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IGN's Overall Best of E3 2009 Awards

These are the games that got the IGN editors talking last week and haven't been able to shut up about since. So keep reading to find out which games wowed them most at E3, and make sure to read the individual channel awards by clicking on the links.

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Forrest Gump5585d ago

Wasn't playable on the Floor yet it's the best game of E3?I don't think so.

5585d ago
RememberThe3575585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

The thing that threw me off the most was them naming game of the show Scribblenauts. Word games have never done anything for me (probably because I'm dyslexic and I suck at them), but it seems the press loves this game.

megaglitcher5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

maybe not for people but it was demoed to to the media

cmrbe5585d ago

was really impressed with ME2. ME1 was overrated imo but i will still get ME2.

All Time Greatness5585d ago

Mass Effect 2 was played live on IGN , go watch the E3 stream, and it looks sweet, they loved it.

Cthulhu5585d ago

Sony fanboys am cry. Get over it.

My personal list was:

1 Scribblenauts
2 Alan Wake
3 Mass Effect 2
4 Splinter Cell Conviction
5 Forza 3

Buttons5585d ago

Did anyone else notice all the games in the 'shooting game' category were all sequels xD?

Aquanox5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Oh Wow!

That's an almost Clean Sweep by Microsoft right There.

It just shows how impressive the press conference was, which contained most of the winners.

Microsoft has officially stolen E3 now, and not only because of Natal.

Blademask5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Microsoft has created a niche market of, well i don't want to say _____.. But Another word possibly? I commend them for it, as they spent every dollar they could instead of actually making good games. They pay people to think they are good, and the people then go out and buy things based on the paid information.

Much like apple and the iphone, to where iphone people will buy anything iphone related. MS & The media in the USA(and USA alone) Are on this amazing mission of ignorance to promote Microsoft as a Juggernaut in gaming. Which is fine, but there is no longer a realistic comparison that can be made between PS3/360 games or hardware. 360 games are in a class of their own, that class, isn't based on gameplay/graphics/performance/ controls. Its based on hype, and hype alone. ME2 will play exactly like ME1, alan wake had no action on screen that was more intense than Alone in the Dark. I thought it was a sandbox heavy story based game, packed with emotion and all this other BS, and was compared to heavy rain once? Now its an Action game? -- let me stop. Because it really is pointless. Again, you can't even compare it as a game. At this point, 360 owners will buy an empty box for 60.00 if Microsoft said so, and said 'wait its going to change the future of gaming!" The greatest and last addition to gaming Microsoft contributed was XboxLive.

You see what I'm getting at here? I'm not even the same type of species anymore as the 360 owner. I saw Uncharted2's unparalleled never before seen action & graphics and thought to myself "my god they blew up a building in game with physics that you had to interact with and the damn thing looks better than the first". Anyone that saw uncharted and wasn't excited, yet is excited for the "action" in mass effect/alan wake/ any game shown at E3 is just plain lying. By the simple definition of things going on that describe "action".

We've gone over every single anti-ps3 argument on this website.

- No games argument (you all remember that)
- Low Scoring games (you all remember that)
- Motion Controls being a joke (see natal)
- Sales (Activision/EA/Ubisoft/Rocksta r having Sony ahead as earners in spots

When Microsoft owners made the rule that you have to own E3 by "stealing" franchises as the media words it, Sony drops a Rockstar Exclusive & FF14. No one cares. Its like these people aren't even caring about gaming anymore, but microsoft one upping sony in some imaginary one sided competition, where the rules will constantly change on how to win, but luckily Microsoft always pulls ahead, according to microsoft.

N4G is a fun place for gaming news, but I cant see how anyone can continue to argue with 360 owners about gaming, since gaming is no longer whats important. But unattainable hype, and hope.

Quite simply, in 2009 after being part of n4g since this entire time. Who ever would have thought that after Microsoft finally ran out of steam with new games/exclusive Ip's the biggest news at e3 from Microsoft wouldn't be the "stolen" franchise, but:

1. Theoretical motion controls with only a Ball demo working, and Peter Monelux(ReALLY??? this guy???) at the helm.

2. Non gaming content, Facebook, non 1080p streaming movies, and twitter.

That shuts down every single comment about how "If i wanted to play movies, i'd own a ps3. If i wanna play games, i own a 360!" logic. Every argument about how much of a gimmick motion controls have been as well.

