
Sony : PS3 enjoys strong sales in Middle East

The Middle East accounts for the highest level of sales of Sony's PlayStation 3 games console among the world's developing countries, according to a senior official.

"The PS3, which is a high-end machine costing about $400 (Dh1,468) has a strong market in the Middle East," Jim Ryan, Co-chief Operating Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, told Emirates Business. "The sales have been disproportionately strong in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) and parts of Asia, especially in the May-June-July period

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TOO PAWNED5448d ago

yeah, all 10 people that got it hahaha
this is ridiculous. Just like those articles "Sony leads in Danmark!" - yeah in 5 million ppl population country lol hilarious.

N4PS3G5448d ago

"At least 20,000 to 25,000 PS3s have been sold in developing countries this year and 80 per cent of that was in the Middle East."

Even the now dying japan sells those numbers in 2 weeks

bragging about selling 20,000 systems in 2009 is indeed ridiculous haha

TOO PAWNED5448d ago

see, i knew it's something stupid, witout reading article.

Power_Of_Flops_5448d ago

Still better than the 2000 Xbox 360 consoles sold in Japan last week.

Being outsold 2:1 by a 10 year old console (PS2) is sad.

SevWolf5448d ago

@ too pawned: that was lame, but a bit funny
I'll tell you, right now I'm in the middle east, when I came here I thought nobody's gonna know sh1t about gaming, but boy was I wrong, you'd be very surprised...a lot of people own a Ps3 here, I remember when I went to the gamestore here, and realized they broke the street date for inFamous..I got the last copy, and Literally fought with the other guy for it...lol, a few people have a 360, me being between them, but the PS3 dominates

dj555555555448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

what would you prefer to see then an article on how Sony have taken 3 million out of the 360's 10 million 1 year head start but I guess it wont pay as well compared to all the articles that say its a failure.

Also the fact the only reason the 360 has the lead because of the never ending negative press that comes out of America

world wide sales of the PS3 (not counting the U.S.) 13.72 million
world wide sales of the 360 (not counting the U.S.) 13.65 million

U.S. PS3 sales 8.87 million
U.S. 360 sales 17.76 million

This just tells me that one companies influence over the media will be the defining result instead of the quality of the hardware or games.

cayal5448d ago

"yeah, all 10 people that got it hahaha"

Middle East has about 300 - 400 million people fool.

TOO PAWNED5448d ago

"400 million"= of which 390 million don't even have TV hahaha hilarious. Sony faboys are legends of spinning nonsense.

"djpolofish" - i don't have 360, i have PS3, but that is bogus that 360 has no games and you know it. Online on 360 is superior.
A lot of people don't give a f... about blueray, like my self, i never watched a movie on my ps3 and don't plan to, for me consoles are for games.
Ok there are ppl that watch movies on their ps3, i don't give a crap, besides you have netflix on 360 and that new thing that streams FullHD movies on 360..don't know details since like i said, i don't care about that stuff but movie/BR argument doesn't work any more.this is not PS2 era.

Exclusives0 sure PS3 have more of them and i am glad, but other then Ucnahrted 2, there isn't anything out on PS3 that is OMG must buy!
Let's be honest Splinter Cell look amazing, so it is 1:1

How ever you look at it 360 is great console, so is PS3 but i that crap that 360 sux, it doesn't work anymore.

5448d ago
leila015448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

I'm not surprised. They seem to despise American products over there (except for the Iphone), so if they had the choice between two consoles (no matter how much the non-American console costs), they often go for the non-American one.

Glad I don't live in a country fueled by hatred anymore.

poopsack5448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

dont really know what he was spinning, just correcting ur non informed gibberish. 10 does not equal 400 million, and u may not care about movies but the world aint u bud. And if u dont care bout movies and just games, guess what, bluray helped there too.

dj555555555448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

sorry didn't mean to make your dummy fall out, truth hurts. and no i dont have a 360 i have a 5 y.o. PC so its the same thing. I dont have a 360 as i think buying old technology hinders progression in gaming

leila015448d ago

You seem conflicted; you like the X360 for it's online and upcoming catalog, but you PS3 fanboy senses are preventing you from taking the jump.

