
Did Sony Europe save Ghostbusters: The Video Game?

Gamezine: Some cried foul over SCEE gaining European publishing rights for Ghostbusters: The Video Game a mere month before its release, but recent events reveal something more telling.

Earlier this month Atari announced that they had passed European publishing rights for Ghostbusters: The Video Game over to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe; the deal ultimately ended up in an exclusive PlayStation deal.

The game, which had previously been announced for the Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS, would become a PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2 exclusive for most of 2009. Since the anticipated game was set for a late-June release, many cried foul over the deal, feeling that they had been cheated in the region.

Furthermore, many were worried that the deal didn't only cover Europe but would make it's way to the US. Atari put this rumour to rest, announcing that they would publish the game in the States, allowing it to be released for all announced platforms.

The question is, why did such an odd region-specific deal happen so late in the game?

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motogamer5614d ago

Sony didn't save the game, Sony made a wise move!

irish-leprecaun5614d ago

because they dont "buy" exclusives!!(aparently)

Beast_Master5614d ago

exact senerio last week. Read it and Weep!

techie5614d ago

where did u write this scenario ?

Naucious5614d ago

that was a wise move from sony, not only helping, but also benefiting from it...... cant be mad at 'em

techie5613d ago

I wonder how long until Namco Bandai manage to release the other platforms? I guess it'll be Christmas.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5613d ago
Christopher5614d ago

With the buy-out in place, Namco won't be able to get it published until a few months down the road. Sony stepping in keeps at least their platform games on the same release schedule.

So, instead of people complaining about Sony holding back the other titles, hopefully they can now see that they were only helping to get the game released on time in Europe at all rather than delaying everything the three months it will take Namco.

SpoonyRedMage5614d ago

Now I know that's bull becuase Square Enix's recent takeover of Eidos hasn't slowed down the release of Eidos games.

I think it's good they didn't completely restrict it.

Christopher5614d ago

SE took over all of Eidos, not just part of their publish market. That meant Eidos could continue to operate at full capacity in all regions with the expectation that SE would be accountable for those costs.

Not so with Atari, who would not want to incur more costs in Europe, since it wouldn't be recouped in the already designated deal.

SpoonyRedMage5614d ago

but the deal would go to Namco Bandai for publish in Europe right?

Because as I understand the regional bodies for firms are all separate entities that own the rights to the things published there so the rights would legally be transferred to the new owners.

Isn't that why it says copyright of the regional entity ?

That's the impression I got anyway, I know F* all about law.

Christopher5614d ago (Edited 5614d ago )

Rights to publish, but not the red tape required to get it published. It's essentially both the fault of Atari and Namco in that once Namco was set up to buy in the publication deals of the games in Europe, Atari stopped working on the publication requirements. So, now it's up to Namco, who won't really start with it until the documents are all signed and they're good to go.

This includes advertisement, shipping, regional rights, ratings, taxes, and a ton more for each region/country.

mastiffchild5614d ago (Edited 5614d ago )

I thought that this might have happened because of Atari having some problems with worldwide distribution(which it seems they really did)and on Sony's side as they don't want an IP they own being hurt esp at the time of the BR release.

It's also very true that the legal needs from nation to European nation make more work than most territories so this could have left either Atari or NB unable to release the game on ANY platform for an age.

Sony, it seems, have looked after their property and it means at least the game's out on PS3 when the BR drops-also takes pressure off NB in doing the deal and then publishing the other platforms while allowing Atari to get the other areas publishing done.

I feel for any 360/Wii gamers that live in the EU, want the game, are fans of GB and everything but I can't see any other rational explanation for what's gone on and noone would expect MS to publish a game for the PS3 would they? Jeez, I dunno if a Sony named game would even sell that well on the 360 anyway(and the other way round obviously)given the strengt of some folks feelings so can anyone really blame Sony here?

techie5613d ago

The point is they are in the middle of negotiating and Atari Europe is in a mess at the moment, and certainly can't afford to start publishing a video game across the many countries in the PAL region. Do you know how much that kind of thing costs? To an outlet which is in the middle of changing hands, it's just not possible.

So being able to pass it onto a company who can see a positive reason for spending all that money (exclusivity) it really was their only choice.

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techie5614d ago

hm interesting. either no gb in europe or let sony take all the costs with an exclusive deal to make it worth their while

deshon095614d ago (Edited 5614d ago )

because they dont "buy" exclusives!!(aparently

ha why would they need to pay for it they own it boob lol

and maybe they did save it for the pal territories as of now only the ps versions have a publisher
maybe that why the pushed backed all others version

Bathyj5614d ago

So its exactly what I said.
If Sony hadn't stepped in, NO ONE in Europe would be getting it.
Sony didn't neccessarily buy an exclusive, (although they might have, thats the point we dont, we're just assuming,) they're just handling their own console.

Why would they publish the other versions?

I dont see anyone complaining anyway, except a few haters that think they have a new bone to chew.


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