
PlayTM: EyePet Preview

Let's not beat around the bush, the Xbox 360's Natal demonstration basically owned E3, and anyone that says otherwise is potentially delusional and quite possibly a Sony fanboy (or some terrifying combination of the two). PlayTM enjoyed Sony's briefing, and some of the platform holder's new games will no doubt be ace - but in terms of raw impact there's no arguing with the genuinely inspiring taste that Natal left in the mouth.

Sony did of course show off their own motion technology at the LA bash, but it looked more like a gradual if impressive evolution of the Wii's already groundbreaking approach, rather than the fresh start that Natal seems to herald. Surprisingly, then, one of the new Sony games in the works that does in some respects seem a little closer to Microsoft's efforts is EyePet - the new AI driven virtual pet 'game' being created in house using the PlayStation Eye.

anh_duong5570d ago (Edited 5570d ago )

article says anyone who doesn't think natal is fantastic is a sony fanboy..

well can someone explain to me how natal will work for tps, fps, driving games and sports games such as fifa - equivalent to the majority of game genres that hardcores gamers play.

not saying it is bad or good but can someone explain how natal improves on a normal controller for these games.

El Botto5570d ago

Or simply incredibly stupid. Let us not beat around the bush.

Natal is in early stages and for what it promises to do, they will have to beat institutions like NASA and laws of physics to work.

Natal lacks the accuracy needed for hardcore games that require precision, accuracy and speed. Furthermore, Natals lack of controller will not allow it to work on anything other than casual shovelware.

Natal is also way behind the Playstation tech which is already in developers hands and has a huge range of third party support.

At this very stage, it is clear that Natal is nothing but casual gimmick. To claim at this very point that Natal owned E3, is to be incredibly uninformed or simply a fanboy.

Cajun Chicken5570d ago

I think this could really big for Sony, especially if the price for the inevitable bundle is right. Looks cool as hell.

I might end up trying to get it just to demonstrate my PSeye to people. Sounds really wrong, but I want to know how much I can torture it, lol.

jay25570d ago

Let's not beat around the bush, the Xbox 360's Natal demonstration basically owned E3, and anyone that says otherwise is potentially delusional and quite possibly a Sony fanboy (or some terrifying combination of the two)

BS, we've known about both controllers for what, 2 years, and it's not as though xmote is in devs hands unlike psmote.

DragonWarrior_45570d ago

Says the delusional 360 fanboy. I cant believe people still think Natal is better then the ps3 motion control. Sh*t even motion plus is better then Natal.

Chicago85065570d ago

Hey guy...juss ta let u know...it sounds pretty fanboyish of u ta start an article about (EyePet), with talks ov Natal.
When I began reading ya article, I was (QUICKLY) detoured by an irrelevant subject.

For future purposes, on your behalf...it would b wise to stick to tha (MAIN TOPIC). If u were that anxious ta inform gamers about Natal on an EyePet Preview...ya shoulda juss made an article about Natal.


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