
GamePro: EA Sports Active Review

GamePro writes: "Besides the weight tracking issue, there are a few surface-level issues with the game that could hopefully be addressed in the upcoming expansion pack. The horribly generic created characters in the game have very little in the way of customization options and won't motivate you like your fellow Miis in Wii Fit (though we doubt Nintendo will licence them for any other fitness games in the near future). The music is similarly bland, filled with uninspired riffs across a variety of genres--an option to play tunes off your SD card would have been very welcome. But EA Sports Active has a great core--it will motivate you to work out and have you doing it the right way. Can you ask for any more in a trainer?"


Gaming Update: EA Planning to Shut Down More Online Game Servers in April

Gaming Update's CM Boots-Faubert takes a look at the newest list of online game servers that game giant Electronic Arts is shutting down, with a focus upon the online Achievements and Trophies that gamers will need to work on if they want to unlock them before the April 13th shutdown.

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jack who4564d ago

reason why i buy no Ea games

lodossrage4564d ago

What the heck is wrong with EA. Some of those games aren't even two years old. Hardly even a year and a half some of them.

And they only JUST put that simpsons game on psn and xbl, and they're pulling the plug already?

Yeah I'm glad I got that as a PS plus game because I'd be pissed if I bought that

Dark_Overlord4564d ago

I think you may have got the wrong simpsons game, the one spoken about in the article is this one



lodossrage4564d ago

Ok now I'm not too upset lol. Plus the one I meant isn't even made by EA lol


BitbyDeath4564d ago

EA need to change their business tactics, it's obvious they are bleeding money even with all the sports franchises they hold.


So whats the best fitness game on the market?

Lans from TecStories writes: I've been avoiding games like UFC trainer or Zumba Fitness like the plague, writing them completely as casual fitness fads, I've just started an exercise regime and was looking for an interactive game that would keep me interested in exercising for a while. I decided to browse around the web for decent games that burn fat. What i found was Zumba Fitness, UFC Trainer and EA Sports Active.

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How Many Hours Have Wii Owners Exercised Using the EA Sports Active Games?

"EA Sports Active was released on May 19, 2009; and an expansion of sorts, EA Sports Active: More Workouts, was released on November 17, 2009. Just yesterday, November 16, 2010, Electronic Arts released a full sequel to the original, EA Sports Active 2.

EA Sports Active has had 546 days of game-play data reported, while EA Sports Active: More Workouts has had 364 days of game-play data reported, through the Wii's Nintendo Channel.
How many hours have American Wii owners exercised using the EA Sporst Active games? Let's take a look...", says CoffeewithGames.

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