
Punch-Out!! floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee (G&M review)

Standing a mere five-feet, seven-inches tall and weighing just 107 pounds, Little Mac, a spunky, dark-haired kid from the Bronx, may not have the body of a fighter, but he sure has the spirit of one.

His roster of opponents in Punch-Out!!, which will be released for the Wii on May 18th, would send chills down the spine of any potential pugilist. There's King Hippo, an enormously obese Polynesian who would just as soon box an opponent's ears with his massive mitts as throw a fair punch. Great Tiger, meanwhile, is a mystical Indian who can vanish in a puff of smoke, making him nearly impossible to hit. And the ostensibly Canadian Bear Hugger, a syrup-swilling lumberjack by trade, can floor a fellow with just a few powerful blows.

But while Little Mac's challengers in the ring may be intimidating (and, in some cases, perhaps a little politically incorrect), his success is almost guaranteed. Punch-Out!! is such a flat-out fun play that it's almost unimaginable that anyone would shelve it without having fought his or her way to the final bout.

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You can now play the classic NES game Punch Out in first-person via Doom Engine

DSOGaming writes: "Punch-Out and Doom fans, here is something really special for you today. Modder 'ddadd' has released a must-have total conversion Punch-Out!! mod for Doom 2."

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6 Franchises Nintendo Needs to Resurrect on Switch

The Punished Backlog's David Silbert writes:

"Nintendo is widely known for its deep, eclectic well of beloved franchises. From The Legend of Zelda to Wrecking Crew, there’s no library in gaming as rich in history or as popular among fans.

2019 is shaping up to be a banner year for Nintendo, with representatives from Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Pokémon all gracing the Switch platform before the year’s end. At the same time, there are still plenty of Nintendo franchises that lie dormant this generation, in desperate need of the “Switch treatment.”

While there are plenty of legendary series worthy of a revival, here are six in particular I would absolutely kill to see on Switch in the near future."

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BlackIceJoe1817d ago

A new Golden Sun and Mother would be great, but I wish I wasn't the only one that wants a new StarTropics.

1812d ago

5 Franchises Nintendo Should Revive

With E3 2018 on the horizon, many are expecting a lot of surprise announcements. This includes progression on currently announced titles and new reveals. Nintendo has some of the biggest franchises in gaming but some have been put on hiatus. Here are 5 franchises Nintendo should revive.

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Fullmetalevolust2235d ago

Kid Icarus on the 3ds needs to be remade in HD, that game was really fun, the controls were a tad awkward and I'd cramp up. It'd benefit from a more comfortable controller. I really enjoyed my time w it. Advance Wars is a no brainer, come on Intelligent systems!

CyberSentinel2235d ago

2)Punch Out!
3)Kid Icarus (2D Metroidvania style)
4)Star Fox

gangsta_red2235d ago

Kid Icarus has the potential to be another Zelda. The very first game came out at the same time Metroid did and had many of the same gameplay elements. I'm sure it could be updated into a Zelda open world format.

Einhander19712234d ago

F-zero, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, Starfox, Luigis Mansion 3 for switch.

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