
Digital Battle: Trivial Pursuit Review – I Think EA Needs To Get Out More

DB writes: "The partnership between EA and Hasbro, probably instituted for the sake of grabbing as much green out of our wallet as possible before the world collapses in on itself, continues unabated with the recent release of Trivial Pursuit, now currently released for Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and PC."

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Risk and Trivial Pursuit Coming to Switch

Looks like the existence of Risk and Trivial Pursuit from Ubisoft for the Switch has been leaked.

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Psychosious2293d ago

Oh snap." Nintendo gonna blow the doors off this e3... rofl

jgilbert112293d ago

This is the e3 news I've been waiting for


Top 7 Easiest Games to PLATINUM in less than 7 hours each

Video games have become one of the best forms of Entertainment that provide constant doses of Enjoyment as well as being a new platform to attain insane levels of involvement and grinding just for Bragging rights and a sence of humongous achievement.

How cool would it be if one were to attain the prestigious Platinum trophy under 7 hours with these following PS3 games. Join us as we breakdown 7 of the easiest games to attain instant glory.

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geniusgamerdoc4566d ago

For me, Hannah Montana and Terminator Salvation PLATINUMS were absolute Cakewalks.

turokgames4566d ago

For me...wait what? Those games exist? o.o

sikbeta4566d ago


Tell me you get them for free, god damn you if money was spent on those pos games! haha

Highlife4566d ago

wouldn't play them even if they were free. I don't have time to waste playing crap games and chasing trophies.

SilentNegotiator4566d ago


ZOMG Don' tell me how to speend my moniez!!

F7U124566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )


*looks at Miley pic*


*looks at Miley pic*


oh I see what you did there.

badz1494566d ago

and I don't even have any of them! wanted to try PoP 2008 though but I hate how they changed it too much from the PoP I liked!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4566d ago
Captain Qwark 94566d ago

i understand some peeps are addicted to getting acheivements but unless your an 8 year old girl, why did you play hannah?

sorceror1714566d ago

Exactly. I played T:S because I'm a Terminator geek. You will never see a "Hannah Montana" trophy in my list, though.

hay4566d ago

"Show me your platinums and I'll tell you who you are."

enfestid4566d ago

Because he wanted to party in the U.S.A.?

Legion4566d ago

I have a copy of Hanna Montana and many other kids games because I have kids and they enjoy those titles.

A few titles I have actually put into my Xbox and played around with.

Funny that people harp so much on cheesy games and yet they still play Sonic, Mario, Pokeman and other childish titles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4566d ago
guitarded774566d ago

I did the Terminator Salvation platinum, and it was actually the most difficult of my platinums because the game sucked so bad. It would glitch out and freeze, cheap deaths galore and when you died you had to wait through that stupid load screen for a long time. Horrid game.

OMEGAZONE4566d ago

If i got the Hannah Montana game just to get the platinum i don't think i would ever sleep well again. Just the thought of it makes me feel cheap and dirty. Ugh.

Dee_914566d ago

prison break was pretty easy to plat

4566d ago
Omnislash4566d ago

lol you platinumed Hannah Montana? I hope youre a 15 year old girl because if youre not you gotta turn in your man card ASAP!

Slapshot824566d ago

If the writer actually did his research, he would've known that there are far easier game's to Platinum than these. Cabela's Adventure Camp can be acquired in around 2 hours and is EXTREMELY easy. Heavy Fire Afghanistan can be acquired in around 4-5 hours and takes hardly no effort if you've got a Move controller handy.

Cabela's Adventure Camp is the EASIEST game on the PS3 to Platinum by far!

4565d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4565d ago
Ranma14566d ago

Call of Duty seems like a short and sh**tty game, shouldnt that be easy to platinum?

