
Gran Turismo 5 Damage confirmed in recent trailer

Do you really want to see it? Head over to PSInsider for the proof pic, straight from Polyphony Digitals newest Trailer!

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JOLLY15496d ago

Does it have damage for all cars? or just non-production cars?

UltimateIdiot9115495d ago

All cars, pretty sure it's all. PD has been going around asking manufactures if it's okay with them. Last I heard, Ferrari wasn't too willing (last year) but I'm sure they gave in by now.

Montrealien5495d ago

the Ferrari not wanting damage crap is beyond me, its ok in Forza and PGR, but not for GT? I mean that argument made sense for GT2, but GT3-4 should of had damage. And I am pretty sure all cars will have it this time, or at least I hope so. Either way I can wait for this game!

UltimateIdiot9115495d ago


Don't quote me on this but I remember reading somewhere that the reason why some manufacture were so hesitant about damage in GT is because GT has prestige and aren't too happy at idea of their car getting damage and revealing the engine (not so generic model for the engine but an actual model of the engine).

Montrealien5495d ago

I wont quote you on it, don't worry. But damage is damage, why does Forza and PGR have Ferrari damage and not GT? You interpretation is, because GT has prestige, and they don't?

Serg5495d ago

The thing about polyphony is that they are getting payed by the manufacturers to include their cars in GT, unlike other developers who pay for every car license. And because of that the manufacturers are nitpicking about damage because they paid to showcase their cars, not to show off how to wreck them.

But I'm quite positive even Ferrari has given them the license to wreck by now.

Montrealien5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

I would be interested in seeing where we are told PD gets paid by car companies to put there cars in the game. Would you care to share with us where you read that? And if it is the case, I would have to presume that if they let the car models take damage now, its because the table have turned.

Serg5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

It was in an Interview a year back or so, Yamauchi stated something along the lines of: "You know you are doing something right, if car manufacturers pay you to include their cars in your game."

I seriously doubt the tables have turned because they want to push realism a little further.

Naturally not every manufacturer pays them, but just do the math how much ~1000 individual licenses would cost, not including music and racetracks. A freaking fortune thats for sure.

Montrealien5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Him saying that some car companies are paying to put there latest models in for exposure has nothing to do with them not wanting there cars wrecked. And I doubt Ferrari is one of those manufactures. You are taking one statement out of context here. GT should of had visible car damage a long time ago and I m tired of people finding excuses as to why it has not yet. The GT5 pre rendered trailer teasing at car damage is a good sign that PD have finally got got this detail worked out to help GT become an even better racer then it has already been.

Conan9975495d ago

the real reason why Ferrari doesn't want damage on GT is because its rendered damage. Ferrari customers can get an opinion on how a Ferrari takes damage when you play GT because it is rendered damage with physics involved. this can give potential ferrari customers the wrong idea of how ferraris behave in a crazy.

forzas damage is just pre-rendered damage that pops up when a sectional piece of a car hits something.

mfwahwah5495d ago


If someone is stupid enough to take this game as an exact recreation of real life physics then I doubt they're successful enough to own a ferrari.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5495d ago
Sharingan_no_Kakashi5495d ago

The Forza creater attacking Gran Turismo? He didnt do it directly of course but he was pretty kocky and annoying. "Forza has the best grafx and fisx and gameplay blah blah blah."

I'll be glad when GT5 comes so he can shut the heck up.

Rock Bottom5495d ago

Haha, he kept saying Froza is the best in this and that, he even said it has the best graphics in a racing game, poor guy, about 24 hour later he was the fool of the show.
Pffft, best graphics my butt.

Final_Aeon5495d ago

At first he was all "this isn't a competition" but at the end he was going on how "we're the first one to innovate like this and we hope people will follow in our footsteps, and not just in the racing genre, but all game types". Wow, how can one be so full of himself?

Blaze9295495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

To be fair, nothing compares to Forza's such in-depth customization feature. People really make some really amazing art on their cars and you have to just stop and wow at that plus the drifting mechanic works like no other for online in Forza 2 and I expect both of those to get better for Forza 3.



And none of those are custom templates, all make from triangles, colors, squares, etc etc. crazy

Baka-akaB5495d ago

I agree blaze , but who knows if GT5 would offer something close enough ?

I doubt they shown every features .... it was just a matter or showing the licences , graphics , and damages for this e3 .