Am I the only one that has seen this? MS got caught in a corner, and decided to tell their puppets to no longer concentrate on games, but that.

The PS3 is going no where, neither is the 360. But Its obvious where the actual Next-Generation gaming is, and always will be. Its unfortunately not the 360, Microsoft has turned the 360 into its own year-head start gimmick. Enjoy the DLC boys.

IzKyD13315585d ago

Am I the only person who doesn't "see" whats so great about Alan Wake, I don't dislike it, but the gameplay is basically Resident Evil with Silent Hill on the side. And please shut up about Forza 3, GT5 (and in some cases GT PSP) beat it in every way possible and then some. Twice the amount of cars, more tracks, more game modes (Nascar racing! Who thinks of this stuff?) and better graphics.

Masta_fro5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Is IGN serious??????

Uncharted? GoW3??...nothing??

S o a B!

I wish i had a big gaming website so i could call the bull out on ign. This is an insult to us gamers.

Even 360 fanboys know sony has the better games, wtf man??

I fking hate microsh!t they're ruining the gaming world paying everybody off.

@Blademask...i completely agree man...
Its no secret the media wants to see a giant fall, sony might as well quit now...its a shame really.

And im not a Fanboy...In not a FANBOYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
hold me im scared.

menoyou5585d ago

Gotta agree with you there. And what makes it so much better than the first Mass Effect? Nothing really so far.

Also Overall Game of Show: Scribblenauts ? lolno.

Best Action Game: Alan Wake? lolno. Uncharted 2 has the same style of game play and it looks like it's a whole generation ahead of Alan Wake.

CWMR5585d ago

Mass Effect 2 was by far the best game shown at E3 in my opinion. No other game looked as good.

5585d ago
La Chance5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

the 360 sure did shut up a lot of mouths at E3. The guys above crying and finnaly seeing the truth, that is 360 is a BEAST! (PS3 aint bad either lol)

Anyways Im sure we'll go through the whole "360 has no games this year", "year of the PS3 yiihaaa" process next year too, I mean it happens every year.......or maybe not Alan Wake + ME2 for Q1 2010 = WIN!

By the way hers my list :

Splinter Cell
ME 2
Alan Wake
Forza 3
God of War 3

And its funny how after E3 the PS3's INCREDIBLE lineup has simply VANISHED. PS3 2009 lineup was way overhyped.

Masta_fro5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Are you sh!ting me son?

When did graphics suddenly stopped meaning anything to 360 fanboys?

Its all about gameplay now huh??

I dare anyone to tell me that any game on E3 looked better than uncharted 2?
*maybe god of war 3...

Seriously? Anybody?
But nooooooooooo, now graphics dont matter anymore, you can kill things with a flashlight in alan wake. BULLSH!T

Everybody plus your mother knows that If Uncharted 2 was exclusive xbox 360, it would be considered the most visually impressive game ever or whatever. Why does the media ignore this?


And on top of the visuals, the controls and gameplay are ROCK solid.

All Time Greatness5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )


Here's why IGN felt Mass Effect 2 was the best game:

5585d ago
CWMR5585d ago

What master fro are you blind? Mass effect 2 looks better than Uncharted to me. The character models alone look much better and are the closest I have ever seen to looking like CGi.

menoyou5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

@ All Time Greatness:

So you're saying Mass Effect 2 is the best game because of some dialog choosing in a cut scene? I lol'd hard.


lol, dumb as always, Forrest Gump's brain is spam in a can.

Masta_fro5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

well, you linked me to an interactive movie, not sure what your point considering you prob have seen heavy rain...I know mass effect is not like heavy rain but your point is?

This is why i think Uncharted reigns supreme...

oh and...

All Time Greatness5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

No, for its amazing Scenery and yes, Mass Effect far and away has the best storytelling ever in a video game. What you choose to say actually effects little things people do and the ending of the game....and even how you will continue in the next Mass Effect game.

Why should have Uncharted won? For being another Gears of War clone with 3 Exploding walls and a shooting helicopter?

Why should have God of War 3 have won? For looking exactly like God of War 1/2 with an HD upgrade?

Ign doesn't seem to think so.

menoyou5585d ago

@ All Time Greatness: So you're saying Mass Effect 2 isn't at all like Mass Effect 1? I lol'd hard again.

La Chance5585d ago

The worst part is MSFT's 1st party studios are almost unexistant when you compare them to the number of Sony 1st party studios but STILL the 360 comes out on top when it comes to exclsuives...

