
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Will Have Dynamic Difficulty

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles will feature a dynamic difficulty system that will alter the game's difficulty according to how you play the game making it easier, or harder. If you're good at head shots, it'll make them a bit harder to pull off and so on. Of course, if you suck, it'll slacken it up for you.

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mpmaley5627d ago

Good to hear...but I would prefer the preset: easy, normal, hard, holy****ing god this is hard modes.

I plan to get Umbrella Chronicles soon for cheap and will get this eventually too...I hate that I love this franchise so much @.@

Maxned5627d ago

This sounds... interesting. It will be cool to see how hard this game gets.

bigjclassic5627d ago

this is good news as I find that this generations games are too easy and dumbed down for casuals on all consoles.

Rorkimaru5627d ago

The game scales it's difficulty meaning playing it will always feel the same. In Devil May Cry 3 the reason I loved the game was because it was so unforgiving that I had to get split second timing down. Now when I play it I do half jumps, quick dodges and feel truly pro at the game.

If the difficulty scales you will never feel yourself improve. It will always feel the same. This is a very "casual" move which is good for weaker gamers that just want to get through the game but if you want to develop skills and overcome challenges then it's very bad.

You cant accomplish something if the challenge takes pity on you as you try. Marathons don't get shorter if you get tired, mountains don't get less steep if your legs start to cramp, weights don't get lighter and so on. Why should games get easier? The game won't have a difficulty curve, It's going to be a straight line.

This is bad news for people looking forward to the game and an ominous sign for gaming in general

ChickeyCantor5627d ago (Edited 5627d ago )

" If the difficulty scales you will never feel yourself improve"

Actually if the game keeps up with how many ace shots you made, wouldn't that mean the difficulty goes up?

It works both ways, its not something terrible.


Seven Resident Evil Games You Might Have Missed

Numbered entries aside, there have been a whole host of other Resident Evil games, across multiple platforms. Here are some you might have missed.

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microgenius2065d ago

Code veronica
the most difficult RE ever

2pacalypsenow2065d ago

Hell yeah it is.

That tyrant on the plane bit is a pain.

ButchKween2065d ago

That was my 1st entry into the series and yes it's very hard but so rewarding. If you don't play it right you can't actually progress If you're low on ammo 4 boss fight on plane or final boss. or if u don't leave ammo for the 2nd character later in the game in item box. I found that out the hard way. Just FYI even though Claire's the main character you play Chris for the final boss fight you better make sure there's enough items for him in the Box or you are fu@#$d

2pacalypsenow2065d ago

Fun fact, Code Veronica is actually the sequel to 2 and RE3 is a spin-off

IRetrouk2065d ago

Originally yes, it was going to be a spin off with a different lead, they changed it to Jill to tie it into the series and made it a companion title to 2 instead, cv is a sequel to both lol


4 Ways to Help NOT Ruin the Resident Evil 2 Remake

"As a longtime fan of the franchise there are several improvements I would like to see, and after the success of Resident Evil 7 and Monster Hunter: World, Capcom seems to be making all the right decisions with their tentpole franchises. Hopefully, this will be no different." -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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Top five of the best PlayStation Move compatible light gun games for PS3

The top five of the best PlayStation Move compatible light gun games that have been released for the PlayStation 3.

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brianunfried3491d ago

House of the Dead 3 and 4 should be on the list. I still play Overkill on a regular basis, worth buying a move just for that game alone. The Cabela games that support move are fun too.

sypher3491d ago

Is Rambo, Move compatible? And there is also Child Of Light which is sort of a shooting game.

from the beach3491d ago

Rambo is indeed Move compatible. Child of EDEN is too - I've only got the Kinect version but it's the best Kinect game and probably the best Move game.

No idea how this site missed HOTD 4.. and it remains a great shame more of Sega's gun games from that era didn't make it across to PS3 via Move.

sypher3490d ago

Ah yeh sorry, meant Child Of Eden :p the mizuguchi game. Got the names mixed up lol

Ahmay3490d ago

i wish they also made light guns like the arcade ones. they r faster at aiming and more accurate..