
Adventure Gamers: The Black Mirror 2 Preview

For the people of Willow Creek, England, it's been twelve years since the horrific events at Black Mirror Castle, and for a while, things couldn't have been better. The tourism to Willow Creek skyrocketed as news of the incident spread around the world. A museum dedicated to the murders was opened, the sanitarium was converted to a hotel, and they even added a funfair. Recently, however, business has dried up, and darkness is once again looming over the town.

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Adventure Gamers: Black Mirror II Review

It may fall short of the true genre classics, but if you liked the first game, you’ll certainly want to ignore the warnings of a character urging you not to step through the mirror this time, and even newcomers who appreciate story-driven, inventory-based adventures should enjoy much of what Black Mirror II has to offer. It’s a funhouse mirror, providing a totally new perspective on a familiar place, but gaze into it once and you won’t want to look away.

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Exclusive: Lace Mamba to Become Key-Player in Digital Distribution

Pursuing the digital market beyond their own name, Lace Mamba Global are taking the Odyssia brand to new heights, and aren't shy about speaking for it's recognition in the Adventure games market. Set to launch in March aided by a more than respectable marketing budget, Codd stated; "It will be at the forefront of everyone's mind – I'll guarantee that, by the end of September it will be everywhere."

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Lace Mamba Global: Past, Present & Future Success

Jason Codd: "Then obviously we've moved into our first console products as well which, I think for an independent publisher to have their first [Xbox] 360 product 14 months after first set-up is pretty efficient. We've got our own IP being developed on [Nintendo] DS and Wii as well at the moment, so we're very very excited about where we're going."

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