Anyway indeed while i doubt it will top GT5 where it counts (graphics and gameplay) , i was nicely surprised by the excellence of Forza's modes . If you own both consoles , it's definitely a good time for racing , in both arcade and simulation , between forza , gt5 , and the multiplatform titles to come .

Darkeyes5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Ya I agree EXgamer... In terms of graphics, those footage I saw earlier pretty much sums up to best looking game deal. Ya Forza 3 is awesome looking, but GT5 is one notch above it. I mean people are actually comparing CGI footage of Forza 3 to in game footage on GT5 and still GT5 is pwning them.. If someone would have just shown the GT5 car pics without telling me that it's shot in a game, I would have believed that those were real.

And about those Forza devs.... man they took 15 min to go on blabbing about their game being the best looking game and other crap and next day, a 2 min footage from GT5 spoke mountains and beat the crap out of the hollow statements about Forza 3 (graphically). Man those Forza devs must be feeling like asses when they must have seen the GT5 footage.

The damage added is the icing on the cake. This is what a definitive car sim is. Just look at the Forza 3 videos... the gameplay looks arcady.... GT series has always been the flag bearer of racing games and will always be one.

Montrealien5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Well, since the last real Gran Turismo came out, we will have seen 3 forza games, always pushing the package, from online, to damage, to full customization and much more. Turn 10 has the right to brag imho since Forza has been consistent for 5 years now. Where as GT has been c*ck tease after c*ck tease. And speaking of c*ck teases, I see people talking about footage, did I miss something, they showed in game footage of GT5?

Don't get me wrong, I will be buying both GT5 and Forza 3 day one. But my best GT years where 1 and 2, coming out within 2 years of each other and having played both of those to death, the rest have been nothing but the same thing with better graphics. I am truly hoping 5 will bring back the GT feeling for me, even though Forza has been slowly charming me for the last few years.

Darkeyes said...

"GT series has always been the flag bearer of console racing games and will always be one."

fixed that for ya, sorry to say but the PC is where the true hardcore racing fans go.

Edit: I love how some of you guys are missing the Bigger Picture here, this fall we will have Gran turismo portable and forza 3 and shift. If you hare a console racing fan, you are truly in for a treat. And long after you will have digested those great looking games, we will finally have a new Gran turismo. We are If you are a console racing fan, they are all good new. It is not about one up'ing each other, thats only for f*nboys and the devs themselves, all we should care about is that they push each other to each become great products, and we all win.

resistance1005495d ago

Well the Forza Dev did state that Forza 3 will have the largest rooster of cars at 400 at present this generation, only for him to be owned by GT PSP which has double the amount of car's Forza 3 has.

Sitdown5495d ago

how is this any different than what other developers say about their game? I think you feel like he was indirectly saying something about GT because everybody compares them...which in reality it appears his statement was calling out all racing games/sims. Anyhoo......GT5 could or could not be the best, but how much does that matter if you have to wait forever to play it?

Serg5495d ago

The GT franchise and Polyphony Digital has proven over, and over, and over again that they deliver. It takes them 2-3 MONTHS to model a car, ~220000 polygons each car on close to or over 1000 cars. Every single detail has been captured. Auto enthusiasts appreciate that immense level of quality they are putting into GT5. There won't be any game on any platform any time soon that can even come close to the GT franchise, no matter how many games come out in between a GT sequel. Add to that 1080p and 60 fps.

Turn 10 can sure as hell try, but PD has established a name as a talented game developer and a well known reputation in the car industry, be it manufacturing or sports. The GT signs won't be removed from the race tracks all over the world anytime soon.

Montrealien5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

You could be a spokesperson for PD serg! I have bought every one of there games and loved them all, but nothing has come close to GT2 for me, GT4 came close, and GT5:P was GT with good looks. But in the end I found out I was playing the same game over an over, but with better looks, I wanted a little more.

Forza has been giving me what I have wanted from GT, online play, damage, community, and sick ass customizations. I mean you can brag all you want about models, and polygons ect, but at the end of the day, forza has been giving us that little extra, besides just good looks and they have been doing so consistently and Turn 10 deserves some respect for that. But who gives a f*** right? True gamers are getting both, and they don't need to c*ck massage PD to make themselves feel better, they just need good games and Forza and GT will not disappoint..

