
IGN: Restaurant Empire 2 Review

Restaurant Empire 2 is a little tricky to evaluate. On one hand, you're getting two games that give you glimpses of what it's like to run dining establishments, both of which manage to essentially get the job don and pack in a story to boot. On the other hand, you're dealing with the exact same issues from the first game six years later without any changes or adjustments; instead, you're presented with a slightly different context and a larger assortment of items to play with. It's still fun, but as far as a sim is concerned, it could've gone much farther.

Presentation - 6.5
Graphics - 6.0
Sound - 6.0
Gameplay - 7.0
Lasting Appeal - 7.0
Overall -


Bundle Stars Doubles Up With Masters of Strategy Deal

Gamesta.com is back with another bundle from Bundle Stars. Now, gamers get a choice of their main serving of 10 games or this strategy-related package of 5 Steam titles for just $3.


Restaurant Empire 2 Update Fixes Compatibility Issues

Enlight Software has released an update for food service sim sequel Restaurant Empire 2, available for owners of the game to download at The Patches Scrolls now. This update fixes a number of compatibility issues with earlier versions.

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Steam Deal Of The Day- Restaurant Empire II

Steam’s deal of the day for September 14th is Restaurant Empire II. Also the sale will end in 24 hours, hence the “deal of the day”, so you have until 1pm EST or 10am PST tomorrow to grab this deal. Below is a description on the game as well as some important information.

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