
Gamer Limit Review: Half Life 2: Episode 1

Gamer Limit writes: "Half Life 2, like the original Half Life that preceded it, did a lot to change the face of gaming as we know it. It made things like ragdoll physics absolutely mandatory for any game that deemed itself "cutting edge". It was arguably the first major release for the Steam content delivery service, which overcame several hurdles to become the success story it is today. Half Life 2 set new standards in how you tell a story through a game, and now Valve hopes to change things up in the gaming world once again, by releasing episodic add-ons to what some believe to be the best game of this decade.

Half Life: Episode 1 begins exactly where Half Life 2 ended, Alyx Vance is mysteriously rescued by Vortigaunts, and Gordon Freeman is even more mysteriously delivered from the clutches of the ever elusive G-Man. The protagonists find themselves outside the Citadel building of City 17; a structure which is in it's death throes. All of these story elements are revealed to the character from the perspective of Gordon. It is this type of story telling that the Half Life series has popularized, and it continues to work well; Valve has become a master of their art over the years, providing increasingly stunning set pieces and scripted elements that still feel spontaneous, even on repeated play-throughs."

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syvergy5532d ago

I liked it, but it just felt like more of the same.

SL1M DADDY5532d ago

HL2 that is. When they released the Episodic content though, it all started to feel dated. In the end, it is all a good combination of story telling and mechanics but they need to start looking into a HL3 and drop the episodic content IMHO.

PainisCupcake5532d ago

After EP3 comes out Valve are gonna ask the fans what they want, full games or episodic. Think I know which lol

DeadlyFire5532d ago

I want full games. Maybe an expansion pack or two after game is launch that would be okay. I think 3 episodes is a little bit of a stretch. I think they should of only made like 2 episodes with the content spread among them. 3rd one makes a bit of a stretch to get out there.

Fullish5532d ago

haha, nice and behind.
But props anyway.

Cloud-14095532d ago

Never really got into that series.

PainisCupcake5532d ago

This game came out nearly 3 years ago ffs!!! Not that the game wasn't superb is usual :)

chaserooniman5532d ago

I have yet to play through Half Life 2. After reading this and watching my brother play it...the game is quickly moving up my play list.

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Half-Life Soundtrack Finally Available for Streaming

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Half-Life 2 Mod Brings Next Gen Mobility

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LuzCB19871884d ago

Apex Legends set a high bar in fps mobility. I think new games are now required to have some good mobility options.


Half-Life 2 and Portal Writer Erik Wolpaw Returns to Valve

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FlyingFoxy1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

I wonder if this is related to the HL VR game, though since it's apparently been in development for a while i guess they wouldn't need him at this point? Unless they are making a HL game that's not VR related. Or a new L4D or something.

Who knows what's going on, many things have been said like a new L4D due for release and nearing completion etc etc.. and it hasn't really been accurate has it.

Relientk771987d ago

Portal 3 please

One can dream.

LKane1987d ago

Oh nice. Story for Artifact......

Phils_Libra1987d ago

Heartening news indeed. Perhaps with Steam getting more recent competition in the digital distribution space (Epic, Bethesda, etc.) and the failure of their Steam machines, Valve is hopefully turning their efforts into making action/adventure games again such as continuing Half-Life and Portal.