
Impressions: EyePet (PS3)

Joystiq writes: EyePet truly needs to be seen to be understood. You can do so many things with the critter, and his incredibly detailed and lifelike animation makes this "game" all the more believable. For example, you can try sweeping your arm across the bottom of your TV view, and the pet will jump over your arm. When your pet goes to sleep, you can clap loudly and get it to wake up ... (although it might be grumpy!)

Sony calls the quality of the visuals "Pixar-like" and in our opinion, that's not hyperbole. With all of PS3's rendering capabilities going towards a single character model, it's no surprise the visuals looks so impressive. I'll reiterate that the visuals you see in the trailer aren't pre-rendered -- the game really does look like that.

One of the cooler things to do in the game is to drop down the "magic card" on the floor. This simple black card will be detected by the Eye and a spinning holgraphic menu will shoot out of it. Players will be able to gesture Minority Report-style, around the menu to access various options, like to

One amazing feature that works better than we'd imagine is the ability to draw and import your own creations. You can play an airplane minigame, for example, by drawing a helicopter for your pet to drive. All it takes is a white piece of paper and a black pen. You'll have to draw the pieces necessary to make a working helicopter, and then you'll be able to scan the image with the Eye. The drawing then gets scanned into the world and your pet will attempt to recreate it. (The more you teach it how to draw, the better he will perform.) Your handwriting and drawing turns a real 3D object in the world. In the flying minigame, you'll use the PS3 controller to guide your pet in a balloon-colllecting minigame.

EyePet has been announced for both US and European release, with a holiday target in Europe. The game will be available in two flavors: Blu-ray disc, or bundle which includes the game and PlayStation Eye.

KingKionic 5581d ago

sounds good. And its coming with the playstation eye.

Godmars2905581d ago (Edited 5581d ago )

I hope it gets a TV show.

Though if they make it talk it'll only piss people off.

Actually, it would just have to guest star a few times on Sesame Street. A segment with Elmo.

callahan095581d ago

I'm buying it day one. It's too adorable!

All-35581d ago

A great deal, especially since sometime next spring, the PS3 motion controller will be released and one requires the EyeToy to fully utilize the controller with upcoming games.

sirbigam5581d ago (Edited 5581d ago )

Ahh man someone wrote they would draw a baseball bat and see wat the could do to our little fury freind , hilarious.

ThanatosDMC5581d ago

Which begs the question, "What's so different about Natal?"

barom5581d ago

this is like Milo without the creepiness, and it works (or that's what Joystiq is telling us).

KKanjiAnkh5581d ago (Edited 5581d ago )

I'm still not feeding that F***** after 12mid. Mark my words, it will kill you!

phosphor1125581d ago

(I downloaded it) but I haven't paid attention enough to notice what happened at 1:08. I laughed my ass off. That pet was mindin' its own business and then those d*cks mess with him lmao.

Seraphim5581d ago

ever since they showed EyePet at E3 08 I've been highly anticipating seeing it in action, and being able to get my hands on it. I certainly didn't expect such a LONG wait. But the way it sounds waiting for this highly ambitious title is going to be well worth the wait. I guess my only worry now is that I thought EyePet was suppose to be a PSN title. If in fact it's a full retail title then hopefully it comes with a $30 or less price tag [standalone]. I already bought the PS eye last year for $20 in part anticipating this, and to use in LBP which never happened anyway. :D Regardless, this is a Day One buy for me. Even my fiance is interested in this one. The fuzzy monkey is just TOO CUTE. ;)

JL5581d ago (Edited 5581d ago )

don't go spilling water on him either Kanji.

and i agree seraphim, i'm a bit worried about pricing here myself. i think i do plan on getting this game just because....come on, who could pass up at least giving this a try. but the pricing might put me off. i was thinking more like psn title prices for this. though i will need to buy the package with the eyetoy, i still hope they're not trying to bring this 'game' out at the $60 mark or i might unfortunately miss this one. cause i'm not sure how much fun this can be, meaning i see it getting a lil old after a bit. bet my nephew will have a field day with it though.

i do find it funny though (like the people below) how natal and milo get all this hype and we see here that sony has the ps3 doing the same thing, actually doing it, and have been doing it well before. yet this gets completely overlooked for the most part. or at least not the hype that it should get (ie it should have natal's hype, natal shouldn't get it)

Milky5581d ago (Edited 5581d ago )

when is the holiday target in Europe? Is it this summer?

This game looks very impressive, I hope they have some funny trophies to get.

I'm gonna go out and get the bundle and a blender on the same day (ehehe bye bye furrball)

whoelse5581d ago

When I was reading through that I kept thinking, oh just like Natal then.

Natal sounds like a slightly more advanced version of the PS Eye with the right software. I think I will be getting a PS Eye and EyePet now because this sounds pretty cool and won't cost a packet and without the long wait.

@Above: Yeah they mean Christmas holidays.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5581d ago
irish-leprecaun5581d ago

or me in this game!!! its not as if he can just make pots of gold appear out of fAT air!! with the wave of yor arm i could also create a rainbow!! TGSI someone tell sony quick!! lol

clintos595581d ago

Eyepet is actually working and is playable but the media still decides to praise the guy in the back speaking for milo lmao. Sorry man I couldnt help but laugh after kotaku said milo even replied, "Nice blue shirt" lol that totally gave it away that milo wasnt really doing things on his own but some1 was actually talking for milo, lol.

Im definately going to buy the bundle for this. Atleast I can trust them since they been doing natal things for a few years now with the eye toy. My nieces and nephews will love eyepet.

ptotoy5581d ago

because real pets need maintenance.. litter

this is for kiddies.. just like what's going to be available on natal

LittleBigSackBoy5581d ago

from the trailer, this looks pretty cool

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