
Dammit Game of the Week: Castle Crashing the Beard

Samantha writes:

"They're not called Dammit games for no reason...

Something I've noticed about male gamers and programmers is that they all seem to think they need a beard. Well… It turns out that Tom Fulp, creator of Newgrounds.com and programmer for "The Behemoth" took it to an extreme when working on Castle Crashers. So much so that his colleagues noticed a correlation between the length of his beard and the loss of his sanity.

Hmm...maybe that explains some of the behavior of the guys here at GrE and The Portable Gamer. Anyway, some of the Newgrounds' people decided they needed to help Tom with his battle of the beard and thus our Dammit Game for this Week was born."

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CrAppleton5519d ago

DAMMIT! Another great game Sam.. looking forward to spending more time with it

Neco5125519d ago

this is an awesome game! agreed

CrAppleton5519d ago

I love castle crashers.. I didn't hear about this game before hand though

Neco5125519d ago

I've been playing it for some time now, awesome game

supercharger51505519d ago

It really seems like you're beating god or Jesus...

Spolodaface5519d ago

I remember this from a while back. Very difficult game this.

I hope you have time to cover Crush The Castle next week. Similar name, very different game. Most fun i've had with a flash title for a while though.



Crashing the Castle - An Exclusive Chat With The Behemoth

NAGF sit with development powerhouse The Behemoth, and dig up their extraordinary roots.

Owners Tom Fulp and Dan Paladin discuss the creation of Newgrounds.com, the surprise cult smash that was Alien Hominid and the troubles encountered when developing Castle Crashers.

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