MSFT are really doing a HUGE job with the 360.

Masta_fro5585d ago

so you're saying Uncharted 2 is a gears of war clone

and that God Of War 3 is just gow 2 in hd.


You know what you're right im just a blind fanboy...

Scrooge McDuck5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

You are one delusional fool saying Mass Effect has the best Story Telling then any game i guess the story is better then Metal Gear Solid and. Oh Yeah The Witcher has the best choices in a game which decide the outcome. Which is coming to ps3/360 sometime.

SaberEdge5585d ago

For all the guys like Masta Fro that now think IGN are crap, could we please get a little consistency? Now which sites are biased against the PS3 again? I truly have no clue since you guys are always changing it.

It seems that any site that doesn't consistently bow down to your Sony-worshiping worldview is branded 'biased' at some point or another. Why is it that I don't see most 360 fans doing that?

Get over it guys, both consoles had good shows, but the consensus is the 360's was the best.

Fleet Fox5585d ago

You think that Wacky, Anime, Confused and extremely jumbled together game Metal Gear Solid has better Storytelling than Mass Effect?

Metal Gear Solid is noting but Cutscenes!!! In Mass Effect you actually tell your story!!! You choose and the game plays out literally while you choose your actions.

It's not even close. And Mass Effect is serious and Western felling.... and not all corny and anime like Metal gear Solid.

havikzero5585d ago

Why do people keep saying that microsoft or sony won E3? I think Bioware won.

cmrbe5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

at x360 trolls. You guys sure like to hype up multi-plat games.

Alan Wake, ME2, SC will all be better on the PC. Guess what. Most PS3 owners are using a PC to comment on this site.

And what is with the 2009 x360 lineup praise?. ME2 and Alan Wake not only are multi-plats but also coming out in 2010.

PS3 still rules 2009.

Aquanox5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Those questioning Mass Effect 2 need to understand that this prize has gone for them because the geniuses at Bioware are on track to create what could be the perfect RPG. Featuring fluid, well paced and strategic combat with awesome visuals and sound:

...add to that some of the best cinematics out there, fantastic storyline and top notch voice acting:

...and you might have potentially one of the best games ever created.

As the guys at IGN said, think The Empire Strikes Back.

jmare5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Did you fail math? How is 6 out of 23 a clean sweep or even close to a clean sweep? Is it because of the multiplatform games? Walk tall, walk tall. Also, this title is flamebait and should've been titled something like IGN's Best of E3 2009 Awards. Oh well, fanboy in, fanboy drop dead.

And shouldn't you be so butthurt that a DS game took best of show? Also, most other sites gave best of show to Uncharted.

el zorro5585d ago

CMRBE, so you are saying that this little lap top that I am writing this on can play those games? Get real. Your stupid spining is stupid.
Most PCs that average people have will not play graphically advanced games like these and the majority of people who will play these games will be playing them on the 360. Those are the facts. The Games for Windows market is just a little side market that makes Microsoft some extra money.

callahan095585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

The original Mass Effect was a flawed gem. It had some graphical issues and annoying loading times, but those were just auxiliary problems. The worlds that weren't required for story completion were all so generic (and the controls of the Mako left something to be desired), and the interiors (buildings and caves) were all cookie-cutter replicas of each other. There was a lacking in variety, in my opinion. That said, the core gameplay and the story really got me hooked. I became quite addicted to the game, although it was rather short. 34 hours and I completed it 100%, which is quite short by my RPG standards (including side missions). Mass Effect 2 is looking beautiful and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

It's not a game I need a demo for, or have to wait for reviews, I'm just buying it, day one. Because, despite the flaws of the original, Mass Effect has reserved a nostalgic position in my memory as one of the more engaging and memorable games of this generation, and I'm anxious to get my hands on its admittedly unique style of RPG gameplay.

I hope they iron out some of the kinks of the original, fix some of the graphical glitches, lessen the load-times, and add some more character and unique-ness to the individual worlds. But even if they change nothing, I'll love the opportunity to play some more Mass Effect missions!

eagle215585d ago

This is the one time I am glad Xplay airs on televison. Xplay wouldn't lie about E3 Best of Show knowing how they have viewed the console wars and damn sure didn't get a check from Sony. :)

Grandizer5583d ago

ME2 is it.
haters walk away.

majorsuave5583d ago

Lol... Microsoft paying IGN? yeah right.

