
Lara Croft's Sexy Poses Recreated

Lara Croft made her debut back in 1996 really had the guys going wild, even though they were just polygons crafted together to resemble her breasts and her overly large head. Lara Croft has been remodeled from the old Lara into what you're about to see.

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KingKionic 5508d ago (Edited 5508d ago )

oh lordy...lordy...lordy..

This has my approval.

Bob Dole5507d ago

Lol almost forgot about those old pics. Laura Croft makes Bob Dole's penis sneeze.

Raz5507d ago

I've rediscovered the sound of one hand clapping...

Carl14125507d ago

Of course ;)

How did we ever find old Lara sexy? Hmm...

christian hour5507d ago

Back then, I always wondered why people found her sexy... when she didnt even look remotely human or female at all in any way. She looked more alien-inside-of-a-females-skin to me. Did people REALLY? Or was it some weird mass per pressure hting where every guy felt like they had to say they did?

Anyway thats not the point i came here to make... the point is. The guy in the article says the old lara was unproportional and stuff... so are the new ones. In more places than one. I wont point them out, but look at the first picture... Theres a few problems there but the easiest one to spot is... well... JESUS JUST LOOK AT HER FEET WOULD YOU?!

Carl14125507d ago

What's wrong with her feet?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5507d ago
ruibo5507d ago

I like her more than Jolie

-MD-5507d ago

I forgot how sexy Angelina looked in that movie... wow too bad shes pure skin and bones now.

SevWolf5507d ago

@ murderdolls..tru dat, she was so hot she was a very beautiful lady, right now all I see is just pointy bones popping out of her skin

SlyGuy5507d ago

some of the original pics a bit more.

ryuyasho5507d ago

at least the original model had a great booty and a great pair of cannonballs... this new one, meh not that much, just a big rack. I'm an @$$man, therefore I like the original better. big breast nowdays IMO are overrated...

rjackson15507d ago

I asking the guys! If she was real would you do her?

ssipmraw5507d ago (Edited 5507d ago )

I'm afraid you must excuse murderdolls, hes still in denial you see for as of last year his testicles shriveled up into his body and manifested themselves into ovaries while his anus eventually split and formed a uterus while his penis remains to be a large clitoris. as of last year he has remained a female thereby being incapable of answering your question.

Kajaah1175507d ago

We need Jessica Chobot to give this a shot. Or Layla Kayleigh...

lost25507d ago

im gonna go and stroke it a lil bit....

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The Best Tomb Raider Games Ranked

We've gone on many adventures with Lara Croft. With another reboot in the making, Wealth of Geeks felt it was a good time to go down the nostalgia rabbit hole and remember the best of those tomb-raiding thrills.

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot152d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion153d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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