
Lost Planet 2 Same Day Launch on Both Platforms

Following a release schedule update on the official Japanese Lost Planet 2 site -- which seemed to indicate a window of exclusivity for Xbox 360 -- Capcom USA has confirmed to Joystiq that the game will ship for Microsoft and Sony's platforms simultaneously in the US and Europe. "Day and Date launch on both platforms is the plan," Capcom PR director Chris Kramer told them. "Might ship a bit earlier in Japan (like RE5), but US/European releases will be simultaneous."

KingKionic 5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

well..it isnt timed.

EDIT @below

Also why was there only a xbox 360 version being played? Guess it was just microsoft making it seem like a exclusive.


Cthulhu5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

Getting this bad boy, which is the most impressive looking game this gen for my Xbox 360.

Capcom's Engine running on 360: OMG!
Capcom's Engine running on PS3: LOL! (Check Lost Planet Colonies, RE5).

chaosatom5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

are really going to be pissed now.

Here was me, arguing aganist Really duh about release date. Too bad his first quote got deleted but his second quote is still there.


chaosatom5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

You're clearly delusional.

First strategy for Xbox fans: It's timed exclusive, so haha!

Second strategy if first one doesn't work out: It's going to be a inferior port, so haha.

Third strategy if the first two didn't work out: It didn't sell so well on PS3 in US, so...

sofresh2005583d ago


Nice attempt at trying to spin this one. lol

Anyway, the graphics look sick for this game, hopefully the gameplay is good. I heard the first Lost Planet sucked and was nothing to brag about...

LONEWOLF2315583d ago


I think its your TV dude, cause umm RE 5 on both the PS3 and 360 look mighty fine on my 1080p. Yes i have both the 360 and PS3 versions of RE 5.

thereapersson5583d ago

You heard right -- the first game was pretty substandard. I'm hoping for an improved sequel because I want Capcom to get this series on the right track!

Lifendz5583d ago

good stuff. Timed exclusivity is dumb either way. Either make a game exclusive or don't.

SixTwoTwo5583d ago

LP2 looks like a huge step up from the first one. I'm looking forward to this early next year or whenever it is they release it. 4 player coop ftw.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5583d ago
ShabzS5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

well thats good.. but what was the whole point of capcom being silent and having the ps3 owners wait for confirmation till e3?... whats up with that ?

Edit @ Above: classic Jedi mind tricks

Forrest Gump5583d ago

My Care-O-Meter didn't change with this news.

D4RkNIKON5583d ago

I thought the same thing. I still don't plan to buy the game.

dachiefsman5583d ago

it would if it was a ps3 exclusive.

Gamer_Politics5583d ago

well i hope fans of this below average game are happy...see Capcom isnt bias they love every platform

ShabzS5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

''well i hope fans of this below average game are happy''

but the game hasnt even come out yet guy... how can you possibly class it as below average ?

Edit @ below : ok fair enough .. i actually thought some of the boss fight videos like the giant salamander thingy was pretty good ... and like u said, while the game mechanics are pretty much the same... artistically and visually its completely different than the first one ... and with the inclusion of co op... they are moving in the right direction... well i hope it turns out to be good

Gamer_Politics5583d ago

because from what ive seen the gameplay looks just like the first title just with better graphics..

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Forget the PS5 For a Sec ! Let's Remember the Best Co-Op Games on the PS3

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Immagaiden486d ago

Why mention PS5 when talking about PS3

486d ago
Magog486d ago

The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.

anast486d ago

Couch co-op is the best alternative.

Rynxie486d ago

Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.

1Victor362d ago (Edited 362d ago )

Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3

mastershredder202d ago

Ricardo Irving is one of the best-worst bad guys / mini-bosses ever.


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