On topic
Go, Go Sony. Yay!!

TOO PAWNED5448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

Truth hurts? Rlly? Hmm maybe you should reread my comment, since i am the only one nonbiased here, youe comment is just a bunch of fanboy crap.
Why do i even bother?


Again go reread my comment. 360 HAS superior online, but i my self don't care about online gaming but i am not going to dismiss that. Than netflix vs BR, again i dont care about movies but MS has it covered for ppl that do.
In short i have ZERO interest in 360 but i am NOT biased fool like rest of you. It is great console, i can at least admit that.

ElijiaAmaya5448d ago

I heard they are taking the processors out and using them to create an army of nuclear armed robotic camels....

All-35448d ago

--> Still better than the 2000 Xbox 360 consoles sold in Japan last week.

- Here are the latest Media Create console hardware sales for the week of July 6 - 12 in Japan:

Xbox 360 - 3,561 [sales since January 1st 2009 - 235,191]

PlayStation 2 - 3,508 [sales since January 1st 2009 - 135,471]

Where are the numbers for 'last' week?

--> Being outsold 2:1 by a 10 year old console (PS2) is sad.

You must have been truly unhappy then --> when the PS2 was outselling the PS3 in Japan.

- Here are videogame hardware sales in US for the month of July 2009:

1. NDS - 766,500

2. Wii - 361,700

3. Xbox 360 - 240,600

4. PlayStation 3 - 164,700

5. PSP - 163,500

6. PlayStation 2 - 152,700

Now what about the PS3 barely outselling the 10 year old PS2 - in the US?

ultimolu5448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

Funny that people like you ignore the small countries when the small countries matter as well as the big countries. :)

Sony is doing well for having an expensive console on the market.

leila015448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

You're biased towards the PS3, you've always been and you always hated the X360. You're pretty much a good/bad example of a PS3 fanboy, so just drop the acting please.

Megatron085448d ago Show
mint royale5448d ago

were the hell are you getting your numbers from?

The 360 never had a 10 million lead, upon the ps3's release MS had announced they had shipped 5.5 million consoles. The gap with the latest figures is 8 million. Cut it anyway you want but those are the facts. In my opinion the ps3 has done very well to keep on the 360's coattails seeing as it had an awful start and has been much more expensive. I know theres not much point in discussing middle eastern sales due to their tiny nature on the world stage but that doesn't stop people such as Nasim using them to 'prove' that the flopbox is dying.

Can we not just accept that both are selling well. None of this crap about one company counting shipped numbers and the other sold. They use the same numbers and tbh its just fanboy crap. Love the games and the console not the company, they love your money not you.


@ Megatron08

Thanks cold man. I don't care what type of fan or fanboy or whatever system you support, but that's cold.

Power_Of_Flops_5448d ago

@All-3 : Nice numbers you just invented here :

Famitsu Sales: 07/13 - 07/19

PSP 25,000
PS3 8,300
PS2 5,000

360 2,700

You just owned yourself.

mint royale5448d ago

@power of flops

yes those numbers really show that the ps3 is whupping the 10 year old ps2. Im sure sony planned the numbers to look like this back in 2004/5.

Also where are the DS and Wii numbers? Too ashamed to put them on? If your talking about commercial success then you can't look at anyone but nintendo. Arguing over Japanese sales for HD consoles is irrelevant and truly very funny!

zok3105448d ago

...Sugar coated bubbles, tasty.

sak5005448d ago

To the ignorant fools.

ME comprises of rich and poor nations like other regions. Dubai and KSA are one of the richest nations here. All teh latest tech and gadgetry is available. You will find bugati veryons , lambos etc here in UAE. Anyway point is i still find stacks of ps3s in most power retailers in dubai but more 360 games on the shelves so it means what? PS3 is mostly been sold to retailers and they still hv stocks and w/o games who goes and buys them? So 360 is still more popular here. I know someone who had a ps3 and then bought a 360. So what does it say? Why would he need a 360 if he was satisfied with ps3.

