
Best of E3 2009 Awards: Best RPG

GameTrailers: "Which role-playing offering turned our heads?"

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5577d ago
KingKionic 5577d ago

Well...It`s a western rpg (mass effect 2) . Like any other rpg you can upgrade your character.

You ever play mass effect 1 ?

Baliw5577d ago (Edited 5577d ago )

I can see the Mass Effect lovers disagreeing with me lol
But anyway, that video list is FAR to be complete and YOU know it.

I dont eat that crappy list. Where's Monster Hunter on that list?

kevnb5577d ago

playing the first on xbox 360 was a joke...

Nihilism5577d ago

i agree, don't know what the fanboys are upset about. why don't you pu$$y disagree-ers google whether or not the pc version of mass effect was better.....see if every review on the internet can convince you out of you console-inferiority complex

Traveler5577d ago

I actually prefer the PS3 in general, but Mass Effect is one of the best games I have every played. Just because it runs better on the PC doesn't mean that the 360 version was a joke. All games potentially run better on the PC, but most people still prefer to play them on the consoles.

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iDystopia5577d ago

Mass Effect 2 is going to be so awesome.

TheColbertinator5577d ago

Mass Effect 2 will rule.Dragon Age is also a game to look out for

Gun_Senshi5577d ago (Edited 5577d ago )

FFXIII Is way too Sci Fi for Final Fantasy Game.

Being a fan of FFXI, My vote goes to FFXIV

When I saw FFXIV Trailer I noticed the races of FFXI and went "WOOOT NEW ONLINE FF!". When I saw -Online- at end of trailer I was so happy.

FFXI was the best MMO when it was launched and in my opinion its way better then most MMOs nowdays, and way better then WoW. Job System was fun. Comunity was mature (Except for racist in game). Some quest where so fun to do (Missions) and End game...there is too much end game XD. Even when launched it was great and they kept adding stuff (Gods, Dynamis, Sea etc).

The only thing I did not like is then ToAU the job balanced was removed and everyone just speed leveled. When I got ToAU I was able to get DRG to 75 in 3 weeks work only. In ToAU I was able to solo fast exp while even looking for a party with no downtime due to Sanction (Screenshot).

Before you go loldrg. DRG WAS lol at launch. Then they fixed it. I could outphaser everyone on my DRG and swapping gear. Gain TP gear then change to hectacomb +1 armor and pull out Drakesbane. Thats 8-10k dmg MUHAHAHAHA. Also DRG/SAM can solo Skillchain and DRG/BLU solo is so fun :D

I was thinking of reopening sub. I need my Dose of Final Fantasy Online. XIV Cannot come soon enough :(


*DC Universe looks like crap game.

*Starwars: WOOOT!!

*No Dragon Age = phail list

*Winner ME2? Sorry I did not like ME1.

Attached is also Proof I have Mass Effect 1 and FFXI on my PC, since in this site you will be called fanboy. Well you will be called fanboy even with PROOF

Baliw5577d ago

As I said before, no Dragon Age on that list, no WKC, no Demon's Souls... and i bet there were more RPGs in that E3 than meet the eye.

La Chance5577d ago (Edited 5577d ago )

wrong post.

qface645577d ago

honestly i know everyone calls mass effect an rpg but i just honestly don't think of it as an rpg at all i consider fallout more of an rpg than mass effect

im not insulting the game im just saying i don't really consider it an rpg

Baliw5577d ago

I agree with you.

**But you know, now that RPGs are uber cool, if i like FPS and Mass Effect count as RPG in that list, im going down with it before any real RPG on that list** uh irony.

Someone should attach a list of 2009 E3 RPGs after this.

Odion5577d ago

what makes an RPG?

Cause ME had leveling, skills that could be improved, different characters, a party class, weapons and armor to buy, a massive story.

What element of an RPG is missing?

kevnb5577d ago (Edited 5577d ago )

rpg stands for role playing game, not turn based... I know for alot of you final fantasy VII is the definition of rpg, but not everything done in final fantasy games defines what an rpg game is.

Valkyre5577d ago


if that is the case , then role playing is also Metal Gear Solid , Max Payne,Splinter Cell , Uncharted ... and pretty much everything that involves taking the role of an iconic character that gets upgrades along the way.Hell even infamous is an RPG , and so on.

No RPG isnt just about taking the role of someone.Its about the battle system , its about the world the story is unfold , its a lot of things that have to be in place in order for a game to be an RPG.

Having a character that just upgrades his abilities and plays like a shooter doesnt constitute what a true RPG really is in my humble opinion.

kevnb5577d ago (Edited 5577d ago )

"A role-playing game is a computer or video game where the player controls one or several characters, and achieves victory by completing a series of quests. A key feature of the genre is that characters grow in power and abilities, and characters are typically designed by the player. Players explore a game world, while solving puzzles and engaging in tactical combat. RPGs rarely challenge a player's physical coordination, with the exception of action role-playing games.[1]"

I would say this fits mass effect perfectly, the battles are never won by simple twitch shooting, its all tactical (with a bit more control than kotor had). Heck its more an rpg than most jrpgs. If someone bought mass effect and played it as a shooter, do you think they would like it all that much?

Perjoss5577d ago

there is a VERY blurry line between what is an rpg and what isn't. Since in most games you are playing the role of a character, you could say that half life is an rpg as you are playing the role of scientist Gordon Freeman.

Another interesting point i fond is that if you were to really play the role of someone the best view would be first person, but most rpgs are not first person at all, in fact a lot of rpgs have you control a whole party and not a single character at all.

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Knightofelemia6d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno5d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno5d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.