
Punch-Out!! Boxer Accused of Uttering Islamic Phrase

Remember back in January when Indiana mom Rachel Jones heard the Nintendo DS game Baby Pals say, "Islam is the light?" It's happened again and the offending title this time around is the recently-released Nintendo Wii title Punch-Out!!, which according to self-styled conservative pundit and long-time gamer Del Riley features a Turkish character named Bald Bull who utters the phrase "Allah Akbar."

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qface645595d ago

yeah tell me about it
its like everything has a islamic phrase in it SUPPOSEDLY

Tsalagi5595d ago

Hell, i don't care if a character spouts a Christian/Jewish/Islamic phrase every two seconds as long as the game is fun. People need to quit trying to stir up a $hit storm over nothing and just play their games.

WonderboyIII5595d ago

The Punch out Character can say whatever he wants unless it offends someone. Saying "Allahu Akbar" or "God is Great", offends no one. Jihad in Islam is misundersstood. When Muhammad was given the assignment to re-establish the roots that have been lost since Abraham, by being given the last message to remind humanity that there is a creator, and that they are creations. People in Mekka went crazy , as their beleif syster, which was very connected with their economoy was under jeopardy, even if their beleif system consisted somethins as silly as worshiping a statue that was made of dates that they ate they got hungry. Muhammad was alone and when the Mekkians started to adopt Islam they were few and the opposers where many, so Allah revealed to him the verses that allowed War, and that is purely as a self denfense mechanism. Not to start wars or spread hate.

XxZxX5594d ago (Edited 5594d ago )

Christian say Oh My God, good lord, good god.
but Muslim can't say God is great?

The guy is an idiot. This story is really offensive esspecially to Muslim people. Why because It's generalize all muslim are terrorists. I'm not even muslims and his ignorant really piss me off.

gaffyh5594d ago

I'm a Muslim, I don't find this offensive. It is not offensive to anyone really, it is just an Arabic phrase (although it is Islamic as well). Arab Christians and Jews also use this term, just means God is great.

andron5594d ago

It's debatable what the phrase really says. What's really sad is that someone used 5 mins of his life to make an youtube video of this...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5594d ago
Parapraxis5595d ago (Edited 5595d ago )

Always brings out the best in people huh.

Parapraxis5595d ago

For the disagrees who may not understand.
This applies to all religions ;)


andron5594d ago

The original fanboys as I like to call them.LOL

No seriously, people can believe whatever they want, just as long as you don't bother me with it...

Elven65595d ago

Bigotry at its finest, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Islam a major religion in Turkey? If that is the case it's possible the character in question is of the religion and is uttering prayer for good luck, you know, people do pray in this world...

Now the phrase in question, "Allah Akbar" is according to Wikipedia used in many situations,


I find it funny how this person automatically attributes it to terrorism.

They should form a group that is dedicated to this stuff, a group whose goal is to find anything that isn't "white" and ban it, or even worse. Oh wait, they already have that, they call it the K.K.K.!

Mahr5595d ago

Hilariously absurd story -- mostly because even if Bald Bull *did* say that, it would be one of the least offensive parts about the whole (awesome) game.

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You can now play the classic NES game Punch Out in first-person via Doom Engine

DSOGaming writes: "Punch-Out and Doom fans, here is something really special for you today. Modder 'ddadd' has released a must-have total conversion Punch-Out!! mod for Doom 2."

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6 Franchises Nintendo Needs to Resurrect on Switch

The Punished Backlog's David Silbert writes:

"Nintendo is widely known for its deep, eclectic well of beloved franchises. From The Legend of Zelda to Wrecking Crew, there’s no library in gaming as rich in history or as popular among fans.

2019 is shaping up to be a banner year for Nintendo, with representatives from Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Pokémon all gracing the Switch platform before the year’s end. At the same time, there are still plenty of Nintendo franchises that lie dormant this generation, in desperate need of the “Switch treatment.”

While there are plenty of legendary series worthy of a revival, here are six in particular I would absolutely kill to see on Switch in the near future."

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BlackIceJoe1911d ago

A new Golden Sun and Mother would be great, but I wish I wasn't the only one that wants a new StarTropics.

1906d ago

5 Franchises Nintendo Should Revive

With E3 2018 on the horizon, many are expecting a lot of surprise announcements. This includes progression on currently announced titles and new reveals. Nintendo has some of the biggest franchises in gaming but some have been put on hiatus. Here are 5 franchises Nintendo should revive.

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Fullmetalevolust2329d ago

Kid Icarus on the 3ds needs to be remade in HD, that game was really fun, the controls were a tad awkward and I'd cramp up. It'd benefit from a more comfortable controller. I really enjoyed my time w it. Advance Wars is a no brainer, come on Intelligent systems!

CyberSentinel2329d ago

2)Punch Out!
3)Kid Icarus (2D Metroidvania style)
4)Star Fox

gangsta_red2329d ago

Kid Icarus has the potential to be another Zelda. The very first game came out at the same time Metroid did and had many of the same gameplay elements. I'm sure it could be updated into a Zelda open world format.

Einhander19712329d ago

F-zero, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, Starfox, Luigis Mansion 3 for switch.

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