
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword 3.19 patch released

An update for 2K's strategy game Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword has been released on Steam and is now available to users.

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Snarko5470d ago

Nice! Now all Firaxis need to do is to patch the broken AI in CivRev and we're set!


Altergamer | JIT (Just in Time) production – Keep resources low, revenues high!

This is the new article from AlterGamer's series "Gamers, get your suits on". The series is a universal guide for all games (from Civilization V to Skyrim, from economy to FPS games), that is based on common sense and management knowledge.

This time, we focus on a smaller scale: business scale. In games, this usually means one production chain. Let’s take tanks, as an example here. JIT ideology focuses on optimizing efficiency through minimizing the amount of goods frozen in the process. If you store tank tracks, you’d better have a good reason for it, since you are effectively freezing your resources that might be invested elsewhere. Plus, there are a couple of indirect storage costs you are probably not aware of. Read on!

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When to start a war? The Grand Strategy perspective. - AlterGamer

Most games expect you to conquer somebody in order to win. You might be divided into teams, or in the grander game of politics you can gain allies to defeat a bigger opponent. Whatever the case, when you want to start a war there are always a few factors which make such a move a good or a bad idea.

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Civilization MMO In The Works?

Rumors abound! It comes a little out of left field - and straight out of the book of awesomeness - that the unannounced MMO XLGames is crafting for Take-Two is none other than a Civilization MMO!

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Ocelot5254696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

It already exists: civ world on fb ;)

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