
RROD. How Did Microsoft Overcome this Debacle?

If you're a veteran gamer, then you're probably familiar with faulty hardware. Whether it was the NES, which required constant blowing of the cartridge. The original Playstation, which often demanded gamers to flip it upside down in order to read the disc. Or maybe your first experience with shoddy hardware was the PS2's disc read error. Whatever the case may be, we as gamers have much experience with crappy hardware. The ironic thing about this is the fact that each of the aforementioned consoles, no matter how defective they were, went on to become the most successful platforms in their respective generations. The one thing these consoles had in common was the fact that there was no substitute for the fun factor these consoles provided when they were up and running. So how in the hell did the 360 survive with a 33% failure rate and the PS3 breathing down its neck?

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naeroled5504d ago

dunno, maybe they are just smart

GWAVE5504d ago

Microsoft overcame the RRoD? Last time I checked, they are still suffering for it, still being sued for it, still shelling out cash for it, and still losing credibility for it.

INehalemEXI5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

my 360 went RRoD yesterday morning... MS will have a hard time convincing me to pick up a 720 cause I had 2 that scratched disc's and the final went RRoD.


last couple times I had to send it in no one believed , this time its on youtube ....still there will be disagree's regardless lol I know. This time If they try to charge me for repair I will attempt to just fix it myself and sell or trade it.

ultimolu5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

Demon, I guess nobody believed you. :x

...Idk...did MS actually overcome the RROD? That's news to me because until this day I'm still scared of buying a 360.

Oh, it's amusing to watch people disagree.

Trollimite5504d ago

and let the fans do the best they could to fix it themselves. lucky for them fanboys were on the rise at the time, all they had to do was sit back and watch.

personally i wish i could have there PR department help me in my every day life.

i would get away with evey thing.

menoyou5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

$ (this is how they overcame recall of the faulty product, and such)

but if youre asking how they overcame the RRoD (how they fixed it)... they still havnt. the GPU is defective. theyve added bandaids like better cooling and a better motherboard but the GPU is still defective and able to RRoD

I did not murder him5504d ago

Lashing out in here trolling won't help Sony get out of third place.

Demand is the reason MS overcame RROD nothing more nothing less.

cereal_killa5504d ago

GWAVE So true M$ really screwed the pooch on this one, seems like everything the do lately is rush it out to make the cash. Like I said before if they just waited 6 more months and fixed this problem they would be in a much better state in terms of reliability

IDemonstalkerXI that sucks mine went on me last year called M$ they we happy to fix it, I'm actually scared to play it for long periods because of this.

Bnet3435504d ago

They didn't. I just shipped my 3rd 360 to UPS this morning. How ironic ...

INehalemEXI5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

I should start selling womens T-shirt's that say RRoD happens. Recoup my losses. Some "men" would not mind sporting one too im sure.

sorry to hear that Kigmal

ultimolu5504d ago

Lol @ Demon.

I'll buy one. xDDDD

Bnet3435504d ago

lol Demonstalker. Pretty much the entire N4G community said sorry to me for my 360's death, it's like wtf ... it's cool. I'm getting a free replacement so it's w/e. I rode my bike to the UPS store with that fool on my back. Gah ... the pain T_T

XLiveGamer5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

"my 360 went RRoD yesterday morning... MS will have a hard time convincing me to pick up a 720 cause I had 2 that scratched disc's and the final went RRoD"

"They didn't. I just shipped my 3rd 360 to UPS this morning. How ironic"


My brothers PS3 just stopped reading "PS3 Blu Ray Disc" games, yup true story and he is really pizz.

INehalemEXI5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

That sucks my PS3 never has had a problem luckily nor my wii.

The way MS overcame RRoD was known a long time ago though.

It was the mighty Towel ... http://www.youtube.com/watc...


^^^ picture's of my setup just so you have no doubts that the RRoD above is legit. bias aside, seriously, ...no joke. How you get mad at people for being bias towards sh!t that works is funny though.

Ausbo5504d ago

everyday it seems like people's xboxs are rroding. Especially on this site. I love how known ps3 fanboys pretend they have a 360 just to say that it rrod'd.

But seriously it is a problem and next generation better be flawless hardware.

cereal_killa5504d ago

Ausbo did you ever think that people can own both systems not everyone is a fanboy here just fans of playing games.

mephixto5504d ago

RROD. How Did Microsoft Overcome this Debacle?

