
Tretton: 15 first party PS3 exclusives in development

Nick @ PS3Center writes:

Tretton recently announced that Sony has a whopping 15 first party exclusive titles in development, capping off a well rounded catalog of first and third party games. "With Agent on one shoulder and Final Fantasy XIV on the other, and then 15 exclusives from first party..." Tretton reveals, branding them all as "Gotta have it" games. Of course, these 15 first party exclusives don't even count second party games, like Sucker Punch's recently released InFamous or Insomniac's upcoming Ratchet game. It really gets you wondering, what other games does Sony have up their sleeve?

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5579d ago
Press_Agree5579d ago

15/15 of these exclusives will be delayed. Press Agree.

trancefreak5579d ago

The more the better just in moderation for my wallet though.

RememberThe3575579d ago

That is not necessarily true. The term "second part developer" was coined to describe games that were published by a console manufacturer but developed by a third party developer. It is not an actual term. the only actual terms are "first-part" and "third-part".

I suspect that when he says 15 first-party games he means games that they are going to publish exclusively for the PS3.


DasBunker5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

im glad they delayed heavy rain and GT5 doesnt come out this year.. my wallet would explode if that happened...

every year gets better and better

chrisnick5579d ago

not only will i not press agree, i will NOT not take one of your bubbles...BACK TO YOUR BRIDGE!!!!!

xabmol5579d ago

1st party is 1st party.

2nd party is 3rd party.

I suspect that your suspectings are nothing more than suspection.

chrisnick5579d ago

you just blew my mind dude.

poindat5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

I, on the contrary, would explode with joy if GT 5 came out this year. I am working through GT 4, and I have to say, it is one of the best racing games I have played, and visually it is stunning despite being 4 years old.

All of these 15 exclusives, and GT 5 is still my number 1 most wanted. But then again, it really is wonderful to be able to have these kinds of choices. That is $900 worth of games right there, all of which are probably going to be worth the money.

5579d ago
xwabbit5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

very nice indeed, meanwhile MS has 30 multiplats on development right now........lol srry i had to do it :(, was bored!!!!!

LarVanian5579d ago

In terms of games 2008 was the year of the PS3.

IdleLeeSiuLung5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

More promises. How about deliver the promises Sony already made? Sony always talking about the FAR FAR future.

edit: might be my mistake. it sounds almost as some of the games are already announced and not 15 unannounced upcoming first party games.

Jaces5579d ago

Annnd your a troll...whats new?

Moving on. I can believe it seeing the way the flow of exclusives is going right now.

poindat5579d ago

In either case, 15 games is still 15 games, right? I mean, not even including the great multiplats in development, that is about how much games I buy in 2 years.

sirbigam5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

WOW if you watch that video guys this is exactly the kind of guy you want running your company, a dam good CEO i'd buy anything from him after watching that lol.

lloyd_wonder5579d ago

I don't think he said all of those things. Games like GOW III were always listed as fiscal year 2009-- extending from now to March of next year.

vhero5579d ago

at least 90% of these will be true exclusives e.g. not on PC like 90% of 360 exclusives. SEE MS take a leaf out of Sonys book these are what exclusives look like!

Chuk_Chuk5579d ago

i need to hurry up and complete my games before these arrive

cayal5579d ago

"Insomniac is not owned by Sony, therefore they are a second party, and they can do whatever they want. They develop on PS platforms because they like what Sony does for them."

If I recall correctly, Sony doesn't own Insomniac because they wanted to stay independent and Sony agreed.

But 2nd party developers like Insomniac, MM, Quantic Dream, Level 5 etc seem to enjoy working for Sony. It sounds like Sony looks after their partners.

Syronicus5579d ago

This is good news for gamer that Sony is taking care of us. I am a gamer and one on a budget and knowing that there will be 15 more titles to pick from makes me happy but wishful of more money at the same time! lol

Between first party exclusives, second and third party titles, and both consoles, I have my work cut out for me this year - Fiscal year that is.

Naucious5579d ago

i was planning on buying an Xbox360 cuz my bois have one as well but when i look at what sony's bringing to the table i wont have money to get one..... they keep bringing out exclusives.

15!!! is a lot for next year or even in 2 years, if they could release 5 exclusives each year and drop each one during a season and 2 during the holidays sony would be set for 3 years, let alone the great multi-plats, that plann should relieve some of the pressure off our wallets...

I feel sorry for the people who have both consoles either your rich or your about to go through a gaming recession lol too many great games coming

Syronicus5579d ago

It is true that with so many good exclusives coming to the PS3 there will be little money left to buy anything else but I have to encourage you and anybody else, if you can sport the cash, buy both consoles so that no great game escapes you. In the end it's all about games and gaming with your buds and not about who's console is better than the other. I lean towards the PS3 but that is because most of my buds have one but I can miss out on any of the great games exclusive to the 360. It's a gamers life.

