
Videogamer: UFC 09 Review

Videogamer: "If I were Dana White and Yuke's were a fledgling UFC fighter, I'd be commending the young pup on a barnstorming entry to the competition. There's room for improvement, certainly: the character creation tools are a bit limited when compared to similar titles, while the career mode could do with fleshing out a few of its ideas. However, neither of these complaints prevent Undisputed from being the best thing that Yuke's has made in years. It's stylish, fresh and deeply engaging. It is, in short, a bruising powerhouse of a game."

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Cwalat5613d ago

Wow, great score! =)

UFC fans, now is the time... bring the fight to the livingroom.

Pennywise5613d ago

I expect good scores all around.

Gamer_Politics5613d ago

yes this could be the great ufc game that us mma fans have been waiting years for.

Th3 Chr0nic5613d ago


Megaton5613d ago

I expect high marks for this one as well. As a long time MMA fan I was thoroughly impressed by the demo. I came in expecting Raw vs. Smackdown with UFC skins, and was completely blown away. It's a real proper MMA game.

Mindboggle5613d ago

Its a good game, but I just cant be bothered after playing fight night round 4. Im not sure if ill get ufc or not...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5613d ago
Major_Tom5613d ago

Meh this game is okay but when playing on the hardest difficulty the bugs and bad AI really shines through.

Pennywise5613d ago

This game is made to play friends. All I am going to say.

DelbertGrady5613d ago

I've liked Yukes since the days when I played imported japanese wrestling games on my PS1 and had to learn the menus by heart =)

The demo of this game was really good. Can't wait!

5613d ago Replies(1)
Tee7soo5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

WHY didn't they make svr 2009 graphic look like ufc 2009

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THQ has lost one of its best franchises. Heres a look back at UFC Undisputed!

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Darth Stewie4485d ago

I hope EA does not get the exclusive license renewal for Madden.

Dark_Overlord4485d ago

EA needs to be up in court on anti competitive charges, this being another in a long line of sh*t they pull. The worst though is the crap they pull with football, I mean making sure no one else can make a deal with the clubs is complete BS.

TrueGaming4485d ago

All I have to say is I called it & it is for the better, can't wait to play it !!!


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Yuriofwind5052d ago

I didn't think this would get approved xD.