
IGN: Players Wanted: Marvel vs. Capcom 3

As much as it hurts inside, gamers have been forced to write off the possibility of a new Marvel vs. Capcom game ever since Capcom lost the rights to Marvel's characters several years ago. All the recent rumors/talk of MVC 2 being ported to the 360 and PS3 within the next few months has only fueled IGN's want for MVC 3, and their need to make character wish-lists.

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Raoh5630d ago

LOL then buy marvel vs capcom 2 and show them how much you love the series..

pain777pas5630d ago

@RAOH Correct! This is definitely a test for a sequel or a easy cash grab cause they got mine.

Pixel_Addict5630d ago

Now they are complaining about this. You know what, maybe Capcom is working on Marvel vs Capcom 3 and just threw us a bone. How about f**ing waiting. What's the matter? Having a bazzillion upcoming releases to throw your money at not enough?!

I have feeling someone, who spends way too much time posting stories on this site, is upset that the PSN is getting an exclusive demo.

"Fans are clingy, complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concession you make. The moment you shut out their shrill, tremulous voices, the happier you will be for it." - Yahtzee (Zero Punctuation)

GEESE5630d ago

MVC is overrated. I couldn't give two sh1ts about mvc3.

dericb115630d ago

Why bash one game cause you want another one? Marvel Vs. came first and if they didn't the SNK games really would not have happen. And guess what the license for SNK didn't get taken away so you should complain to SNK and Capcom and leave Marvel alone.

Bnet3435630d ago

Everyone knows in MvC2, if you really are going to play competitively there are about 6 fighters to choose from. The game is unbalanced. Look at the MvC2 tournaments. Everyone uses the same fighters. I like MvC2, but CvS is an uderrated series that deserves a sequel as well.

DevilVergilX5629d ago (Edited 5629d ago )

Very true. But instead I would like SNK to make Garou Mark of the wolves 2 so bad, and for Capcom to maybe make 3rd strike(or 4th Strike lol) HD with a more balanced Chun Li... Also didn't one of the Capcom producer say that Capcom vs SNK 3 was possible? But man I love Marvel vs Capcom 2 its so fun! Strider/Doom/Sentinel for LIFE!

Transporter475630d ago

if they do MvC3 it would b sweet but i guess for now my money goes to MvC2 on PSN :)

Myst5630d ago (Edited 5630d ago )

Fans also wanted a Power stone 3...

Please :(...

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Every Marvel vs. Capcom Character, Together At Last

Artist Chris Cayco, who we’ve featured a few times before on Kotaku, grew up playing Marvel vs. Capcom (and Marvel vs. Street Fighter) games. His tribute to this, which took him over 175 hours, was to combine every single character to ever appear in Capcom’s crossover series in the one enormous image.

PurpHerbison1682d ago

Love art like this. Good stuff.

PhoenixUp1682d ago

Makes me despise Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite that much more

So much wasted potential


Every Capcom Vs. Game Ranked

As common as it is today, it is hard to believe that there was a time where gaming franchises crossing over was just a pipe dream. Capcom broke down the wall, but they took the combination of some of the most unlikely of franchises and made it the norm.

Whether it was a colossal successful partnership with Marvel Comics or a collaboration with rivals Namco and SNK, the “Vs.” series brought unforgettable experiences to the fighting genre.

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Skuletor1809d ago

They should make a collection of all of them, for this gen or the next

PhoenixUp1809d ago

The 90s was a time when videogame IP established themselves heavily to the point where a lot of major companies could start doing crossovers

MIDGETonSTILTS17476d ago

MvC3 did NOT have a larger roster than 2…


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