
How Valkyria Chronicles made me a sobbing, emotional wreck

Destructoid writes:

"I am dumbfounded that there are people in this world that don't respect, let alone remotely understand, the dramatic power of videogames. I get that there are millions of people that can't understand a medium that they don't participate in, but if I ever approach someone to talk about how much a videogame changed my life, I expect a little more invested interest and less staring at me like I am talking about kicking puppies in the face.

Just recently, I received some pretty terrible family news. Now, I don't mean to bring up some personal family issues on a popular videogame Web site, but there is a point to all this. At the time of this news I was one mission away from finishing the outstanding Valkyria Chronicles for the PlayStation 3. (I assume most of you are like me in that playing videogames is a great way to distract your thoughts and take you away from the sometimes tough real world for a few hours.)"

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TheColbertinator5527d ago

Great article and I'm surprised it had so much emotional impact on someone.

WildArmed5527d ago

Im saving up to finally pick this game up, it deserves all its sales (or so i hear ) ;)

barom5527d ago

Surprised as well. Finished the game and LOVE it. But never really cared much for the story. There were like 4 really good cutscenes but apart from that the presentation was too laid back, the characters felt kinda lifeless. I can't really disagree with him if he really felt that way but I certainly was not as emotional. In fact I felt it was kinda weird at the end.

Why didn't anyone just shoot Maximillian and be done with it. And Faldio could've easily just thrown Maximillian off without killing himself, instead he decides to go suicide. Felt too forced and fake.

WildArmed5527d ago

omg I nearly read ur major spoiler >_>

I just read Maxilioon and shoot ... >_< thank god i dont know anything abot the story yet

- Ghost of Sparta -5527d ago

Surprised? Really?


Even heartless bastards like me cried when Isara died. She was my favorite character.

WildArmed5527d ago

Ghost.. you got me curious and I actually read ur spoiler.. i h8 u -.- lol
even i dont know who the hell she is

Obama5524d ago

How can anyone not care about the story? It has an outstanding story that is very emotional and powerful.

XxZxX5524d ago

ghost, isara has to die, this is how good story stop a love triangle. remmember FFVII, Aerith, cloud, tifa?

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766d ago
ZeekQuattro766d ago

Sega is great for relegating its characters to cameos in other games. Heaven forbid they announced Valkyria Chronicles 5 or remaster VC 2 & 3.