Serg5495d ago

Well I guess Forza is targeted at a younger audience, with the customizations and all, it wouldn't feel right in GT. Hey if it satisfies you go play it I'm not trying to keep you from getting it. But acting like Forza is the new King in town is, well, dumb.

Montrealien5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

If you think I am acting that way, then you are wrong since you are clearly mentally blocking the fact that said I will be enjoying both. And ignoring the fact that GT was very late to the party for online play and damage is not to bright either. I have been a huge GT fan since I was burning up the tracks with my V-Tec Prelude (which I actually ended up buying). However I have been one of its harshest critics since I do believe they have been slacking that last few years sitting on their thrown thinking they are king, all while series like Forza, Pro race driver and GTR have been pushing the envelope years after year.

But with that said, until GT5 comes to reclaim its thrown (which I know it will) Forza has been taking care of the console racing sim market very well. If you are not playing it simply for the fact that you think one is a king, then you are missing out.

Edit: I suggest that you get out of your internet f*nboy bubble. Get yourself an arcade 360 to go along with your Ps3 and you will not regret it. They are not as bad as the interweb makes them out to be.

Serg5495d ago

I am missing out on some great xbox games I won't deny that, simply for the fact that I wouldn't buy hardware that breaks down while I'm in the middle of a game. Even my NES and my Genensis (Mega Drive) are still working, with flaws, but working. And some of the games find their way to the PC anyway so.

Morituri5495d ago

No one in their right minds could ever concieve of forza beating GT.Fugghetaboutit.

Serg5495d ago

The "fanboy bubble" as you call it, manifested itself while witnessing a RROD at a colleagues place myself while playing the back then new and exciting Assassins Creed. Furthermore the disc read error is no myth as I had trouble switching games while I had his Xbox for a weekend. Plus I lost 50 euros repaying him for wrecking G.R.A.W. 2 when I accidently tilted the Xbox for 5° while running the game, it scratched the disc beyond functionality.

My PS3 is sitting below my TV always ready when I need it, always swallowing the disc I decide to put in without any kind of resistance. If the Xbox would be as reliable I would buy one, but it has proven to me first hand that it is nothing more than a waste of valuable money I would be better off spending on the outstanding amount of exclusive games coming out on the PS3, not even counting the multiplatform titles.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5495d ago
PtRoLLFacE5495d ago

DAMAGE !! lol who cares i just want play the damm game already

5495d ago Replies(5)
ChampIDC5495d ago

Cool, this was the only thing in the games I never liked. Good to see them finally adding damage. It really pulls me out of the immersion to be able to head on collide with a wall at high speeds and take no damage.

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PlayStation 3: chasing the 1080p dream, part three - Gran Turismo 5 and the indie explosion

From Digital Foundry: "Welcome to the third part in the biggest DF Retro episode we've ever produced - a year-by-year look at how 1080p gaming fared on the PlayStation 3. Launched in 2007 touting its then-exclusive HDMI digital interface, Sony layered full HD gaming on top of its Cell processor and RSX 'Reality Synthesizer' as key selling points for its third generation console. Of course, we all know how that turned out - both Sony and Microsoft machines routinely ran the most advanced titles at sub-720p resolutions, often with questionable performance, so what happened to the 1080p dream?

In the first two parts of John Linneman's investigation, we've covered off the first four years of the Triple's lifecycle and moving into 2010, the overall fortunes of the PlayStation 3 continued to improve. The platform holder released - what was then - the most advanced motion controller in the console space, backed up by experiments with stereoscopic 3D, which turned out to be a short-lived but still formidable pairing. Combined with a strong E3 showing, PS3 was looking good.

However, it's fair to say that it was a fallow year for 1080p gaming on the system, with only Scott Pilgrim Saves The World's razor-sharp pixel art upscaling, Castle Crashers and Soldner X2's 3D/FMV stylings accommodating full HD output - alongside a wonderful Monkey Island remaster."

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ApocalypseShadow695d ago (Edited 695d ago )

Just remember ladies and gentlemen, Sony never said all games would be 1080p. Only that the system would support games up to 1080p in a survey before the system was released.
And as we saw, some games did support it, some games tried their best to support it and some games didn't or never reached it.

Is a higher resolution great to have if you can do it? Sure. Is it necessary for a fun game? No

But what I find interesting is Eurogamer. Are they really talking about HD and PS3 in their article or are they really pushing their 4.50 Euros 4K video download subscription? Seems one is being used to sell the other. Just look at the bottom of the article.

