
Unbound Saga Goes Gold

The Unbound Saga videogame is based on Dark Horse's comic book of the same name and follows the adventures of self-aware comic book tough guy Rick Ajax, as he battles the constant and cataclysmic threats that are put in his path by the god-like entity known as 'The Maker'.

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Backward Compatibility: May’s Full Release List

The month of May seen a lot of great additions to the Xbox Backwards Compatibility Programme, allowing you to play more of your favourite Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One Console than ever before. Here is a comprehensive list of all games added to Backward Compatibility last month

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Foehammer3032d ago (Edited 3032d ago )

WOW, 23 titles

Over 200 BC games out now, great work MS.

We already saw the impressive effect of Black Ops going BC.

sammarshall1023032d ago (Edited 3032d ago )

Whoa that's a great list of games Jet Set Radio, The force unleashed 1 and 2, SSX, Phantasy Star 2

I didn't even know some of these were added last month

Foehammer3032d ago

A great mix, lots of variety.

nevin13032d ago

lol, I can't play PS3 on my PS4.

wutang4ever3031d ago (Edited 3031d ago )

actually you can, it's called PS now, BC is over rated.


Death By Robots - Review: Unbound Saga

Doomey @ DBR writes: Do you stare at the ceiling at night, pondering “why am I here, who is in charge of all this mess, will I ever meet my maker, how come every day I end up in a boss fight?” Well Rick, our hero of Unbound Saga, does just that, but not so much the lying in bed part.

In Unbound Saga you play as Rick Ajax (or his super sexy side kick Lori, dependant on playing in multiplayer or not). Poor old Rick has grown very frustrated with his life of constantly kicking bottoms, because he has become aware that he is actually the star of a comic book....

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Anime Courtyard:Unbound Saga XBLA Review

There are few games that make me feel like finish them in one sit, with a very unique style Unbound Saga is one of them.
This title by Vogster brings to Xbox Live Arcade the good old Beat em Up genre to our consoles, myself being a fan of games such as Double Dragon, Streets of Rage and more, playing this game was a pleasant experience.

For a full review visit our website.

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