
Valve: We don't see big bad and evil side of Microsoft

Speaking to VideoGamer.com at E3 last week, writer Chet Faliszek talked up Valve's relationship with Microsoft when asked if a PS3 version had ever crossed anyone's mind.

He said: "If it crossed someone's mind it wasn't the focus. The focus was 360 and PC. A) it's what we develop on. B) it's the platform we think lends itself to the interaction of our game the best."

Faliszek also revealed some interesting titbits on the relationship Microsoft shares with Valve, describing Microsoft marketing staff as "hardcore" Left 4 Dead players.

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qface645473d ago

of course they don't they only see the good $$$ $ide of microsoft

lol couldn't resist

lociefer5473d ago

* I know they’re supposed to be big, bad and evil but that’s not the side we see of them* stating that means that even gabe knows that m$ is evil, well as long as they keep sending the cash he's not gonna see that side

el zorro5473d ago

Microsoft isn't evil. It isn't a perfect company, but then again neither is Sony (rootkit fiasco, proprietary formats, and exploding batteries say hi). All in all Microsoft is a very good company and the majority of people who hate on them are either fanboys, competitors or bandwaggon-riding mindless sheep that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

table5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

so, basically you mean everyone hates them then :)

Hellsvacancy5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

Its coz Valve r a bunch browns noses ( http://www.urbandictionary....

5473d ago
Bnet3435473d ago

What I don't understand is over half the time, PS3 only owners say they'll get it on PC. So shut up and get it on PC, why would you care if it comes to PS3 or not.

The Master Chief5473d ago

Microsoft aren't evil(oooo spooky), they are massive corporation with unlimited amounts of money, willing to bring fierce competition to it's competitors.

The aren't the Mafia, Nazi's or Mother Teresa either.

I LOVE my Xbox 360, I've owned every single console since NES including all this generaiton and it's by far my favorite I've ever owned.

Microsoft not only wants to beat you, but show you up in the process. You know not to bet against them and it feels good supporting something of there's. You know if it gets outdone or something, they will come right back with something better or more. I will never doubt Microsoft. They get things done.

table5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

"I will never doubt Microsoft. They get things done."

Yes, and they get things done by any means possible.

Microsoft are infamous for their foul play. It's just a well known fact. That doesn't mean that I, or anyone else, dislike their products for it though.

Edit @ below comments: Incase you haven't noticed, they have a major lawsuit like every month lol. Stop kidding yourself guys.

@all time greatness: you just couldn't help taking a cheap shot a the ps3 could you.

DelbertGrady5473d ago

$249 for 2005 tech in a new casing. Now that's evil.

el zorro5473d ago

"Microsoft are infamous for their foul play. It's just a well known fact."

No, it is a bullsh*t "fact". I've read a lot of the Microsoft-bashing essays on the internet and not a one of them hold water. I used to live in Washington state and the amount of things Microsoft does for Seattle and communities up there and all over the world is truly commendable.

Microsoft have got where they are at by providing products and services that people want and in many cases doing it better than their competitors, plain and simple.

All Time Greatness5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

"Yes, and they get things done by any means possible.

Microsoft are infamous for their foul play. It's just a well known fact. That doesn't mean that I, or anyone else, dislike their products for it though."

Please help enlighten us with what you know that goes on behind close doors with Microsoft....

What you mean sometimes spending money on things Sony can't afford?? Cry them a River! They have more money than Sony and they can afford more. They also didn't release a 600$(over a 1,000$ to produce for Sony at first) unnecessary movie player, putting them billions in the hole for half a decade. lol

Christopher5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

But they sure do have a monopoly on OS and Office Product software. Sure, there are other options. Now, how many of those options are being used by businesses compared to Microsoft's 98% coverage of both Home and Business usage?

So, yeah, not evil. Just unbelievable powerful and crossing them without having Nintendo or Sony to back you would be the dumbest thing in the world.

In regards to Valve's preference of development platforms, it's because they know PC programming really well. That's all. They don't want to put the time, effort, or money into learning to code for the PS3 because they do well enough with what they do know. I really don't care about seeing their games come to the PS3. If they do, fine, otherwise, *shrugs* whatever.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5473d ago

Another bunch of children saying "bu bu bu ps3 fanboys are teh worse!!", and yet they agree with themselves, patting their backs, making group fellatio, and so on.

Anyway, Corporations are as evil as they can get, it's just that Microsoft has a monopoly in many industries so of course they seem more evil. Oh, and of course Valve won't see how evil they are, MSFT butters their bread.

Pistolero5473d ago

"Corporations are as evil as they can get"

You sound like a socialist...are you?