Naucious5579d ago

lol true dat, it was in the from of a joke that, thats how it feels sometimes when you theres so many great games out there that you tend to think that your going broke, I for one have the habit of telling my girlfriend that i cant take her out that weekend cause I just bought Infamous or RE5, Honestly im trying to get an xbox360 but i keep ending up saving or putting money down for a PS3 exclusive. No lie i dont have it like some of the fortunate people (i.e. you) lol but i wont let that prevent me from playing great games, so i guess countless nights at my bois house playing xbox360 it is, and going home finishing on my exclusive PS3 games that i have to squeeze in my already busy schedule...

but the answer to your question is it would be fanboyish of me to say that people should only buy the PS3 even though thats my console of choice and ill rep. it to the death of me but the gamer in me says that you need to look on the other side of the fence sometimes, there are some good games besides them being on the PS3, it just seems the PS3 has many lol, gamers need to wake up!!!

Face Palm5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

He seems like such a nice guy; kinda reminds me of a big teddy that wants to be hugged :)

The M$ reps just look like giant douches. I get angry just looking at their smug faces >:(

Edit: I just read my sentence about Jack Tretton and I sounded really creepy O_o

Saigon5579d ago

but i wish sometimes they would list them out...

Beast_Master5579d ago

Maybe someone can help..Correct me.

1. Uncharted 2--ND
2. GOW3-- Santa Monica
3. ModNation Racers--Santa Monica/United Front
4. The Last Gardian--Ico/Japan
5. Eye Pet--London
6. Buzz-- London
7. NBA Inside/MLB The Show--San Deigo
8. Singstar Queen-London
9. MAG--Zipper
10. Fat Princess ??? Titan/ not sure if it counts
11. Grand Turismo 5--Polyphany
12. DC Universe Online--Austin
13. The Agency--SOE

That is all I can think of 1st party:
Second Party:
R&C: a crack in time-- Insom
Resistance 3 -- Insom rumored/logical guess
Heavy Rain-- Quantic Dream
Pixel Junk Shooter-- Q games

Sony Bend??--Syphon Filter
Media Mol??--LBP2?
Sucker Punch??--Infamous 2 or Sly Cooper 4
EatSleepPlay--Twisted Metal??
Gurilla Games-- Killzone 3??
Slant 6?
Big Big?
Ninja Theory?? Heavenly Sword 2?
London?? 8 days Team and Getaway 3 teams new project.

All-35579d ago


Second-party developer, a company that is tied to, and makes games specifically for, a console manufacturer.


HAL Laboratory is a video game developer and a second party to Nintendo. They're most famous for Kirby and Super Smash Bros.


cmrbe5579d ago

this is more than MS in house devs have put out for the last 3 years.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 5579d ago
FrankFoxJaegar5580d ago

Sony's in house devs are godlike. The only lemon I can think of is PERHAPS Genji, I'm not even sure though if that's in house?

Anyways, here's what we have confirmed from Sony's first party: Uncharted 2, Last Guardian, Gran Turismo 5, Starhawk, God of War 3, EyePet. Plus theres rumors about a new Syphon Filter as well.

KKanjiAnkh5579d ago

I gotta let Genji pass because part 1 was amazing, and 2 it was a unknown hardware rushed title. Game Rebublic also made Folklore, and that too had to be pushed cause of the PS3 gamr drought. The biggest thing Genji suffered was poor camera work. Ninja Gaiden 2 suffered the same thing and the game was made by a A level producer.

RememberThe3575579d ago

if Syphon Filter was announced for the PS3. That is how exited I would be.

xabmol5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

Note to self:

Stay away from Syphon Filter PS3 announcements.

SaiyanFury5579d ago

Sony developers are always committed to quality. That's both first party developers like Naughty Dog (owned by SCE), as well as second party developers like Insomniac. Many people perceive Insomniac to be a first party, they are not. Insomniac is not owned by Sony, therefore they are a second party, and they can do whatever they want. They develop on PS platforms because they like what Sony does for them. They are free to develop on other platforms if they choose, yet they choose Sony's consoles for their own reasons. And Insomniac always delivers us PS gamers with great games, be it the Ratchet & Clank series or the more recent Resistance series.

cayal5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

New Syphon Filter
New Jak and Daxter
Legend of Dragoon 2
The Getaway 3
Heavenly Sword 2

I'd like to see these being made.

callahan095579d ago

Nope, Game Republic is an independent developer. They made a few PS3 exclusives, though, like Genji, Folklore, and Dark Mist. Folklore is downright incredible, Dark Mist is pretty good, and Genji is OK. Genji has some gorgeous visuals and even some really fun gameplay and level design, and was marred by an absolutely abysmal camera that made the game about 100x more frustrating than it otherwise would have been.

Beast_Master5579d ago

No thanks,

I will take an Infamous 2 though.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5579d ago
Gue15579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

I been hearing about these secret Sony games since the PS3 first came out like 3 years ago... =0

Hallucinate5579d ago

yep amd i bet we got half of em

talltony5579d ago

Thats 15 new first party exclusives. This is not even counting second party exclusives that are coming out. I guarantee that every 1st party exclusive coming out will push the envelop, you'll see! Thats why I love playstation!.

Uzesgelen_Goo5579d ago

he's crying with tears of happiness (-^_^-) hehe

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Eonjay1d 6h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

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This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


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TheNamelessOne8d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv727d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

6d ago