
Heavy Rain Not 'In Line' with Trophies

Guillaume de Fondaumiere, co-CEO of Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream, has told SPOnG that his company's game is not necessarily "conceptually in line" with the PS3's Trophy system.

"We haven't figured out, as of yet, how the trophy system is going to work. It's not necessarily a game that is conceptually in line with what trophies should do", Guillaume told SPOnG at the GameHorizon conference.

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belal5568d ago (Edited 5568d ago )

a trophy system for this game, but they could have trophies for each ending and actions you take... but that would take forever i suppose?

PirateThom5568d ago

Yeah, that would take a long time and probably require you to end up reading guides and it wouldn't be about the story anymore.

I hope they're creative though, not just progressing in the game.

Cwalat5568d ago

I'm still thinking, who the hell would buy this kind of game just for Trophies??

snipermk05568d ago

Its just become an obsession for achievements these days. Where's the fun and all? I truly want to be able to enjoy this game the way its meant to be.

gaffyh5568d ago

@1.3 - As long as Trophies are there, it gives some users another reason to buy a game, rather than rent a game. A great idea by Sony to add Platinum trophies, they take a hell of a long time to get in most games, which means people are more likely to hang on to their games longer rather than resell them.

With Heavy Rain, they probably will add trophies, although not sure how they would work in a game like this. Maybe find some secret items? Hidden endings?

Downtown boogey5568d ago

trophies were as bad as they can possibly be... Yet, they're there!

Toenado5568d ago

for me trophies were just for the completionist. At first. Now I have become somewhat of a competionist myself. It sounds stupid But there is no way I would search for something, such as all the shards in Infamous without getting a trophy.

himdeel5568d ago

...that aren't so specific as to take away from the story. They could definitely add some trophies and make them a bit cryptic or make all the trophies "???" type trophies. The ones that you only learn about after you've completed a particular action.

GameGambits5568d ago

If they were smart they would release a trophy patch planned for the game like a month or two later after the game. By then the main people who wanted to play it will have done so and the story aspects won't be shockers.

As for the trophies themselves just make them all secrets so people aren't absorbed by getting them except for the super losers. Those guys won't give a rats about this game anyway to play it UNLESS it has trophies, so may as well make them all secret so us non dingle berries can just enjoy the game without any of them in our heads.

That's just my 2 cents.

Livenow5568d ago

they can do it for this. They say each conflict can end differently? Well there you go. You get a trophy for surviving a fight with Mad Jack and you get a trophy if you avoid the fight altogether.
Finish the story with any one character w/o dying and you get a trophy.

This is just me thinking off the top of my head. Trophies can be done for the game.

ID IR A G 0 N5568d ago

it can not be that hard to make trophies for a game. these people are creative enough to make a game but not the trophies?? give me a break.

Syronicus5568d ago

I don't play games for trophies. I do however really want to play this game so no matter how they do it matters not to me, I just want the game.

skip2mylou5568d ago

yo man i wouldnt really care. cause i play visual novels from time to time. so people who do visual novels have a lot of time on there hands to see all the endings

TheExecutive5568d ago

so what, there are no goals in this game? Give me a break. I loved indigo prophecy and cannot wait for Heavy Rain but these developers need to give it a rest.

marinelife95568d ago

They could hide the trophies as physical parts of the scenery in the game to encourage exploration. But I don't really care if they have trophies or not in the game.

Michael Jackson5568d ago

For a game that's sure to be amazing, that in itself is worthy of a trophy.

wildcat5568d ago

Basically, I couldn't care less if they put trophies in or not.

JL5568d ago

Anybody that is buying this game just for trophies should be shot on the spot, and have their ps3 taken from them. This game is going to be amazing, trophies or not (though they don't have a choice and have to implement trophies somehow--and not in a patch like the one guy mentioned...at release). The idea above about making them all secret is kinda cool. I'm sure Quantum will figure out some things to give trophies for (not sure really how hard it is to figure out reasons to give trophies, especially with some of the things I've seen that you get trophies for in other games). That being said, I don't see any reason people should be concerned about trophies on this game. This game is just going to be an amazing experience, period.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5568d ago

If there's 50 trophies and a Platinum for HR, it might ruin the experience. I want to play this for the story (duh) and I don't want to be looking through a trophy list to see what I should or shouldn't do, just for some trophies. Sure I could try to ignore them, but that's pretty damn hard. Maybe they could just have 2 trophies; 1 Gold for beating the game and 1 Platinum? Trophies are there to add longevity to a game by adding extra tasks but HR isn't a game focused on tasks, it's a game focused on story.

I'm a Trophy-Beast (level 13 with 11 Platinums) and I LOVE trophies but HR really doesn't need them.

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thereapersson5568d ago

If they can't implement them in a way that makes sense, I'd rather them not. Not every game needs to have achievements / trophies, especially if they are nonsensical or so easy you don't even have to try to earn them.

I_am_rushin5568d ago

But it's mandatory. And they say they will definitely include them.

andron5568d ago

They either need to get inventive or just give them away as part of playing.

What about a trophy every 30 min of playing time and on when you finish the game. Also one for finishing the game several times. They'll come up with some...

Armyless5568d ago

the trophies for Flower didn't detract from the game at all, and are just as whimsical and endearing as you'd expect from such a game.

LeGenDx5568d ago

im a trophy whore an trophy whores need their trophies

callahan095568d ago

I don't care what they do with trophies for this game as long as they're all secret trophies (the ones that show up as ??? on the list until you discover them). Keep them shrouded. As you progress through the game, you unlock some of them. Certain failures or successes or different paths or decisions taken will result in different trophies unlocking on each play through, requiring many replays in order to get all of the trophies, experiencing the story differently with each play through. That seems like it could possible without a guide, too, as long as you don't always play through the game exactly the same way every time, you'll get them all (and why would anyone want to play a game like this the exact same way each time?)

N4Flamers5568d ago

I like my achievements and trophies, but im all about skipping the ludicrous ones. SOrry im only so good at guitar hero and im not going to beat like 5 songs on expert with 5 gold stars. With that being said this game seems like its going to be long, and with trophies based on different actions that means its time to go and get the faq.

I hate hidden or secret achievements or trophies, I can understand when they dont want to give the story away, but you can all ways remove the spoilers with clever wording. There are some games where the majority of the achievements are secret, it makes me wonder what they are there for. I mean trophies are to work harder and get more enjoyment out of your game, but I cant do that if I dont know what I am working towards.

fuckoffodion5568d ago

Keep them a mystery. That way, it doesn't detract from the experience. It also encourages multiple playthrough because each experience is different.

DailyAddict5568d ago

Haha this is kind of interesting cause seeing as how you're sort of playing through a movie in a sort of way giving trophies for this game would be ridiculously easy so I understand what they mean about trophies here. I mean think about - Trophy unlocked for pressing Square 10 times in a row? Trophy unlocked for completing chapter 1. It'd be the easiest trophies ever attained.

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1411d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1411d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1411d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1411d ago (Edited 1411d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


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What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1568d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121568d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1568d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121568d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121568d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011568d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1568d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.