Syronicus5473d ago

I get paid by the company I work for and would say privately that they have an evil side. However, if I were to speak publicly, I too would say I don't see an evil side to the company I work for. They sign my paychecks, so I refrain from biting the hand that feeds me. In other words, as long as Valve is receiving love from MS, you can't trust their opinion when it comes to the darker side of the corporation.

And to the fanbabies out there, this is not a note against MS, it is not singling out MS since we all know that ALL corporations have an evil side.

LONEWOLF2315473d ago

I think if there was only a way to create a game that was crossplatform PS3 vs 360 gamers MAYBE then this whole foolish little console war would die off. Both systems offer incredible features and insane looking graphics, Just take a look at Alan Wake, GT5, Forza 3, GOD OF WAR 3(this game looks INSANE!), Heavy Rain, Splinter Cell Conviction so on and so forth. On to the matter at hand, Valve seriously needs to release this on the PS3 along with proper support. Gabe if you do you can bet your @$$ that youll be making more than enough money to buy a 5 year supply of Twinkies.

TheDude2dot05473d ago

"Please help enlighten us with what you know that goes on behind close doors with Microsoft....

What you mean sometimes spending money on things Sony can't afford?? Cry them a River! They have more money than Sony and they can afford more. They also didn't release a 600$(over a 1,000$ to produce for Sony at first) unnecessary movie player, putting them billions in the hole for half a decade. lol"

I'm not sure about you, but Anti-trust is a big deal where I live

SaberEdge5473d ago

But the anti-trust case was all a big scam. Other companies couldn't manage to compete effectively so they ran to the federal government begging them to do something about it. Microsoft did nothing wrong or illegal. Their only crime was being too successful. It's the same kind of crap going on right now with the socialist-minded bureaucrats in the EU trying to make Microsoft box its competitors web browser products in with their own. It's wrong.

Behind every anti-trust suit there is usually a jealous competitor (or competitors) that is being beaten fair and square and has to blame their failures on a supposed monopoly held by the other company. Look at AMDs claims against Intel for a perfect example. I can't see a single thing that Intel has done wrong, except make better business decisions.

zodiac9095473d ago

took the words right out of my mouth!

aldesko5473d ago

"MS evil" lolol yeah, ok...

I do think members of Valve worked for MS at one point or another, but regardless, does anyone capable of intelligent thought actually think MS is "evil"?

ShabzS5473d ago

after they finally brought a metal gear to 360 ... they are aces in my book ... its like they could here me begging from 3000 miles away ..

Christopher5473d ago

Monopolies are also against the law.

IdleLeeSiuLung5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

If you really look at the haters, usually they have no good arguments but just baseless bashing. MS has been such a target for so long... I think it is just a reflection of their success beating their competitors and leaving some p!ssed of customers loyal to a particular brand or product.

In my book, MS has done alright by me. They are also at the forefront to accept gay/lesbian employees.

@saberedge above:
Unfortunately, monopoly is a result of your business being too successful.

Ju5473d ago

Oh man, only kids in here, hah ? Maybe MS is doing payback for all the crap they've pulled over the years.

I mean, for years they have bought out the competition when they had a product which was actually better then theirs and could have been a thread to their own.

The browser just one of the examples - after they based their work on Mosaic, like everybody else. It wasn't the better product, which was successful, but the way it was distributed. I as a consumer would vouch for the better quality.

They weren't more successful, but simply more hostile. How many small companies had they just bought out to get rid of the competition on the market, hah ?

Can't believe that you just forget that because its so convenient right now. Time heals all wounds, that's for sure.

Valve is a MS spin off anyway, founded by Gabe, and ex MS employee.

RememberThe3575473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

You guys are such little children. All this bickering over which company is more evil is pathetic.

This isn't even about Sony yet some defensive fanboys had to bring it up to try and switch focus.

One person makes a comment then ten more people decide to not respond to the comment but add little sarcastic bullshit.

This is the Gamer Zone, leave that crap in the Open Zone.

Microsoft is not the evil empire they are portrayed as. They are also not the love child of angels that some peopel here seem to think they are. They are focused on maintaining their markt share and some times they get desperate.

If you think that the whole RROD and Vista things are none existent then your blind. MS has vet to address the RROD and they are already going cut Vista.

Then there are the people acting like Insomniac or Sucker Punch would say the same for Sony.

Seriously, stop and think about things first. Valve has a great relationship with MS, why would they be seeing the evil part of MS? MS hasn't screwed them over yet.

rockleex5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

Sony and PS3 fanboys.