Michiel1989695d ago

thats what every company tries to do, push for people to buy their products. Are you really gonna blame them for that?

ApocalypseShadow695d ago

Not all articles are about selling. They're about informing or entertaining.

Maybe I'm supposed to watch the video instead of reading. But I shouldn't have to click. But the article lazily tells us some games did hit 1080p and some didn't. I didn't learn anything new as I own the console. Then, they push a Patreon subscription.

Are you saying every opinion, preview, review and rant article requires a push to buy something now? Tell me which sites are prone to do so so that I can avoid them in the future.

Michiel1989695d ago

not everyone played during the ps3 era. I started during snes era but loved seeing articles/videos about how gaming evolved before that.

i dont think this article is trying to push you to get that patreon sub, it doesnt for me at least. I dont think theres anything wrong putting an ad at the bottom of the article. all the regular DF videos are free already.

SonyStyled695d ago

Wipeout HD on PS3, a remake of the PS1 game was 1080p 60fps. And that released in 2007-08

Christopher695d ago

This really feels like a filler article. I don't feel like I learned anything notable or substantial from this. I feel they could have reduced the unnecessary intro and over-explanation of things and put the whole series in one article for a more substantial and possibly informative piece rather than piece-mealing it out as they have.

dumahim695d ago

It's more about the video. DF Retro videos are for Patreon members first, and I think the whole thing was one big video. For the youtube channel, it gets chopped up and released weekly.

ApocalypseShadow695d ago

Chris is actually right on this one. Something known already was just kind of washed over in the article. Unless you're supposed to get more in the video. If more is in the video, then more could have been said in the article.

Only thing I learned new was that they are selling a subscription. My point though is that you gain more viewers by having better articles and content.

692d ago

What Happened To Gran Turismo?

When thinking about simulation racing games in this console generation, it’s not unreasonable for your first thought to be “Forza”. Microsoft’s first-party sim-racer series has been wildly successful, and for many of us, it’s been the go-to franchise for quite some time. But simulation racing games weren’t always synonymous with Forza; there was a time when Polyphony Digital’s hardcore series, Gran Turismo, reigned supreme. While the long-time franchise continues to sell exceptionally well, there’s no doubt that it isn’t the young, spry series it used to be.

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darthv721762d ago

It doesnt suck but I would love to see a return to form with GT7. Sport is such a departure that it can turn some people off. It has gotten better over time but it's still no match for a proper GT7.

Rude-ro1762d ago

Sport is awesome for what it is...
However, polygon built a whole new engine and the tech is still being worked on...
I understand it is easy to praise a cookie cutter because it release the same game over and over with rotations of maps and cars...
But this engine polygon has designed does more for things other than gaming.

Repetitive old engines with new makeup does not make anyone king.

Gt7 will be most likely in two years with 120fps and ray tracing because their new engines are ready now.

LordStig1762d ago

It decided to focus on racing rather than cars and in the gaming world, racing = gameplay.

Imalwaysright1762d ago

What complete and utter BS. GT has always focused on racing and gameplay.

1762d ago
neutralgamer19921762d ago

Good I guess selling millions of copies and have OFFICIAL FIA license races and Esports means it sucks

We just don't get it every year which is why ms also delayed next forza. You can't keep making yearly sequels. Quality and innovation takes time

GT sports at launch to now it's a different game and support has been free

Imalwaysright1762d ago

GT games have always sold millions of copies and what's so innovative about GT sport? It's a racing game FFS.

IRetrouk1761d ago

The online championships and tournaments alone offer more innovation than any racer this gen🤷‍♂️ then you also get the live ones in New York etc with proper race like commentary, something else no other sim has done before. It sells millions because it's the best, simple really.

Imalwaysright1761d ago (Edited 1761d ago )


I'm not even sure why think that having proper like race commentary or championships and tournements is innovative but I'll play along... GT Sport was released in 2017 so how do explain that this video https://www.youtube.com/wat... from 2016 exists?

Dark_Knightmare21761d ago

Spoken like someone who hasn’t played sport

Imortus_san1760d ago

And those Paid demos, that fans try to hide and not talk about it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1760d ago
SCW19821762d ago

It became the best online racing community for console players and its an amazing achievment.

