
zConnection: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (Rydia's Tale)

zConnection's Jorge Fernandez writes: "In our second coverage of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years and its downloadable episodes, we will look into Rydia's Tale, the first separate episode that was released alongside the opening tale. In this episode, we witness the chaotic events unfolding across the world through Rydia's point of view.

"One of the main party members in the original game, Rydia's abilities as a Summoner were invaluable, and her adorable personality and trademark green hair has made her a fan favourite for several years. Her recent DS makeover has also sparked a wave of fan-art, though much of it isn't exactly safe for work. Of similar note is Rydia's newest outfit for The After Years, which received a modest modification for the European and North American release. While her more perverted fans might feel crushed, there's no denying that her added garments are more appropriate."

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Top 10: Worst Final Fantasy Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "The Final Fantasy series is one of gaming’s most revered franchises with many of its games finding themselves near the top of ‘best games of all time’ lists and simply uttering the words ‘Final Fantasy’ usually evokes images of epic quests and world class polish. But not all of the games to bear the name have been worthy of praise. Some, in fact are terrible, unplayable, ugly and obnoxious games that make you wonder how Square Enix ever approved them. So for this week’s Top 10 we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and counting down the Top 10 Worst Final Fantasy Games."

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DedicatedDark2592d ago (Edited 2592d ago )

Addition of FFXIII Lightning Returns and Crystal Bearers make your list redundant.

Though I appreciate the lack of FFX-2.

And I agree with the rest.

DedicatedDark2592d ago

Wait on further thought, the inclusion FFVIII would be nice. Terrible writing, terrible story, terrible gameplay and terrible translation. And therefore a terrible game.

2592d ago
Derceto2592d ago

Any Final Fantasy made my SquareEnix. Quick and easy.

SinkingSage2592d ago (Edited 2592d ago )

Since when is After Years or Lightning Returns bad?
This article is garbage, the absolute worst FF, Final Fantasy XIII is nowhere to be seen.

Also, why include a game that doesn't even exist anymore? FFXIV 1.0 is long gone...

overrated442590d ago

Lightning avatar and mad about Lightning Returns being on the list!? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

SinkingSage2589d ago

Heh, yeah, how is LR on the list but not XIII? XIII is pretty bad.

2592d ago Replies(1)
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The 5 Scariest Locations In The Final Fantasy Realm

The Final Fantasy world has some of the most creative, scariest, and weirdest locations

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2724d ago
Asuka2723d ago

The lack of Ultimecia's Castle is disappointing. That area with its atmosphere, branching paths and secrets along with secret bosses, and not to mention locking out nearly all of your abilities (even saving) makes it one of FF's most intimidating areas....imo of course =p

DarXter2723d ago

The lack of any actual content is more disappointing imo.

Vkviz2723d ago

Ultimecia's castle definitely seems like a glaring omission. I thought that waking up in the Shinra tower to find that Sephiroth had gone on a bloody murder spree was pretty damn creepy the first time I played that section as a kid.

TC7312723d ago

Ultimecia's castle and underwater in FF7.

I mean it's not like you can hit the "submerge" button and accidentally land on Emerald Weapon or anything. lol

jukins2723d ago

I'll always remember in ffxi when "sky" was the end game that was one of the most intense places to navigate a entire alliance through.


50% off PC versions of Final Fantasy 7, 8, 13 and other FF games

Amazon has discounted 50 percent off the PC versions of Final Fantasy III, IV, IV: The After Years, VII, VIII, XIII, XIV: A Realm Reborn and XIV: Heavensward.

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Gaming_Cousin2732d ago

Superior to what? I'm confused

Vhampir2732d ago

If you mod FF7 to remove the mouths.

This is just price matching the steam sale. I'm going to wait for the anniversary collection, with the uncensored versions.

FinalFantasyFanatic2732d ago

Make that anniversary collection happen Square-Enix.

Derceto2732d ago

Nice. Another 50% and they would be appropriately priced.

Princess_Pilfer2732d ago

Or, you know, I could just put the disk in my PC. Or just rip the files off the disks and play them from the HDD. Except for 13 and 14 i guess, but 13 is a garbage fire and 14 has a subscription fee so saving a few bucks on the purchase price doesn't really do anything.

-Foxtrot2732d ago

Rather wait for that collection that was rumoured to be announced next month