So according to their logic, anyone who doesn't like the way Microsoft does business is a Sony fanboy?

Please, just focus on the topic at hand, and that's Microsoft.

Why does everything always have to be turned into a "console war"?

TheDude2dot05473d ago

"But the anti-trust case was all a big scam. Other companies couldn't manage to compete effectively so they ran to the federal government begging them to do something about it. Microsoft did nothing wrong or illegal. Their only crime was being too successful. It's the same kind of crap going on right now with the socialist-minded bureaucrats in the EU trying to make Microsoft box its competitors web browser products in with their own. It's wrong.

Behind every anti-trust suit there is usually a jealous competitor (or competitors) that is being beaten fair and square and has to blame their failures on a supposed monopoly held by the other company. Look at AMDs claims against Intel for a perfect example. I can't see a single thing that Intel has done wrong, except make better business decisions"

MS was extremely successful... after monopolizing the computer software industry. To compete with them was suicide, which is basically what Anti-trust is. A lot of shoddy things were done to bring MS to the top.

Serg5473d ago

Stupidity is like a flu, it can never be extinct.

Microsoft has existed before most of you were even born, yet you base most of the stuff you write on the Xbox, 360 here 360 there. Windows is the world standard OS, this is huge, compared to that the Xbox is a tear drop in the ocean. An OS gets used by companies, households, governments and even the military.

Microsoft did a lot of "morally grey" things in the past, I am talking Windows 95 past, not Xbox.

Windows 98, which was nothing more than Windows 95 with a slightly different look and newer in house drivers. Windows ME was almost exactly the same as 98 and therefore 95, bluescreens wherever you look. Yet it's release price was even higher than the release price of 98. Some security leaks were even carried over from older Windows versions, well it's certainly no secret that they simply improved on the Windows 95 coding, it's just that, the newer version lacked the "improved" part. XP was the first good OS they produced, some would think they finally made it, there comes Vista.

It's not that MS is evil in the sense of overtaking the government and bringing chaos and anarchy, but it's their business practice that caused so many people to not like, or even hate them. And their track record of innovation, uhm, do they have one? Can't be that big because Windows started as an Amiga OS ripoff, now you see more and more Linux and MacOS elements with each new version.

It's clear that I don't like them, well I hate them, but the Xbox is definitely not the reason.

BWS19825473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

the thousands of employees that MS JUST laid off like a few months ago, in the Entertainment division, wasn't it about %17 of their workforce? That's about 1 out of 6 people.

I'd like to know the justification of such an outcome, the ends justifies the means? How many families are destroyed? MS isn't the only one to lay off thousands, especially in this economic climate, the major difference is we know how many millions MS was throwing around in the console/games industry for years now, trying to better the competition and buy off properties or undue exclusiveness. It's one thing to throw the money around when you have it, it's quite another thing when you pretend/believe you do and your employees find out the hard way, you don't. I wonder how many lives would be different if that $50 million DLC deal didn't go down. Who's to say Rockstar wouldn't have just put out that content for all anyways, just the same, had they not been given that offer? And thousands would have jobs still? But now Microsoft shafted their own workers (and families) for financial setbacks....and the price of such an act comes into question.

I can't prove the layoffs wouldn't have happened anyways, but when you spend like they have for the last few years in this "war" then lay people off in the thousands...you have to question their integrity.

Evil is a bit extreme, but the facts don't paint them as "selfless" by any measure.

Kaneda5473d ago

Valve is like Naughty Dog or Insomniac for Sony. They are just more openly express their favor platform so more gamers buy xbox and buy their games.

The Lazy One5473d ago

The justification is simple. A lot of them were un-needed jobs in RROD repair and call taking, which is much less a problem than it originally was.

For those not in the know, you don't want to spend more money than necessary in a recession.

BWS19825473d ago

just to repair and take calls regarding RRoD? So their workforce ballooned about 3 to 4 years ago in correlation with that as well? I honestly am asking for clarification, because I'm not aware of what jobs were cut.

Shepherd 2145473d ago

Its utterly amazing how Rockstar Games recently stated that they prefer the Playstation platform, since their next game Agent will be a PS3 exclusive, and Guerrilla Games also stated they prefer the PS3 more, and they get no crap at all. But when Valve says they like the 360 more and thats what they prefer to develop for, "They are on MS's payroll", or "They love MS's money not MS."

Bunch of hypocritical BS is all it is. I love it.

