
Lionhead Studios' The Movies: Superstar Edition Comes to Mac

This big budget bundle features not only the original game and the Stunts & Effects expansion pack, but also more than thirty original cuts from composer Dan Pemberton's BAFTA-nominated music. Mimicking a wide range of styles - from silent movie piano ditties to soaring, John Williams-esque orchestral pieces - Pemberton's music traces a century of cinema history.

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cyguration5493d ago

The coke will be whiter and the actors drunker! Awesome!

Bnet3435493d ago

You know it's a slow news day when there's news about Mac games.

doshey5493d ago

ah i loved this game, sucks that macs get it after they shut down the for uploading movies to


Detective Pikachu trailer: can Pokemon break the videogame movie curse?

We discuss the prospects of the detective Pikachu movie and what it means for the industry, and the reaction to the movies art style.

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NecrumOddBoy2044d ago

CGi Game movies are great, like Resident Evil Degeneration and FF VII: Advent Children.

SinisterKieran2044d ago

i mean pokemon already has some pretty good movies.
i choose you is pretty good


How The Movies Inspired My Move into Media Production

The Movies wasn't just a game for Ben, it was a video game that helped solidify the media production mindset and here's why.

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mkis0072083d ago

I want a rerelease. Cant find it legit and the version I found online is too buggy on newwer OS.

B3NB4IL2083d ago

Have you not seen the "New" versions that still cost £50? If I could grab it I'd grab it, but unsure if it'd run on Windows 10 these days.

2pacalypsenow2083d ago

I still have my original copy. Had to download a cd crack just to get it to work on windows 10

2pacalypsenow2082d ago


It won’t work in windows 10.

The game uses securom, which windows 10 does not have. You have to get a NoCD crack to get it to work.

shaun mcwayne2083d ago

I still have a copy of this amazing game with the blue cover and the add on with red cover. I was amazed at the scale of the game back then, I played it till it was mastered.

FPS_D3TH2083d ago

Absolute gem of a game. I wish I had pursued my passion for movie making too and did something with editing or production. Might not be too late but with a family of 2 kids that probably won’t happen for a while. Wish they’d made sequels. So much time spent modding this game to get the perfect scene. Took some fiddling but the game was incredibly in depth and intuitive.


Frontier Developments: Consider Buying The Rights To The Movies!

An excerpt from an Open Letter to Frontier Developments on GameTyrant: "There's a gap in the simulation market that used to be filled up by The Movies, but now can't due to the aforementioned reasons. My belief, and the reason for this open letter, is that with the drastic evolution graphics and computing power has gone through over the decade, and how well-regarded and well-respected The Movies is... It seems like the right time for something similar to fill that gap in the market, and I have no doubt that you would be the best company to create either a sequel or spiritual successor due to your tendency to create significant simulation games thanks to your attention to detail, please seriously consider buying the rights to The Movies from Microsoft."

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Ogygian2723d ago

Oh man, that would be fantastic. I used to love that game.

CTxCB2723d ago

Yeah... The Movies was a great game! Frontier Productions creating either a sequel or spiritual successor would be pretty awesome, too!