
IGN: Gaplus Review

IGN writes: "It makes a certain amount of sense why Gaplus would be selected over its more popular predecessor as one of the four launch titles for the Virtual Console Arcade, since Galaga itself's already available in the Wii Shop through its NES edition. But don't make the mistake of thinking this sequel offers an improved experience -- Gaplus is one of those games that messed too much with a good thing, trying to fix a design that wasn't broken in the first place. Don't waste your Wii Points on it. Invest in that NES port of Galaga instead, or the legitimately improved follow-up Galaga '90, which is also available courtesy of the VC's TurboGrafx catalog".


What's Your Favorite Virtual Console Game?

If you could only have one Virtual Console title, which would it be?


9 Best Games of the Year...1984

Invisible Gamer counts down the nine best games of the year...1984.

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Phoenix763551d ago

Elite should of been number 1 game of that year. As it changed gaming scene forever


Eurogamer: Virtual Console Roundup Review

Eurogamer writes: "At a rough estimate, I'd say it's been about 84 days since we last looked at the Virtual Console in any detail, which means it's high time to rummage in the old games jumble sale and see what's new.

Arcade games, for one thing, with the long overdue addition of Virtual Console Arcade, but with a 500-Point price-tag per game it doesn't seem likely that this will grow into an official alternative to MAME any time soon. At a guess, and based on the initial line-up, I'd expect lots of cheap oldies from the dawn of gaming, but won't hold my breath for any sprite-busting favourites from the late eighties and beyond."

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