TheDude2dot05473d ago

"Its utterly amazing how Rockstar Games recently stated that they prefer the Playstation platform, since their next game Agent will be a PS3 exclusive, and Guerrilla Games also stated they prefer the PS3 more, and they get no crap at all. But when Valve says they like the 360 more and thats what they prefer to develop for, "They are on MS's payroll", or "They love MS's money not MS."

That would be a good point if Rockstar allowed an unfinished, glitchy game onto the 360 before claiming no part in the game development at all. However, that is not the case. Therefore, your comparison sucks.

Pandamobile5473d ago

Valve isn't swayed by Microsoft.

Valve's priority is with thier Steam platform.

Shepherd 2145472d ago

your post makes no sense, therefore, your an idiot. I cant recall a glitchy, unfinished game being released that is made by Valve on 360, much less PC.

TheDude2dot05472d ago

your post makes no sense, therefore, your an idiot. I cant recall me saying that Valve released an unfinished, glitchy game on the 360. Read the damn post before making yourself look like a retard.

Shepherd 2145471d ago

your horrible use of the english language makes the post suggest something other than what you probably intended. Rockstar never did it either pal.

TheDude2dot05471d ago

Wtf?!? I just copied your exact first two sentences in my post and you are insulting my grammar? I do admit that one part was awkward wording, but I couldn't find the right way to say it.

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 5471d ago
MajesticBeast5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

Gabe is so far up there ass he cant even see. Big surprise who submitted this btw...

deeznuts5473d ago

How can Valve see anything, they're in front, grabbing their ankles.

5473d ago Replies(12)
5473d ago
mcgrawgamer5473d ago

valve has always been buddy with MSFT. why do you think the dreamcast got half life games? MSFT OS.

the orginal xbox had valve games counter strike, half life, etc,.

Now the 360 is getting some love.

If memory serves me correct aside from the orange box the only other game the ps brand got from valve was half life.

PirateThom5473d ago

The Dreamcast never got any Valve games.

Gearbox completed a version of Half-Life for the Dreamcast, but it only ever released on PS2 due to the Dreamcast dying, essentially.

Jdoki5473d ago (Edited 5473d ago )

oops, wrong reply...

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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN79d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit79d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead79d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica78d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit78d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper78d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica77d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 77d ago
Friendlygamer79d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit79d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer79d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit78d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff218378d ago (Edited 78d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer78d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff218378d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper78d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal79d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood79d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff218378d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde79d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Valve Made Left 4 Dead 2 Because The First Game Was A Broken Mess

Left 4 Dead lead Chet Faliszek describes the original Left 4 Dead game as "such a broken thing that nobody wanted to touch it."

Number1TailzFan191d ago

And then couldn't be arsed to make a third game.

If they can add a lot more stuff to a 2nd game in just 1 year why didn't they make a third game a few years later with tons of stuff extra? Because that shows they could've.

I know Source 2 was kind of broken and was a reason they cancelled L4D3 but it seems wasteful to just toss it away.

Don't know what Valve were thinking.. it's like nobody wanted to fix the issues to get going. They certainly aren't the Valve of 2004 that released fun games with pretty cutting edge graphics.

cthulhucultist189d ago

Valve is allergic to number 3 it seems. It would be easier for them to release a Left 4 Dead 2.5 enhanced version instead of releasing a game with "3" slapped on its title.

rakentaja188d ago

They stopped making games a long time ago. Steam brings in so much money that it's really not worth the effort. Nowadays, people only look for faults in games, and spend more time whining on Twitter/X than playing the game anyway. Valve says a big fat no-no.

anast189d ago

Value is the Blockbuster of video games. They have no need to invest in deving a game, when they can make handfuls of cash renting them.

-Foxtrot190d ago

What are they talking about? Seemed pretty alright to me at launch it just wasn't supported the way Valve promised us

They should have just worked on a revamp / massive update to the game but they didn't they jumped straight to a sequel with brand new characters despite having some sort, if small, story about where the original survivors were heading.

I didn't care for the direction they took the sequel, the original games tone and atmosphere was missing in the second game and is still unmatched. Daytime levels, more whackiness, melee weapons where you could attack a Tank with a frying pan...just wasn't the same to be honest and the new survivors just didn't hold up the originals.

Here's my speculation. I think they did a sequel because they didn't want to update a game co-developed by Turtle Rock, they wanted the franchise to be known as a Valve game only and knew if they updated the first one Turtle Rocks name would still linger on it.

shaenoide189d ago

I want broken games like L4D all day long...

GhostScholar189d ago

Well the first game was by far the best

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The Best Co-Op Horror Games You've Missed in Halloween

Try to cope with your friend through terror with this list featuring the best horror Co-Op games you can play today.

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