Keltech1762d ago

"Forza?" HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! good joke!

kayoss1762d ago

Too early for an Aprils fool joke.

1762d ago
ElementX1762d ago

@solidgamerX That's really not very impressive. Somebody with an interest in cars plays racing games and becomes a race car driver. That's like saying "look at this guy, he played COD and now he's in the military"

Imalwaysright1762d ago


You must think that we're all stupid enough to believe that a game will turn anyone into a professional racing driver.

Prince-Ali1762d ago

FORZA!!! AAHAHHAHA !! Haven't i schooled you on this already before! You're still spewing nonsense on this threaddd looool

mcstorm1762d ago

Forza has always been better online than. GT and still is. Great to see PD try something different with GTS but let's face it this gen sonys racing games have been poor this then compaired to what Microsoft has had to offer. Forza 7 is one of the best racing games on xbox and pc but for me Horizon 3 and 4 have set the bar this gen. Of all the things microsoft got wrong this gen 2 of its racing games got a lot right and others are now playing catchup.

DarXyde1761d ago

It's debatable which is the better game. To me, Forza has the upper hand.

But in terms of online community and events? Ha. Don't lie to yourself just because you don't like Playstation.

1761d ago
1761d ago
Dark_Knightmare21761d ago

Lol not even close have you even played gt sport online?

Imalwaysright1761d ago (Edited 1761d ago )


You didn't need to confirm what I already knew: if you didn't think that we're all stupid you wouldn't make such stupid comments that only those that are dead from the neck up will agree with.

IRetrouk1761d ago (Edited 1761d ago )

Did he say gt could turn anyone into a racer? No he didnt, he asked what game has done it like gt has, which is true, gt academy done it throughout gt5 for a start. You need to do some research fella, cause your wrong.. again.

And lmao at element and the downplay, not even similar you crazy man, not even similar🤣 you realise gt has turned gamers into drivers from gt5? Go look at gt academy and tell me how that would be anything like someone playing cod and then joining the army, the downplay in gt articles is funny.

ElementX1761d ago

So you think he learned the required skills playing video games? I remember when people claimed children were learning how to operate guns because of video games, do you think that's also true?

IRetrouk1761d ago (Edited 1761d ago )

Two completely different things and you know it, it is a fact that gt has helped real gamers become real race drivers, the proof is easily available online and I'm not going round searching for links that has been posted many, many times before on this subject, Go and look at gt academy like I mentioned and you can see for yourself, they start out on gt and go from there, so yes the game gran turismo teaches you some driving techniques, now if you can find me a link where someone has been playing cod and went on to become a war hero, please let me know because I couldnt find anything, also do you have a link to where cod has a program to train soldiers? Like cod academy or something?, I couldnt find one of those either, maybe when you do then your comparison will actually make sense.

Imalwaysright1761d ago


You mean the GT academy that provides training and licenses for a person to become a professional racing driver? The GT academy is how you go from being an average driving joe to become a professional racing driver not GT the game.

1761d ago
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1761d ago
xRacer74x1762d ago

Forza owns the racing game scene in my area as far as video games go.

dekke1762d ago

Forza = Arcade
GT= Sim

why u ppl keep comparing those 2 games every time..

Keltech1762d ago (Edited 1762d ago )

GT owns the console sim racing scene in my area and around the world. Just ask a real race car drivers


LordStig1762d ago

Forza isn't a racing game. It's a car game.

1762d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1762d ago
Hungryalpaca1762d ago

I’ll stick to sims. You keep playing with your hot wheels.

King_Noctis1762d ago

You forget that there are two Forzas, Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon, which aims at different audiences.

King Nezz1761d ago

The usual response from someone insecure that feels their favorite racing game is nowhere near as good as it once was. I really liked Gran and played them all. Loved the Vector from part 2. But the franchise is not the same.

Gaming4Life19811761d ago

Yea Forza took over and is now the best sim racer with motorsport and the best arcade racer with horizon. GT was the best but it has been falling short for a long time and I'm not saying gt games are bad but no where near king like it used to be. I'd say forza motorsport 3 was the forza that really upped the franchise and forza 4 was when forza became #1.

I remember the glory days of gt but those days are long gone but it's still a good game just not the best. Of course ps fans will never admit it because they will die before giving MS credit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1761d ago
Nacho_Z1762d ago

I do think they need some new creative heads in to give them some new perspectives, they seem stuck in a rut. It's a very high quality rut but they're still stuck in it.

