
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine first gameplay trailer

Finally, the Warhammer series are going into the action genre. Only today, the company Relic officially confirmed the new action RPG game - Warhammer 40 000: Space Marine, and released the first gameplay trailer. The game will be played in a third person, and will feature a style of gameplay that will be something similar to Gears of War and God of War mixture.

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Hildor_muthafo5538d ago

EVER... I was blown away a few months back when the first trailer leaked. Thank god this got picked up. Can't wait to see more on it. If there's 4 player co-op... oh man, one can only hope.

Myst5538d ago

Oh if it does have four player co-op you can count me in for a purchase as well.

Myst5538d ago (Edited 5538d ago )

"Finally, the Warhammer series {is} to put into the action genre. today, the company officially adopted the Relic of the new action RPG game - Warhammer 40 000: Space Marine, and while the first game Trailers. The game will be played a third person, and style of gameplay will be something like Gears of War and God of War mixture. The hero becomes a powerful space-qualified Infantry (Space Marine) and his team will have to recapture Orcus occupied the planet. Since this {is an} action RPG, the hero and his weapons will be able to continuously improve. Relic is also working on a great online mode and the ability to go {Through} the whole game {in a} co-op mode with friends via Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. Well, this first game trailer looks really impressive. Impressive effects besides excess blood Clan, Horde enemies, the destruction of the environment, excellent atnimacija (I guess this means animation?) - everything seems even too good to be true. Let us hope that during E3 we will find more from this project."

Cleaned up some of the rough translation and put in a few words as to what I thought they might have meant.


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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine came out more than a decade ago – a retrospective

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DefenderOfDoom2138d ago

Currently enjoying WARHAMMER BOLTGUN .


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porkChop441d ago

Samus is on the list. Personally I'd swap the Space Marines with either Grey Fox from MGS or the COG armor from Gears of War.

NecrumOddBoy440d ago

You’re right. Hiding at the bottom so I missed it

REDGUM440d ago

There's no Dead Space listed in here, WTF!

Sciurus_vulgaris440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

I’d take the Space Marine power armour off the list due to it not originating in a video game.