Security Package for Gamers

Ever been playing your favourite PC game online only to find your virus scanner has kicked into action in the background?

Caxtus7506630d ago

now thats a good idea =D so long Norton, although im not sure if it will be as good at detecting lesser know threats. I wander how good the virus defintions will be?


Gears of War for Windows? No says Gamerscoreblog

Gamerscoreblog , a blog run by members of Microsoft's Games Global Marketing team, hopes to put the GoW for PC rumors to rest.

From the blog:

"Yes, Microsoft provided the image that is published in the Games for Windows cover story in the Holiday issue of PC Gamer magazine.
Yes, this image contains what looks to be box shots of Gears of War with the Games for Windows branding bar on the box art.

NO, this is not a confirmation, leak, tease, or sly viral attempt to announce, confirm, or admit that Gears of War will be published for Windows.

Here's what happened: These images were created using draft templates for the Games for Windows box art and a variety of Microsoft Game Studios cover images. Gears of War was accidentally included by the artist as one of the MGS titles used as examples to show what our retail setup would look like. This DOES NOT indicate a confirmation that Gears of Wars will be a Games for Windows title -- it was a concept image created by a concept artist, nothing more. In fact, if you look closely you'll also see that Age of Empires III and Rise of Legends are also branded Games for Windows, and this is not actually the case (Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs is a Games for Windows branded game, but not the original Age III).

We created this image around the E3 timeframe when we were first preparing to announce and show our Games for Windows retail efforts. Shortly after the insanity that is E3, we noticed the box art, and the image was supposed to be removed from circulation. When we provided the package of art assets to PC Gamer for their cover story, we zipped up a directory of our already-public E3 assets as well as more current images (many of which PC Gamer did not use). Unfortunately, we didn't realize that this image was in that directory, and it just happens to be the one that PC Gamer figured prominently in their story. Our bad.

We're incredibly excited about the success of Gears of War on Xbox 360, but we have nothing further to announce about Gears of War, or any other platforms it might come to, at this time.

Now stop rumor-mongering and get out there and start fragging some Locust!"

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THWIP6456d ago

"NO, this is not a confirmation, leak, tease, or sly viral attempt to announce, confirm, or admit that Gears of War will be published for Windows."

Fact is, Gears IS COMING to the PC....MS just doesn't want that known while the 360 version is selling so well.

Rooted_Dust6456d ago

They are not saying that it won't come to windows. They are just confirming that they are not confirming GOW for windows.

devv056456d ago

Maybe it will, after 2 years or so.. Like the first Halo, which still sucked on PC. You may as well call it an exclusive then...

Rooted_Dust6456d ago (Edited 6456d ago )

The only reason it sucked was because of lazy ass Gearbox developers.

shotty6456d ago

It will come with a year or two delay. Microsoft has created a new studio whos job is it only to port xbox games to windows. They are currently working on Halo2Vista and im sure once that ships new year its onto Gears.

It shouldn't bother xbox 360 gamers because it means more console exclusives to xbox 360 and then later showing up on pc, versus showing up on xbox 360 and other consoles.

PS360PCROCKS6456d ago

lol its coming to pc and this article is funny "oh um um someone messed up someone put GOW as cover art and we forgot to remove it" oh yea ok ;) not to mention was the box art even known during E3

CyberSentinel6456d ago

Great Exclusive Titles, both first party AND third will be the nail in Pl@y$t@tions coffin.
And the only way Microsoft will TRULY win console dominance.

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Home Pro Racing Video Game Simulation System

Costco is selling a racing package that may be the ultimate gaming accessory, or may just be another toy for those with more dollars than sense.

ThaTeflonDon6475d ago

$4,499.99 / TV and Console Seperate ......hahah ..this is a joke ...right??

LiamFly6474d ago

Looked neat at first. But TV and console not included? Seems like I'd be paying for a fancy chair. Mind you, speakers and controllers are included. Not for the typical gamer, but should appeal to hardcore racers and people who spend their paychecks in arcades.


Dell's XPS 700 reviewed

Dell's flagship XPS 700 fuses Core 2 Duo processing and SLI gaming power in a package guaranteed to turn heads. But is the XPS branding worth the premium price?

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Marriot VP6476d ago

don't buy gaming machines until their DX10 with vista, or your gonna be ripped off.

heck, with dell's gaming machines your already being ripped off a lot.

kmis876476d ago

Totally agree on the "don't update until Vista hits."