
PSX Extreme: Rag Doll Kung-Fu: Fists of Plastic Review

PSX Extreme writes: "We've already seen some uber-fun PSN titles, and that includes everything from the stellar quality of Wipeout HD and echochrome to the silly yet seemingly ceaseless entertainment offered by the likes of Magic Ball and Burn Zombie Burn!. We really couldn't be happier with the full downloadable games we've seen over the past year – how awesome was Flower? – which is why we were excited to give Rag Doll Kung-Fu: Fists of Plastic a try. Unfortunately, after spending a full afternoon with the game and learning of its inherent downfalls, we have come to the conclusion that while it might be worth a look, there are better options currently on the PlayStation Network. The problem doesn't necessarily center on the concept, but in this case, on the implementation. The controls are iffy, the fun factor suffers due to a general lack of direction that leaves us feeling unsatisfied, and we just found ourselves losing interest after a mere hour of gameplay. This isn't exactly what we were looking for, although we do applaud this title's originality."

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Looking Back: Rag Doll Kung Fu

Rather than look at the biggest, baddest, or worst fighter of all time, Peter Martin takes a moment to appreciate the one that left the most unique impression for him. AUTOMATON's Fight Week continues with a look back at Rag Doll Kung Fu.

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PlayStation Store: Karate Kid Week Discounts End Today

Celebrating the release of the motion-picture, gamers who visit PlayStation Home on the PlayStation 3 can pick up exclusive free martial arts themed avatars. Further to this, each of the below titles is available at a discounted price for the rest of today...

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Cots15062d ago

I cant make out if it is a costume or in fact a playstation avator

meetajhu5062d ago

What does Cristina from Tekken got to do with Karate Kid.

kevco335062d ago

Read the article! Tekken 5 is one of the discounted games!