X-Men: The Official Game Review

Videogame adaptations of popular movie licenses haven't established the best reputation within the gaming industry, not due to any bias against the licensed content but purely down to the fact that the games themselves are often littler more than an afterthought; a one-button premise with a famous name attached. Certainly there are exceptions, most notably Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay on the original Xbox and King Kong on the 360, which show not only respect to their source material but also respect to the playing public by offering an involving and rewarding game wrapped up in a glossy franchise. X-Men: The Official Game shows neither. Besides the recognizable branding, prominently spearheaded by everybody's favorite mutant Wolverine, the game is a mish-mash of dated mini-games and repetitive button-mashing beat-em-up action which combine to sum the game up in one word; lazy.

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ZTGameDomain X-Men: The Official Game Review

X-Men for the DS is a straight up action with an overhead perspective that requires the player to use only the touch screen when navigating and fighting enemies. Now while this may have sounded ingenious on paper, the end result is certainly not without its fair share of problems.

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X-Men: The Official Game Review

ZTGameDomain dive deep into the latest movie tie-in game from Activision. Will it live up to the movie expectation or simply become another disappointing movie game? Find out in their full review!

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