Easy, E74

Proxy5504d ago

They breathed a sigh of relief and said "We're sure glad our customers are happy with the crap were selling them."

ZyKlOn5504d ago

RE5 360 RROD in only 4 Days!

soxfan20055504d ago

It's about the games - plain and simple. If people enjoy 360 games more than PS3 games - which, obviously, millions do - they will tolerate the inconveniences of possibly defective hardware or potential failure. Just like gamers tolerated the NES, PS1, and PS2. If the most reliable hardware always came out on top, Master System would have beaten NES, Saturn or N64 would have beaten PS1, and Xbox would have beaten PS2. But, as we all know, gamers didn't abandon any of those generation-leading consoles, and they won't abandon 360 as long as it plays the games they enjoy.

thesummerofgeorge5504d ago

They didn't overcome it.... They slapped some ducked tape on it n swept it under the carpet.

ShabzS5504d ago

the guy explains/speculates how ms is still seliing so many consoles even with the rrod errors... with so many hardware faliures its a valid question.. how is microsoft selling a frankly ''unfinished console'' so well... and he brings up some valid point.. a year head start from the ps3, nintendos decision to head in another direction this gen... but more importantly the 3 year waranty...

ms loses bilions because of that warranty.... and they bloody well should coz they brought it on them selves... as gamers all we can hope for is that they have learned their lesson and have smartened up for the next gen

r sizle5503d ago

I know I will probably get a ton of disagrees for posting this but it is the truth... A couple of months ago I was working at Gamestop, repeatedly organizing walls that were in perfect order before the little terrors from who knows where had the chance to screw them all up. Now, Im going to go out on a limb here and say that the 360 has had the amount of success it had is because of the sheer AMOUNT of games... I was working in 3 different gamestops in the area at the time and in each one the new and used section for the PS3 that was about 10 feet wide by 8 feet tall, and when this was compared to the 360 section it was always more than double the size, and definitely more than 3 times the size at one of the stores. Now while I was working there I didn't feel that I could recommend the PS3 at that time because of this, seeing as MOST of the 360s manufactured now are cured of the RRoD. (This you can argue with until you are blue in the face but with a failure percentage as low as it is now, it would just be your own ignorance taking over.) Now whenever somebody asked me about console choice, I would simply walk with them to the wall and show them what both consoles have to offer. Now I'm going to say that 85 percent of people that came in just looking to get a game system without having there mind set on what console they wanted went with the 360 when they made their purchase. Now most of the time it was because of the game selection offered by the 360 trumped the PS3's. Now I'm not bringing quality of games or systems into the article, I'm just serving up my opinion that the 360 has done so well because of the game selection, not the quality of the games, but the sheer amount of them. I wanted this article to be Unbiased as possible... I'm no fanboy, I own all 3 consoles, love em all... well maybe not the wii but!

babyhand5503d ago

I play my PS3 99% of the time. Well I turned on my 360 4-16-2009 and received my SECOND RROD. I could not Believe it. My wife could not believe it. I told her this is why after the first RROD I stopped investing in the xbox. I do not have one friend that has not had the RROD problem at least one time. That would be about 6 people. I hope the next one will be a newer model. Great system with great games but not reliable at all. I don't understand how it breaks when it is barely played.!!!!???

rambi805503d ago (Edited 5503d ago )

piracy buys a lot of console forgiveness.

The live community also has a lot to do with the console loyalty too.

Mine went down a over year ago. Fixed it myself. No problems since.

edgeofblade5503d ago

How did Microsoft survive the RRoD? They paid one BILLION dollars to replace every single 360 that RRoDed. That's how.

I suppose you guys are part of this mob that wants Microsoft to "pay" for their mistake... to recieve "justice". $1,000,000,000 says they already did. Now, you can throw a scorned consumer fit... or you can call up Microsoft, get a coffin, and get on with your life.