Dark_Overlord4566d ago

With the godlike aiming of every enemy in the game, grenade spam (WAW) and infinite enemies, they take a bit longer, and all thanks to these cheap tricks to make them harder. Without these things COD would easily be less than 7 hours to plat

geniusgamerdoc4566d ago


Very well put. Totally agree with you.
Couldn't have said it better.

gamingdroid4566d ago

The Mile High Club achievement was d@mn hard, but there were only achievements for the Xbox 360. No trophies for the PS3 version as it hadn't quite made it's way to PSN platform yet.

In MW2, the spec-ops mission with the juggernauts was d@mn hard as well. I would hardly call it easy.... Games in general use cheap tricks to make it harder is my experience.

M_Prime4566d ago

i'm actually pretty close to platinum on all MODERN WARFARE games. I just have to do the stupid INTEL finding stuff. I played all 3 on the hardest difficulty, so far MW1 was the hardest, just because of the NO FIGHTING IN THE WARROOM mission!

WAW i tried on insane and gave up because the enemy was too cheap, grenade spam and aim through the grass. I gave up after the trenches level

badz1494566d ago

doesn't have trophies, right?

M_Prime4565d ago

well on the xbox there are ACHIEVEMENTS.. i know its a PS3 thread but trophies and achievements are one and the same to me

Hellsvacancy4566d ago (Edited 4566d ago )

Trine 2, really disappointing trophy list, 12 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Platinum, there isnt even a trophy to complete the game, i havnt actually got it yet, but if your a trophy-aholic then im sure you can do it in 3-4 hours

TopDudeMan4566d ago

I'm playing this right now. I'll have to check that out for an easy plat.

KwietStorm_BLM4566d ago

When I played it for the first time, I didn't even look at the trophy list. When I finally did, I was already like 40% done. I couldn't believe how much they skimped on the list, compared to the first one. Like you said, you can platinum the game without even completing it. I don't know of any other game off the top of my head that offers that.

Dark_Overlord4566d ago

My friend keeps threatening to put the Hannah Montana game in and sync it to my account, if she does I won't be speaking to her for a long time lol :D

M_Prime4566d ago

i dunno about the PS3, but on the XBOX you can delete any game off your profile as long as no achievements were earned. thats how i removed the abomination i call NBA 2K7

badz1494566d ago

there's no way to it on PS3 just yet though but I sure hope Sony could put it in later. i have several 0% games where I just ran them to see how they look but they still appear on my PSN ID. and then there's this Band Hero game which I don't even own synced accidentally to my account when I tried the new PS3 I just bought at the store and that was the game he put in to test it! damn...should've made a new user instead but too late now! :-(

lashes2ashes4566d ago

Funny the website sayes that the prince of Persia reboot doesn't make you collect lots of stuped items to get trophys. I could have sworn you have to collect a bunch of light orbs

Muitnorts4566d ago

Yeah that one's just a lie. You have to collect 1001 light seeds to get the platinum.
Still a really easy one to get though.

Knushwood Butt4566d ago


' It doesn’t have that Collectibles-chore aspect to it like Infamous(BLast Shards) and Assassin’s Creed(Feathers). The Light Seeds are a breeze to collect and are not as gruelling as the collectibles in the aforementioned games. '.


MySwordIsHeavenly4566d ago

I disagree, respectfully. The blast shards weren't that grueling. They were fun...because inFamous was fun. Prince of Persia is fun, but it gets SOOOOOOO repetitive.

KROBOS93939394566d ago

Yeah... no.
"blast shards weren't that grueling. They were fun"
it was the most boring repetitive thing i've ever had to do, it was too much work with no indication of how much you've collected in any region, it was very badly designed where you were always missing a piece or two that you will never find.

i love inFamous but you're just blinded with fanboyism

Chaostar4565d ago


How is enjoying a game and having fun with it fanboyism?

His opinion is just as valid as your own, don't be so quick to drop the f word, no not THAT f word :)

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NZGamer: Trivial Pursuit Review

NZGamer: Ah, Trivial Pursuit. Many a happy hour has been frittered away around the table with family or friends, pulling your hair out, and exclaiming over how your questions are so much harder than those of your friend Jamie, who seems to know EVERYTHING, and always gets the easiest questions anyway.