only.

Before MHFU (Japans version = MHF2G) came out Japan always got G versions; upgraded MH games that included new monsters, weapons, items and a harder mode than + level (normal, +, G-rank).

It would make more sense to include MHF and MHFU, since MHFU is the upgrade from MHF2.

The only issue with that is all your items from MHF won't be able to transfer over to MHFU. Because you can only transfers your items from MHF to MHF2 which can then be further transferred over to MHFU.

Then again thought it means you have to start from scratch with MHFU, it's better than basically having 2 of the same games.

Dir_en_grey4630d ago

I think the point was even though MHFU is called an "expansion", the original MHF2 is already included in MHFU, and the bundle is kinda pointless since you can just buy MHFU by itself.

MHFU is MHF2+all the extra stuff already.

KidMakeshift4630d ago

Yeah, screw the idea of getting two 100+ hr games for $15

What a horrible idea indeed

fatalis954630d ago

100hr+?? more like 1000hrs+ easy

rezzah4630d ago

more like 500+ for me, I never really passed the 1000 hour mark with a MH title.

Ddouble4630d ago

Not everyone can afford a Vita so 2 Monster hunter games is enough time for you to enjoy before getting a Vita.