Honestly, if you still want to whine and b*tch that Microsoft throwing more money at you to keep you playing, send ME your fixed 360 and I'll find a home for it, because.... ya know.... gift horse and all that.

pain777pas5503d ago

They have broken system and no first party development just deep pockets and braggers at the helm spewing Bullsh#t. I am sick of the 360 because it broke down on me and there exclusive games that were great were or may be not exclusive anymore. 360 was good in 2005-2007 now its just Bullsh@t.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5503d ago
I did not murder him5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

No one cared about the PS3 during the time RROD first blew up. People wanted the 360s new IP's and online offerings and could care less about PS3. They wanted the 360 for what it offered period. I would say the same thing about Playstation fans jumping ship because of PS2 hardware issues because they wanted what PS2 offered and nothing else mattered. Claiming there is still major issues with new consoles is simply fanboyism.

dktxx25504d ago

you need to fix that first sentence.

I did not murder him5504d ago

No one cared about the PS3 during the time RROD first blew up. People wanted the 360s new IP's and online offerings and could care less about PS3.

Hope you understand what I'm saying this time.

navyguy215504d ago

people will deal with hardware issues if said console has the GAMES that they wanna play, i know i had issues with my PS2 and DRE, but it had all the games. Its the same this gen with the 360, AT THE TIME (not so anymore) 360 had the best games, so people dealt with it (2005-2007) but if they didnt resolve the issue, then it wouldnt be that way now because PS3 has the better line up now, so people wont tolerate it anymore lol. Hey MS, better fix the E74 before the media catches on lol, you dont have games on your side this year ;)

dktxx25504d ago

why the hell did i get so many disagrees? all i said was he needed to correct his sentence?

GameGambits5503d ago

It's about the games? No it's about the price. Consumers either A) don't know about RROD at all or B) believe they will be one of the lucky ones to never experience it.

It has 1% to do with the 360's game line up which exclusive wise consists of Gears and Halo---neither of which are the best multiplayer experience someone could be having right now online. COD4, COD WaW, Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2, Battlefield Bad Company, and that's all just multiplatform games worth your time more than those two.

PS3's 3rd place has nothing to do with what is in it or its game line up, but the price. That's it. Every single 360 fanboy on here would gladly take a free PS3 to play games like Killzone 2, Resistance 1, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, and Valkyria Chronicles.

Less we mention that the PS3's 2009 line up = win for gamers all around. The 360s RROD debacle is limited to knowledgeable gamers and the people they spread it to. Not like Microsoft will help consumers know on the 360 box in nice letters:Warning has 33% failure rate.

I'm glad my 360 hasn't RROD yet to be honest. I play a solid amount of COD4 on it, and the one exclusive title I am eagerly awaiting for 360 will be Mass Effect 2 since my PC can't run it. My 360's main purpose these days is party chat with buddies while I play my PS3 games.

If/when PS3 drops the price this console war BS fiasco will be over and done with. I'm glad I own all 3 systems really, but each console has served a different purpose for me.

My Wii was to play Zelda and future Zeldas. My 360 was for easy voice communication with friends. My PS3 was for a big library of top notch games.

At the end of the day when you buy a GAMING console which one of those 3 sounds right for you?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5503d ago
naeroled5504d ago

didn't really understand it either

Spike475504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

I don't think they have overcome it, some consumers think its just part of a gaming system, some consumers don't even know about something called a "PS3" because of Sony's lack of marketing skill and the annoying media.

in other words, some kids think it is normal for a console to have these problems, and it's not. My PS2 is still alive, dusty, but still kicking perfectly.

I did not murder him5504d ago (Edited 5504d ago )

I fixed it thanks.

I'v seen a few poor excuses in your comment and figured it doesn't make sense and no one else should read it, its nonsense.

The sad thing is my comment was rushed with typo's and yours is simply pathetic. PS3 doesn't sell because no one wants it and the people buying it are fanboys, videophiles/audiophiles with a small mix of gamers and movie watchers buying it.
This is the reason the only games that sell well are games that have been associated with the Playstation brand for 5 to 10 years.

If the Wii had some sort of hardware issue the majority of Wii fans will not go out and buy the 360 and PS3 instead, because they love the Wiis offerings.

Unicron5504d ago

Nevermind, too easy. I see Murder is the newest resident fanboy.

ultimolu5504d ago

Unicron, he's a fun one...I tell ya.

This guy's amazing.

SoulBrotha32925504d ago

What cant M$/ Xbox360 do??? DONT CALL IT A COME BACK!!!

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anast3d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk2d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast2d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk2d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac2d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk2d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.