
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition Announced

Fourzerotwo, aka Robert Bowling the community manager at Infinity Ward, has released a twitter update that has confirmed a special edition for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, which will be called the Prestige Edition.

Robert Bowling had stated in his latest Tweet,

In final design meeting for the Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition (CE). Filming unboxing video of what it contains this weekend!

(Sorry for not supplying actual link to Twitter Page as it states it's a Duplicate Story.)

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The-Director5494d ago

I like the name, but i never buy CE editions.

likedamaster5494d ago

It doesn't have to be exclusive for me to get a CE version of a game. I was waiting for them to announce a CE for MW2. Game on.

omni_atlas5493d ago

i bought the gta iv one. the metal box is actually quite useful, high quality stuff.

Lord_Ranos5494d ago

but I think im gonna buy the original version.

Kushan5494d ago

I'll wait and see what's in it before I judge.

RockmanII75489d ago

Wait, your going to give something a chance before you flame it and call it the worst thing ever... thats rare.

Meus Renaissance5494d ago

Considering the price of the standard SKU they can FORGET a CE Edition!

DeadlyFire5494d ago

Its absurd that just because something is popular they have to make extra crap for you to buy that is meaning less and useless.

Kushan5494d ago

You don't HAVE to buy it, it's specifically for those who are fans of the game. I'm glad I got my CE of Bioshock and Mass Effect, for example.

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