
Honest Gamers: Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

Honest Gamers writes: "What's really sad is that the rest of Elite Forces is largely so bland and repetitive that I welcomed any effort on Deep Silver's part to mix things up. The levels that have Kendra sniping enemy lookouts generate tension. Gun turrets and tanks aren't particularly engaging to battle, but at least they force you to formulate new strategies. And yes, as much as the vehicle segments aggravated me, at least they were something different. It's a shame, because the slick 3D graphics and stylish cutscenes suggest, at first, that a great deal of effort went into making Elite Forces. Too bad the bare-bones plot and bleak, inconsistent gameplay point in the other direction".

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IGN - Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

IGN - First up for DSiWare this week is a game we already two and a half years ago. That's because Elite Forces: Unit 77 is one of the cases of an older, physical cartridge DS game getting a second chance through digital distribution. Unfortunately for us, though, this is a game that didn't really deserve a second look.


The Nintendo Weekly Download Report for December 15, 2011

The Complete Nintendo Weekly Download Report for December 15, 2011.

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phantomexe4515d ago

Those Wiiware titles are just so bad. The 3DS titles aren't bad.Blaster master games have alwasy been good.


Mygamer: Elite Forces: Unit 77 Review

Mygamer writes: "While I am a fan of tactical and shooter games of all kinds, I found it hard to enjoy this game. If Elite Forces could capitalize on the abilities of the DS, it would greatly enrich the game and it something resembling an enjoyable experience. Even the ability to use the D-pad and buttons rather than drag the stylus around the screen would be a valid option".