LordStig1762d ago

The USA leg of the Gran Turismo World Tour is going on in New York right now. Go watch it guys, there's some damn good racing and crazy updates to come.

Nacho_Z1762d ago

I've seen some of it before and to be fair it's not much different to watching real motorsport so credit to them for that.

Heavenly King1762d ago

the MACH 5 :) GO SPEED rACEr!!

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Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 6, Wipeout HD, God of War 3 and more running on PC via the latest RPCS3

DSOGaming writes: "It appears that the best Playstation 3 emulator that is currently under development, RPCS3, received a new update recently. kd-11 has implemented new Surface Cache fixes to RPCS3 that reportedly improve the appearance of car reflections in Gran Turismo 6, and fix various graphics glitches in other games."

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1799d ago Replies(6)
gangsta_red1799d ago

If someone out there in internet land could make a decent PS3 emulator imagine what Sony could actually do if they put the time and effort in to make this happen for their next console?

It's definitely not impossible as we can see here. It should definitely be done since BC seems to be very important to Sony this next gen. Imagine PS+ free game offerings from Sony that could include the whole catalog from the PS console family..fantastic.

Silly gameAr1799d ago

Why waste time and money on it? Some people want to move forward, not go back.

Eonjay1799d ago

It's not a deal breaker but having the feature would be amazing. I would rather have it than not have it.

gangsta_red1799d ago

Not everyone feels that way and if Sony is making an issue of supporting PS4 games for PS5 why not support their other past games for people who still have them or a means to buy them and play them.

KwietStorm_BLM1799d ago

You literally just said some people. So I'd imagine you can comprehend that there's a larger subset of people not in that same "some" group. PlayStation used to be known for backward compatibility. Xbox made a big deal about support for their entire catalog. What's the issue with PlayStation, who has an even more substantial history in gaming, tapping into that market? We don't have this problem on PC. It's only a good thing for consumers to be able to bring their games with them through generations on console.

Silly gameAr1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )


Yes, I said some people. What I said was MY opinion. I'm one of those people that couldn't care less about bc, but im not saying ALL people don't care about it. I think they should spend that time and energy for future features and games, but like I said, that's only my opinion.

Imortus_san1798d ago (Edited 1798d ago )

Not every body trows their games way every time the new gen cames along, and everybody that likes games like to be able to play their favorite games in the best possible way.

PS: Retrocompatability is the most requested feature in Sony Foruns, even Sony said so.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1798d ago
frostypants1799d ago (Edited 1799d ago )

The question is would the return on investment be worthwhile? Are the number of additional consoles PS3 BC would push be enough to justify the cost of developing the emulation (and it would have to be bullet proof)? I like the idea of having it, but for my part not having it won't effect my purchase decision.

1799d ago
Eonjay1799d ago

You are asking the right question but the wrong way. For me, the addition of PS3 BC would add value as a customer and make it even more likely for me to buy a PS5. If it is valuable to the customer it is valuable to them.

Also, the way they are doing it would be way cheaper than a program like Microsoft had. The are emulating the hardware. Not the software.

gangsta_red1799d ago

"The question is would the return on investment be worthwhile?"

Sony could definitely make some extra profit selling PS3 games through their marketplace (the same way they have their other classics available). It's not about whether or not it will effect anyone's purchase decision, it definitely didn't do so for the PS4. But as others have expressed, it would be a nice addition to have for PS5 if Sony could open up their whole library digitally and physically to users.

ShadowWolf7121799d ago

Racing games should be some of the easiest to emulate and they're still not hitting 60fps with it, to say nothing of image flickering and occasional sound issues.

Still gonna be a bit yet before they have it fully up and running, it seems, and even then it may only work for part of the library. :/

1799d ago Replies(2)
Gwiz1799d ago

Is it possible to have PS3 emulation on PS5?yes depending on what kind of power it really has.
An i7 9700k is no slouch and the PS4 already has a God of War 3 running much better with less
power required because they converted CBE to X86 which is not something you want to be doing in the long run.

What power would be required to play these games emulated at said PS4 version?.
It's not an easy situation Sony themselves created and ultimately I believe they are happy this way because they
want you to use PSNow,that service is why you will not even get it. (let's not forget that it was a huge investment)

1799d ago Replies(1)
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