Veneno5448d ago

Is that smaller and developing countries choose Playstation 3 because it is reliable and long-lasting. They have to make their money stretch farther. It's a good investment because it will be around longer. The bigger countries have more people that have money to burn on short-lived things like Xboxes, Segways, and beanie babies.

Veneno5448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

It's because your friend is not a fanboy. He is a true gamer. I have both systems as well so that I don't miss out on anything.

FamilyGuy5448d ago

Why do you have to attack every article that is pro sony? It's not like they come around that often to begin with but you troll every one of them and start arguments every time. You belong over there ---->

DarK-SilV5448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

"400 million"= of which 390 million don't even have TV hahaha hilarious"
are you trying to be funny!!!
you are ignorant who live under a rack,you don’t know what you talking about, you remind me how some westerners(No offensive to other peoples)who don't now sh!t about the world ,some even asked me this "do you live on a tent and travel by camel ?" ,this is just show you the mentality of these peoples

crillyconlig5448d ago

you racist fuk, live under a rock, alot of the middle east is vastly rich, your the the ignorant one living under a rock blissfully unaware of the real world, hope you get band for just being stupid

na2ru15447d ago

Denmark, Africa, Australia(?), other countries unknown to USA......it will all add up to something that can only get closer to worldwide recognition.

All-35447d ago

If you learned to read... I posted numbers reported by Media Create for the week July 6 - 12 in Japan.

The numbers you posted were for the following week.. which I asked for in my initial post.

The over all sales for the year in Japan since January 1st 2009 - including the numbers you posted would be:

Xbox 360 - 237,891

PS2 - 140,471

aaron58295447d ago

But, TOO PAWNED is an example of how ignorant some westerners can be...

Middle East people, to the rest of the world, are wealthy SOBs.

I was asked before by an American Kid, you're a malaysian... but you have computers and internet ?

I replied... yeah, but out computers are made from leaves and wood.

"39 million people dont have TV" ?

LOL... My god... you are are fool...

SolidAhmed5447d ago (Edited 5447d ago )


i am from Saudi Arabia guys and i have noticed something that no one have pointed out.

saudi arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain...etc have a huge problem when it comes to record sales.... how? and why?

because 85% from their sales are from The US and this is counted as sales with in the US market?

the reason of that is the biggest retailers are buying not from sony or the factory but rather buying it from retailers in the US such as Game Stop.

go and ask any one in the middle east about the price of the ps3 you will find that they selling it with 50-70$ margin.
and it varies from one store to another.

but if you want to buy the pal version this transaction is through the agent of sony check the website and you will buy it with the same price as the European price
this transaction will be recorded as sales in Saudi however it will not account for the total sales in saudi arabia

going back in sony ps2 the total sales was 3.5 million plus discluding the 85% NTSC US vesion

the real problem in middle east is the software sales because 95% of saudi users are buying the PES or winning elven (not original) or other games that can be pirated and so for that PS2 was dominating the saudi market of course ps3 has droped significantly because such chip that run the pirated copes do not exists.

mt5447d ago

they delete my damn comment nd there are more offensive comments out there what bulls Hit site

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5447d ago
Raf1k15448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

Yeh it is especially considering they're developing countries and most people don't have money to spare.

There's nothing wrong with Sony bragging about it. With more PS3s being sold than 360s Sony is gaining a valuable foothold in the region.

What do you think will happen in a decade from now when even more people have money to spend? Will they buy the more well known Playstation name or the Xbox?

edit: I made an assumption on the PS3 selling more than 360 in the region which I shouldn't have lol. But my point still stands since the PS2 is selling great around there too so the Playstation is better known in the area.
Also, Playstation has apparently become the word people use around there for all consoles much like the Hoover did here in the UK.

ultimolu5448d ago

Very true but unfortunately the fanboys slamming disagrees seem to think this is bad news.