For what? So Chobot licks a Zune?

That list seems relevant to me. And yes Bioware stole the Best console AND PC games.

Edmonton won several Stanley cups when Wayne Grtzky played up there, now they deserve E3 love.

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RememberThe3575585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

1. God of War III
2. Uncharted 2
3. Splinter Cell: Conviction
4. Assassin's Creed 2
5. The Last Guardian (only because we didn't see any gameplay)

pippoppow5585d ago

1- Heavy Rain
2- The Last Guardian
3- Everything else a distant 3rd

36T5585d ago

1) Forza 3
2) Splinter Cell: Conviction
3) God of War 3
4) Alan Wake
5) Modern Warfare 2
6) Mass Effect 2
7) Uncharted 2
8) Bioshock 2
9) Assassin's Creed 2
10)Shadow Complex

pumpkinpunker5584d ago

1) Mass Effect 2
2) Left 4 Dead 2
3) Alan Wake
4) Modern Warfare
5) Halo: ODST

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AnttiApina5585d ago

Looks like Scribblenauts is going to be great :)

Mass Effect 2 wasn't at show floor, but it was shown behind the scenes.

I wonder how many disagrees I get for saying these things...

I bet 35!

unrealgamer585585d ago

can i have some weed that ign's smoking

AnttiApina5585d ago

How about making your own list if IGN's weed smoking editors didn't provide you that satisfaction what you waited for?

Respect opinions!

cmrbe5585d ago

Same here. IGN editors must have been smoking something when they gave Scribblenauts game of the show.

I really don't see what was so great about it that it won over other great games at E3.

I generally agree with IGN but for Game of the Show i don't agree with them. In fact Scribblenauts is at the near the bottom of my list.

But opinions are opinions. IGN have their but so do i.

Scribblenauts game of the show. I never saw this coming like how GI gave WoW exapnsion GOTY 08.

Omega45585d ago

Loads of awards for 360 games, no wonder everyone believes MS won.

IGN obviously love Natal, it even managed to kinda beat itself since Milo was a runner up.

And Mass Effect 2 must of been mind blowing to win best console without a playable demo

table5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

if sonys announcements hadn't been leaked/shown before E3, they would have swept the floor of all competition. Don't underestimate the element of surprise.

could you imagine how nuts everyone would be going if we saw uncharted2 footage for the first time. people would be sniggering at alan wake/splinter cell if that was the case.

Halo3 MLG Pro5585d ago

"if if if if" dude, just stop with the excuses already.

table5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

well isn't that what we all do round here? we speculate. you should give some playstation games a try, god forbid you might enjoy them.

@below: you obviously didn't read my comment master fannyboy.

@halo3 geek: I diasagree, even though the 360 has some good games coming they are pretty inferior compared to the very top tier games i.e. GT5 and GoW3.

The Master Chief5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

Alan Wake:

Splinter Cell Conviction:

Sniggering when they saw these games? Stay in the Open Zone Sony fanboy.

IGN made their opinions clear, as has everyone else has.

Halo3 MLG Pro5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

And I do play ps3 games, I never said I haven't. I love Resistance, Uncharted, and Motorstorm. Looking forward to playing Uncharted 2. But stop with the excuses already. The ps3 had a good show but the 360 just killed it.

@ STEWIE, HAHA namecalling? Another frustrated fanboy. LOVE IT! :)

table5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

no worries man. I live to serve ;) It's all a good laugh at the end of the day.

just one thing; dont call me a fanboy!

goflyakite5585d ago (Edited 5585d ago )

lol Halo3 MLG just bookmarked this article so he can get off to it again tomorrow.

5585d ago
CWMR5585d ago

Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake were my favorite games at the show. Why do PS3 fans overhype their games so much? Only Uncharted 2 and God of war 3 really looked good and God of war is overrated and I was surprised how much it looked like a Ps2 game in some ways, much better of course but not as good as ps3 people are trying to say it is.

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SimpleSlave2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

While I understand I can't look at a gift horse in the mouth, this is giving me mixed feelings. The Combat, while back to the good ol' Yakuza style of bombastic beat 'em up and direct control, it does feel like it could've fit more in a themed spin-off in the same vein as the Fist of the North Star game instead. At least this is not that Turd Based garbage. So there's that


But I'll stay cautiously optimistic about this game meeting me halfway and hopefully it'll be fun. But that Kart racing mini game looks absolutely god awful... Sheesh!