Le sigh.

aaron58295447d ago

Sony's sales are not as high as most expected is because of this very main reason.

It cant be pirated.

It's the truth.

starchild5448d ago

They know what's good in the Middle East.

The Meerkat5448d ago

The people of the middle east who have emigrated to the west are not known for having the best taste.

Raf1k15448d ago

Middle Eastern's seem to have expensive tastes from what I've gathered about them through the ones I've come across (especially those with money to spend).

The Meerkat5448d ago

I would agree with expensive.
But expensive can be very different from tasteful.

Take Dubai as an example.

Raf1k15448d ago (Edited 5448d ago )

lol good point but the same could be said about a lot of people with plenty of money to spend.

I see plenty of people in the UK wearing a lot of expensive clothing and non of it tasteful.

edit: sorry, came out wrong lol.
I made it out as though there are a lot of people around here who wear a lot of expensive clothing.
What I mean is that of those that I do see wearing a lot of expensive clothing, most of the time what is being worn isn't tasteful.

phosphor1125448d ago

But it is true that folks from the UAE live very high in their life styles. That's just the kind of money driven country it is. Everyone is rich there, but everyone else is basically "poor" compared to western standards. Egypt isn't that bad in terms of poverty line, but beyond that it starts to go downhill fast. Life styles are very simple over there. Most people bootleg their things there to make them last longer, instead of buying new things.

Anyway, I've had cousins tell me horrible stories about their 360's. During the days they get up to 120 degrees F, and that will kill any xbox whether on or off.

The Meerkat5448d ago

I shop in Primark.

Mucho Cheapness.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5448d ago
Tinted Eyes5448d ago

i cant beleive these sony bashers have nothing better to do than rag on a system

Tee7soo5448d ago

in the Middle East we prefer the ps3 over xbox 360
me and 6 of my friends have a ps3 and only one got a xbox 360 .

saimcheeda5448d ago

i live in the ME too...and its the same deal here, my friends got psp's and some have ps3's(including me) and we all have ps2's!!

Raf1k15448d ago

So is it true people in your region refer to consoles in general as Playstations?

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Fear Effect coming to PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in 2025

Limited Run Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, will release action adventure game Fear Effect for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the company announced.

CrimsonWing691d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

What!? That is freaking great!!!! I really loved this game back in the day and was so pissed the Remake got changed and then eventually canceled. This is such great news that it’s the original. Will definitely get the plat for it.

Mr Pumblechook1d 5h ago

The article mentions:

* PC
* Nintendo Switch
* PlayStation 4
* PlayStation 5

But why isn’t there a mention of the Xbox Series version?

Scissorman1d 5h ago

Because they just don't sell enough on Xbox.


CrimsonWing691d 4h ago

Yea that’s a Limited Run Games thing like what @Scissorman showed in the article. They’ve tried selling the physical versions of Xsex games, but they just don’t sell. But I’m fairly sure this should be digital for Xbox, if not, then it’s time to drop Xbox and come to greener pastures.

wesnytsfs1d 2h ago

@CrimsonWing69, greener pastures.. Yep moved to mainly PC now myself get all the good games from both companies now if only Nintendo would release games on PC too.

RiseNShine1d 1h ago

so a ps1 game launched in modern platformos, mmmkay. I can play it already in emulators with high res, retroachievements support and more, doesn't make much sense.


Why Far Cry 3 Was The Best Of The Franchise?

Far Cry 3, an open-world masterpiece that redefined the series. Gameplay and storyline makes it a timeless classic that still inspires today.

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Deeeeznuuuts1d 20h ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop1d 20h ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE1d 20h ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop1d 16h ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.


Goat Simulator 3: Multiverse of Nonsense Preview - GamesHorizon

Goat Simulator 3's first DLC pack is here, and it's the greatest reflection of its team's bonkers approach to game design since the core game released.

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